Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: January 30, 2009
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus / Dinged
I met with an alum at Starbuck. As the interviewer send mail last night (and I got the mail in the morning), I made a mistake in the time. But the alum is nice and he agree to change the time. The interview carries in a casual manner. The interviewer is from Consulting and down-to-earth. The standard questions I was asked: Walk me through your resume on how you got to where you are today. Why an MBA? Why Kellogg? Career Goal Strengths and Weaknesses? Any Question for me? The interview lasted around 1 hour. Beyond the standard questions, we
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Published: January 27, 2009
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / Second-Year Student / on-campus / Accepted!
I was an EA Tuck accepted Tuck applicant and did my interview about two weeks before the application was due. I would definitely recommend everyone to sign up for the on-campus interview if you can. Visiting the school you get the opportunity to see the campus and also explain a little bit more about why you think you’d be a good fit. Also, since Tuck is a unique place it is important that you feel a connection to a place that is pretty isolated but team oriented. The interview itself was very laidb ack with a second year student. She
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Published: January 27, 2009
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus / Admitted
My interviewer was humble, friendly and relaxed. The interview lasted exactly 45 minutes. I was rather surprised that I got asked questions only for the first 15 minutes or so. I did some alumni interviewing for my undergraduate school and could sense that the interview approach for the two institutions was rather similar. In brief – as an interviewer you are provided with a list of guiding questions that are there to help you get supporting information about the applicant. By asking the questions you try to get as much information as possible to write a coherent report on what
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Published: January 27, 2009
Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus
I found the Johnson School very helpful during the application process. When I was asked to interview, they assigned me a contact in the admissions office and also provided a login to a portal to search for students using various criteria (clubs/ undergrad institution / nationality / similar post-MBA interests) etc. – you can reach out these students who have volunteered to help prospective applicants. My interview was on campus in Ithaca. I was interviewed by a student and adcom. Blind interview – they just had a copy of my resume. Standard questions, very conversational – most questions were based
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Published: January 19, 2009
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-Campus (Europe) / Adcom
I met with a member of the adcom. He was perfectly friendly, and actually did not dig in to my answers as much as I was expecting. The questions I was asked were: 1. Tell me about yourself, what have you been doing in the last two years. 2. Tell me about something at work you have been proud of in the last year. 3. When were your expectation not met? 4. What do you do outside work? 5. Why do you want an MBA, why Sloan? 6. What do you wish I’d asked? 7. I’m meeting a lot of
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Published: January 15, 2009
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Second Year Student
I interviewed on Dec. 18th, the last day of exams so there were no classes to visit. Many of the candidates I met were from diverse backgrounds (a reporter, someone who had worked in public school management, alternate energy, etc.) which adds to Yale’s appeal if you aren’t looking to be in a traditional MBA environment. My interviewer was a second year student who had reviewed my resume quite extensively before I entered. We had some interests in common and we discussed them extensively. Key questions are below. What I was asked Why did you pick your university and later
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Published: January 13, 2009
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Ed Davis, Admissions Committee / Phone Interview
First off, the interviewer had my resume, but nothing else from my complete application package. This way, he was blind to my GMAT scores, GPA, and essays, for better or worse. I appreciated that this prevented us from making assumptions when we spoke (I was able to use talking points brought up in my essays). The interview began with Ed introducing himself while I mentally prepared for his questions. He discussed how he and many other KF staff came from successful business careers to be a part of the program. Then, rather than the standard, “walk me through your resume,”
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Published: January 12, 2009
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni
I met with an alumna who was very nice and personable. She interacted with me throughout the interview, giving me feedback when she liked my answers and sharing her own experiences. The first half hour was mostly her asking me questions, the last fifteen minutes was her answering my questions. I was surprised that there weren’t that many questions asked, but they were almost all ones where you had to give specific examples. Below are ALL the questions I was asked: What brought you here? (applying for business school) Why stanford? Talk about a time you encountered a problem you
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Published: January 8, 2009
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I met with an alum in his office. The questions I was asked: Walk me through your resume on how you got to where you are today. Why an MBA? How will the MBA get you to where you want to go. Share with me a team experience of yours. Share with me another team experience of yours. What will your contribution be to Kellogg? What clubs will you participate in?
