Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: January 20, 2010
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus
I interviewed with a member of the Adcom and it was pretty straightforward. I was told by the interviewer directly that the only information he had on me was my resume (blind interview): Walk me through your resume Why MBA / why UNC Talk me through your collegiate experience If I left my current job today, greatest legacy from my work Short and long-term goals career-wise The interview was about 40 minutes long and the team at the Adcom office was very nice. The interview had a very conversational feel. Hopefully he thought it went as well as I thought
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Published: January 20, 2010
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Phone interview / Second year student
Phone Interview, however have visited before for a recruitment weekend; Beautiful, new building and they really do a great job of selling the school to prospectives. Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your role on a team. Tell me about a time when you had a professional failure and what did you learn from it. Tell me about a time when you received negative feedback from a supervisor and how did you respond. Tell me how you dealt with a team member who was under-performing. What 3 adjectives would your friends use to describe you and why. The interview
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Published: January 20, 2010
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-campus / Alumna
My interview was with an alum who is actually working in the field I’d like to be in after graduation (automotive marketing). I expected it to be pretty informal (she pretty much told me to dress casually – not business-casual, just…casual, so I showed up wearing nice jeans and a sweatshirt), but it seemed like she’s had quite a bit of experience with these and had a list of prepared questions (and a manila envelope with them) which were mostly HR-type stuff: resume walk-through, strengths, weaknesses, tough situations at work, leadership experience, extracurricular activities, why Ross, why marketing. She threw
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Published: January 19, 2010
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-campus / Adcom
The admissions committee member was very warm and friendly and really didn’t press me too hard on the questions. For various reasons, hadn’t really had any time to prepare in advance so I was pretty much walking in cold. I am also not the type of person who performs well on the fly. She started off explaining the application process and timing and then the interview format. Here are the questions she asked: do you have your transcript? how do you have time for all the things that you do (referencing my resume); basically a question on my extracurriculars tell
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Published: January 18, 2010
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-campus / Adcom / Accepted!
I was notified three weeks before my interview date of two possible days to interview. I registered on the interview time slots portal, which had about 17 interview slots. I was lucky to get a slot which would allow me to travel to the interview location comfortably the same day. Preparation Reading the forums for MIT Sloan interview questions, I got a pretty good idea of what sort of questions I needed to prepare. I rummaged my brain for interesting stories from the past year, making sure to think about situations which I had not described in my essays. I
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Published: January 18, 2010
Berkeley / Haas MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
I was invited to interview with Haas in January 2010, around 3 weeks before the R1 deadline. After being contacted by the school I chose my location (Austin, TX) and was paired with an alumni in the area. The Haas alumni from the very beginning was very friendly and engaged (more so than other MBA interviews I have had so far) and asked me what questions I might have about the program so he could research them beforehand. He then followed up with some information about several companies started by Haas alumni that I might be interested in. We agreed
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Published: January 14, 2010
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
The interview questions are quite straight forward. Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? Detail questions about every corner of my resume You have to be familiar with everything on your resume even your job at five years ago. Go to detail and prepare examples to support. The alumnus is very nice and did great job of Kellogg brand marketing. It was a very nice conversation.
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Published: January 13, 2010
Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom via Skype / Off-campus
Was offered to interview via Skype with admissions committee member–I had already visited the (BEAUTIFUL!) campus, so this was very convenient. It was suggested to dress professionally, which I did, but the interview itself was very laid-back. This was a blind interview–the admissions rep had not seen my application. Questions asked: describe your workday/job function. short/long term goals? how does your work experience factor in to your post-MBA goals? any international experience? leadership experience–what is your leadership style? additional questions? I had a very positive impression after the interview. A friend of mine is a current student and works in
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Published: January 12, 2010
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alum / Off-campus
Overall a very relaxed interview experience. It was off campus and the alum and I scheduled the interview during the week at the alums office. Alum started off telling me about the role of the interview and asked if I had any questions. I asked about alums background and then alum asked about mine. I talked about this for about 5 minutes. Alum asked fairly expected questions including: Tell me about a team experience and a challenge you have faced Why MBA? Why Kellogg? What are your career goals? Which clubs will you get involved in? Then I asked a
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Published: January 12, 2010
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Hub office Off-campus / Adcom
The interview covered pretty much my entire life in the 30 mins. My adcom interviewer grilled me on details of every experience she asked me to talk about. We spoke at length on an internship experience more than three years ago – this surprised me. My interviewer was also very interested about my college experience in the US. I had based a few essays on this, so she wanted me to support that I think. We spent a few minutes talking about my career vision and I was able to reinforce what I had already written about in the application.
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Published: January 11, 2010
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd Year Student / On-campus
I applied in Round 1 and interviewed on campus in mid-November with a 2nd year student. The whole process was pretty friendly and relaxed. While waiting in the admissions office for my interview students would come in and just sit and talk with us, to answer any of our questions and put us at ease. It was a nice touch. Questions I was asked: Walk me through your resume. Why MBA? Why now? Why Chicago Booth? What will you contribute at Chicago Booth? How will you engage the city of Chicago? (I was a little confused by this one, my
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Published: January 6, 2010
Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second Year Student with Adcom present / On-campus
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, not gloom of night shall keep me from my appointed interviews! Borrowing that from the USPS, I figured that was a pretty good recap of my weekend. Friday night, Danielle and I had dinner with friends and we didn’t get back until pretty late. We slept in until about 9ish on Saturday, which was a welcome relief from the stresses of the past week. The original plan was to drive up to Ithaca on Sunday and stay at the Statler hotel, which is a hotel on Cornell’s campus that is student run. The only
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Published: January 5, 2010
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / On-campus / Second Year Student
The style of the interview was pretty laid back as I had heard from Tuck students and alums that I had spoken to. The interviewer introduced herself and we chatted a bit about my day at Tuck. She happened to be from New York as well and was pursuing Entrepreneurship, which was my focus as well. We also talked briefly about my campus visit. Walk me through your resume (she hadn’t seen it before hand) What are your goals? Why do you need an MBA? Why Tuck? (I could tell she liked the research I had done). Why did you
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Published: January 3, 2010
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
Originally shared by DreamChaser I selected to do the interview on campus during the Kellogg Preview Weekend (which btw, is an awesome event that you should check out, see my post on KPW). I wasn’t sure if I was gonna interview with a student or an Adcom. But it looks like on Saturday you interview with student (I am not 100% sure about whether you always interview with Adcom during the week days though). I ended up in one female Adcom’s office for the interview. She was very friendly and that relaxed me a little bit because
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Published: January 3, 2010
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
The visit was well organized and the atmosphere was welcoming. The woman who greeted all of the prospective students was helpful and warm. I was able to attend two classes. The Director of Admissions took time to speak to the group in an informal, open setting. Apparently all of the interviews that day were supposed to be conducted by second years but were conducted by adcom instead as the second years had the flu. The first question was “What did you do for fun in high school?” It would have taken me quite off-guard if some fellow interviewees had not
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Published: December 31, 2009
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
My UNC-KF interview was a blind interview with an alumnus in Mumbai on December 12, 2009. I was given an option to choose my interview date and location. The interview was on a weekend at a coffee shop. The alumnus was a little more casual than I expected and so I kind of felt a little over dressed, even when I was not wearing a full suit but only business formals with a tie. There were no questions related to my professional background stated in my resume. He started with asking about my personal background and some questions on my
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Published: December 20, 2009
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / Off-campus / Alumni
My interview was conducted at Duke’s offices in Fleet Street, London. I was told by admissions to show up at 7:30am for registration and an alumni reception. Unfortunately, no Duke staff/alums arrived until approx. 9am so I and the other applicants had to wait outside the main entrance for 1.5hrs. Apparently, the interviewers were instructed by admissions to arrive at 9am. Approx. a week after my interview I received an apology (read: letter) and gift from admissions (a Fuqua paper clip) for the mishap. Apart from this glitch I thought the atmosphere was enjoyable once we arrived in the office.