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Published: January 7, 2009
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off Campus
Interview took place in October 2008. He was on a tight schedule to complete the interview in one hour. This was a restriction the school had imposed. He also made lots of notes, which he said he needed to write up and send back to the school. He took the questions (or at least some instructions) out of an envelope, which made me wonder whether the school had prescribed some things to him. Walk me through your resume: focus on transitions and why you changed roles. Questions specific to me What did you learn from that (particular experience)? Your current
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Published: December 27, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off Campus
In order, these were the questions I received: Tell me about a challenging situation you faced in a group / team situation How do you define leadership? Who is a good negotiator? Have you ever been in a negotiation where it wasn’t win – win, rather, win-lose or lose-lose. Describe an accomplishment you’re proud of. Why Kellogg? At Kellogg, students tend to get involved in a lot of clubs – which ones would you be interested to join? Where do you see yourself in five years? (When I said I was interested in consulting, he asked me about specific firms
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Published: December 18, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off Campus
I interviewed with a Kellogg alumni today. Here are the questions he asked: Why do you want to get an MBA in Chicago? Walk me through your undergraduate experience. I’ve gathered that you would like to go in to [your career], why is that? Walk me through your resume. (The interviewer stopped me intermittently to probe further about certain experiences and accomplishments.) Tell me about your leadership style. What do you find most challenging about your work? If admitted to several top schools, how would you choose between them? What do you do outside of work? The interview was VERY
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Published: December 17, 2008
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
Originally posted on rickysgmatprep.blogspot.com Hiii folks… So its done… my first b-school interview… at the prestigious Ross School of Business… If there was ever an epitome of a good interviewer or a person who did represnt truly Ross’s team-oriented, collaborative and easy going attitude..it would be my interviewer… I mean.. never once in the interview I realized that I was being interviewed.. the guy made me feel so comfortable… I really dont remember the questions he asked me because there was never really a question answer session…. but more of a conversation.. with obviously me doing more of the talking…so
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Published: December 17, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On Campus / Adcom
Original Post at rickysgmatprep.blogspot.com Well this one comes from the Chicago O’Hare airport.. I am on my way back from Evanston after my interview at Kellogg.. The best way to kill time while I wait for my flight would be to pen down my Kellogg Interview Experience.. Overall, I would not rate my interview good.. L.. not all went my way in this one.. It was an interview with adcom, on-campus… I would say the connection was just missing … For some reason, I was unable to share so many things that I would have liked to share with the
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Published: December 15, 2008
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Adcom
I interviewed for NYU’s fulltime MBA program (rd 1). I met with a female adcom member and another woman from admissions sat in to listen. She took notes and made one or two comments throughout the conversation, though I tried to make eye contact with her so she felt involved. The discussion lasted 40 minutes. I thought that this would be a non-blind interview, but I did not get any questions on my application or essays. She had my resume in front of her and asked a few questions from it. As we walked into her office, she mentioned one
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Published: December 15, 2008
UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / 2nd Year Student
Based on my own experience, and from what I heard from other applicants while I was down there, these are not difficult interviews. As other people have mentioned, the only real question that they ask you is to ‘tell us about yourself,’ and the applicant takes it from there. While I was expecting this question, and went through it a bit in my head before hand, I would recommend that folks sit down for 30 minutes and practice it. Even record it if you can and listen to yourself speak. In my case, I found that I had to track
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Published: December 15, 2008
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-campus / Adcom
I had a somewhat different experience with my Sloan interview than I read from the wiki. I interviewed at an offsite location in my home city. My interviewer was an adcom and was very casual. Surprisingly, it was even more casual than my Yale interview which was with a student. We exchanged small talk and then the adcom explained that MIT conducts behavioral type interviews and laid out other structural guidelines our discussion would follow. I was expecting to be battered with the “tell me a time when you…” type questions, but I actually did not get any. The questions
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Published: December 15, 2008
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Second Year Student
I interviewed for Yale’s fulltime MBA program in rd1 right before thanksgiving. Yale’s campus looks impressive from the outside (a compound of ancient mansions and buildings that make you feel like you’re in Rome). SOM’s facilities were less than impressive on the inside. This will hopefully improve once their new facilities are constructed, but for someone entering in fall 09, it was a turnoff. My interview was with a second year student and lasted 30 minutes. I wonder if this is a strategy for their interviews, or if this guy just had a bad day, but my interviewer was very
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Published: December 15, 2008
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Second Year Student Admitted!!
I received an invitation for an interview about one week before Thanksgiving and went for my interview just before the Holiday. Pros- The students and staff were extremely friendly and welcoming. The tour guides were enthusiastic, and in a genuine way. The staff was very professional and accomodating– when I walked in the room they stood, shook my hand, and introduced me to everyone in the room. I can say that has never happened at any other school. Cons- For those of us hoping to enter Fall ’09 we will miss out on the new construction that is underway. There
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Published: December 15, 2008
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus
Why did you choose your undergraduate position? Tell me about what you do now? Why did you choose your current position? Tell me about your leadership experiences Elaborate on your career goals. How will Anderson help you get to your career goals? What publications have you been following to stay abreast of your career goals? Do you have any questions for me?
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Published: December 10, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Phone Interview / Adcom
The interviewer told me up front the interview was blind and that all she had was my resume. It lasted 18 minutes. These were the questions she asked. Tell me about your career progress. How have you made progress or moved ahead from job to job? Given all your experience, why do you want to quit your job now and get an MBA? (I clarified that I will be returning to the same company post MBA and proceeded to answer why MBA and why Kellogg.) If things don’t work out at your current firm then what will you do? –
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Published: December 10, 2008
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On campus / Adcom
30 minute interview – pretty much on the dot, as expected. Interview was in his bare-bones clean office. I felt prepared and nothing was really out of the ordinary. He started with saying that if you walk out of here feeling very bad or very good about the interview, this is still just one piece of the application puzzle. He would be watching his watch a lot and taking a lot of notes (took about 2.5-3 pages for me). For my interview: Why <X> college Challenges of going to <X> college What other options did I have a that point
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Published: December 8, 2008
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
Tuck invites all applicants to come visit the school and interview before (or right after) you apply. I scheduled my interview for the end of the day, so that I could participate in all the events they line up for applicants before my interview. At the beginning of the day, I was paired up with a current student and went to class and lunch with him. Then, there was a campus tour, followed by a brief Q&A with an AdCom. I think it is wise to schedule your interview for the end of the day because the interviewer really wants
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Published: December 7, 2008
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus
Originally shared by MissionMBA Had my Fuqua interview yesterday.. As I had posted earlier, the school had offered me a telephonic interview with a Delhi-based alum, but fortunately, the interviewer was interested in a face-to-face interview too.(Putting myself in his shoes, if I were to choose a candidate for my alma-mater,I too would prefer to meet him in person before I certify him to be a part of my community) The interview was scheduled at 6 in the evening at his office in Delhi. I had planned to reach at least 15-20 minutes before time, but Mr Murphy does not
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Published: December 4, 2008
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
I got out early from my place (Bangalore traffic you see…) and ended up at the interviewers office half an hour early. I wandered around the interviewer’s office for sometime and then finally decided to barge in. I apologized for being early (that would be a first) and he completely understood – “I always take Bangalore traffic into account and looks like you did too” is what he said. I waited while he wrapped up his other engagements and he called me into his office, 15 minutes before the time. [14:00] Having met before at the Ross
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