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Published: December 13, 2009
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus / Accepted!
Adcom seemed experienced and probed at all the right points. Walk me through your resume – with highlights of each. She checked that everything I spoke about was from the resume; asked a couple of follow up questions. What are your career goals? Drilled down into my long term career goal; not sure if this was to catch me off guard or to really understand my goals. Why do you want an MBA? Why Kellogg? What would your teammates say about you? What kind of a leader are you? Discuss a failure in a team context What is a weakness
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Published: December 10, 2009
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Adcom
My interview was on campus. We started on time and after a little small talk about the weather and her intro blurb, we started with the lead-off question, “Describe your career progression, and talk about the most important things you learned about yourself along the way”. Then a lot of questions regarding my current full-time job: Why did you choose to join this company? What was different about your previous job compared to this one? What was the most surprising aspect about this company when you first joined? What has been your greatest challenge since joining? Tell me about a
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Published: December 7, 2009
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus / Accepted!
Written on 10/22 in Kellogg cafeteria, 20 mins after interview. Interview on campus with Adcom; 45 minutes. Small office, seated facing each other in padded midback chairs with armrests, no table in between. Interviewer has a copy of your resume, you don’t… be ready for that. Interviewer was a very nice woman from the admissions committee in her late 40s/early 50s. Introduced herself and went over interview format. And opened off with “tell me about yourself”. Asked very open-ended questions and prodded with some subtle follow up questions in a few cases when I was a little over-broad. Gave me
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Published: December 3, 2009
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / On-campus / Second Year Student
It was very laid back, as expected. My interviewer was a 2nd year student who was very friendly. We chatted on the walk from the admissions office to the interview room. It was relaxed and cordial. He started with the disclaimer that he would be taking notes, and not to let it throw me off, because he was listening. Questions he asked: Walk me through you resume I see experience in country XX, tell me about that. Why MBA? Why now? Why Tuck? Talk about a time you worked in a team. Talk about a time you disgreed with your
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Published: December 2, 2009
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
We met at the alum’s office where we met in a conference room. He then described the structure of the interview – 35 mins of questions, followed by 10 mins for me to ask questions. He described the goal of the interview – to cover specific moments in my life/career that may not have been covered in the rest of my application. We then jumped right in to the questioning. Tell me about a specific time when you realized you needed an MBA. Why a Stanford MBA? Tell me about the most valuable piece of feedback you’ve ever received. How
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Published: November 29, 2009
London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: ound 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I had my interview at my interviewer’s office. The interviewer was friendly but at the same time extremely professional (Actually I also gained a very valuable insight on the job market during the last part). Interview was divided into 3 parts: questions about me ( both my career path and myself as a person) / 5 min. presentation/ questions I had about the program. Lasted about 1.5 hours. the interviewer focused A LOT on my current business, not only related to my skills, but a lot also on business awareness. Eg. why is it a profitable business, what are the
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Published: November 29, 2009
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I had an offcampus interview with an alum in New Delhi. Hope these might help prospective applicants to Booth Where did you do your schooling from ? Asked about a hobby. Why did you leave your previous firm ? What is your current role in your new firm ? Describe your current project. Which was your favourite course in college and why ? Mention your experience of working in teams. Mention a time when you resolved conflicts. If you could change one thing about your current Project Manager what would it be ? Why do you want to pursue an MBA and why now ? Career
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Published: November 24, 2009
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd year student / On-campus
Interview was casual as expected – I got the feeling the interviewer did not come in with any agenda and came up with a lot of questions on the spot. Another thing I would say – I felt the interviewer was not very experienced with interviewing and felt she was nervous too! I was lucky that she asked me questions exactly in a way that let me highlight the things I wanted to – so overall, a great experience. Main questions: Why did you move from company A to company B? What were differences between them? Why did you move
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