Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: December 3, 2008
London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
Round 1 interview with an alum in my region, lasted a bit more than 2 hours. This was by far the most difficult interview of all the ones I have done. I was given only 1 interviewer choice, I contacted him by email and he responded a couple of days later. We set up a meeting at his office. I met with him in the morning-he had asked me to dress “smart casual.” This was not a blind interview. My interviewer knew my application really well. Also he had been selected as my interviewer because we had similar goals, although
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Published: December 3, 2008
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd year student /On-campus
This was a quite basic interview. We started talking on our way from the admissions office to the interview room so it set a really conversational format for the interview. Once we arrived he asked (I am formalizing the questions but again, it really sounded conversational) Walk me through your resume Why MBA and why Tuck/Goals short term and long term? What’s your experience working in teams? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? 3 months down the road in the MBA program, what will your teammates say about you? Tell me about a team failure. What will you bring to the
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Published: December 3, 2008
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni
The interview seemed very short to me. I was surprised that it was over, it just seemed very fast. In fact I thought that we didn’t cover a lot of the MBA interview type questions. I didn’t want be looking at my watch so I didn’t check how long it was. However, the entire session lasted 1 hour and 15 mins. We talked about general stuff, the interviewer’s experiences at Wharton, a bit about the interviewer’s background, etc. The interviewer was very nice and very friendly and it seemed to have gone well. I weaved in some more info in
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Published: December 3, 2008
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Off-campus / Alum
I had my interview on 11/7/08 and was admitted on 11/24/08. Interview report: I interviewed with a 2005 alum. We met in a casual coffee shop and the format and tone of the interview was fairly informal. She asked the following questions: Walk me through your resume. Why an MBA? Why now? Why Columbia? Where else did you apply? (I had the same list she had) What will you do if you don’t get in anywhere else? Example of leading a team. Example of contributing to a team. Example of a challenging team/group situation. Describe an ethical dilemma you have
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Published: December 3, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
Interview in Round 1, on-campus with an Admissions Officer (1 hour) The interview was in the afternoon so I had some time to take a class, talk to numerous students and have lunch with them to talk about the program-this helped significantly for the interview. The interviewer was very nice. We sat down in her office, each on a chair without a table between us. I found that really intimidating because I could not pull out my resume and have it next to me, it was really just her and me. So know your resume well enough as you might
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Published: December 3, 2008
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd-Year Student / On-campus
I interviewed on campus at Wharton on November 17, I also interviewed with the Associate Dean of the Health Care Management Program. Prior to going in to the interview, a couple current first year students chatted with the interviewees and answered questions about Wharton and the interview process. One student made a point to emphasize that the interview is just one data point in the application. I found the general interview to be very conversational and friendly. Some of the questions asked included: Please walk me through your resume and highlight how you ended up here Why did you choose
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Published: December 2, 2008
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd-Year Student / On-campus
I visited Wharton a couple of days ago, sat in on a class and then had an interview with a second year student. While waiting in the admissions office, first year students took turns sitting down with the prospective students and talked about their experiences at Wharton (what brought them to Wharton, their classes, extracurriculars, housing, etc.) and answered any questions. Promptly at 11:15, my interviewer approached me in the office and we went back to the interview rooms. The interview room is a small enclosed room with a table, two chairs and a clock. It was actually well suited
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Published: December 2, 2008
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd-Year Student / On-campus
I interviewed at Wharton on-campus on 12/1. Few questions I remember are Explain about your career progress since you graduated? How do you manage a global team? How do you motivate your team members? How do you deal with challenges in your team? What are you career goals? Why MBA? Why Wharton? What extra-curricular activities would you take part while you are at Wharton? What are the attributes of a good leader? What is your leadership style? Anything you want to add to say or add to your application? Questions for me? For details about my class visit and pictures
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Published: December 2, 2008
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-Campus / Alumnus in Mumbai, India
The regular questions I faced were: Tell me about your background – other than what I can see on your resume (this completely threw me off-guard as I was expecting a walk me through your resume type question. From the first question itself, the interview was more like a conversation) Walk me through the different phases in your life – mentioned in your resume. esp. your undergraduate experience as this will be closest to your MBA experience at Chicago What is your long term career vision? – paint me a vivid picture You’re doing quite well for yourself – so
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Published: December 1, 2008
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-Campus / 2nd year Student
Courtesy of Soni’s MBA Adventure I got to the admissions office at 1:15pm, fifteen minutes before my interview. I talked to the first year greeter for a bit and she talked about her trip to Thailand with other Booth students. Finally, it was time for the interview. The interviewer was a second year student. She talked about her background, internship, and how she was returning to the company she interned for over the summer. Here are the questions I remember and some details of my answers — I’ve left out any details that may give away my
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Published: November 30, 2008
INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / September intake / Off-campus
I had two alumni interviews in San Francisco. First interview: The first interview was at the office of the interviewer. Very comfortable and informal. Questions standard walk me through your resume why an MBA? Why international? Why INSEAD? where do you see your career developing following the program. Overall the it was a good experience. The alumni was able to answer all my questions and spoke extensively about her time at INSEAD and the experiences she had. In my case she was very interested to see why I wanted to do an international MBA since I have never lived abroad
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Published: November 30, 2008
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I applied to Chicago Booth in Round 1, and was invited to interview on Oct 29, the first day that the school started releasing the invites. The school provided options for alumni interviews in various cities in India, and I chose to attend an alumnus interview in the city of Mumbai. The interview took place at the alumnus’ office in Mumbai on a weekday after office hours. The interview was blind, and although I had submitted my resume a few days in advance, the interviewer had not read it, nor was he carrying a printed copy with him. I gave
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Published: November 25, 2008
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
Originally posted by Hakuna Matata Just back from an interview/conversation/informal chat with a Ross alumni at a coffee shop and inspite of trying to analyse it, I still don’t know what to make of it! I was interviewing with an alum and her ‘dress casual’ comment in one of the mails we exchanged had given me the hint that this is going to be a conversational interview but it turned out to be more of a chat… lasting almost 1-1/2 hours!! Frankly I don’t think she even asked me any specific MBA interview questions other than the
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Published: November 25, 2008
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Off-campus / Alumni
I met all the three potential interviewers in an information session a month before the interview invite. They are all nice, interesting and financial guys. One (’08 alum) of three interviewers knows me so well and it is unethical for him to interview me. One (’96 alum) just arrived in our place and seems to have a generation gap with me. I chose the one (’01 alum) who has done the interview for all CBS applicants in my place thus far despite that 70% interviewees have been dinged after interviews with him (it doesn’t seem to be because of him
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Published: November 23, 2008
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / 2nd-Year Student / On-campus
I had my Wharton interview recently on-campus with a 2nd year student. I had submitted my application in the 1st round. The interview lasted about 40 mins. The interviewer put me at ease immediately and the whole interview process was casual. Below are the questions that I was asked, Talk about your background? Talk about your most recent accomplishment from the resume? What are your short-term and long-term goals? Why MBA? Why Wharton? Talk about your most challenging interaction? What role would you play in your learning team? What would your teammates say about you in one year? What weaknesses
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Published: November 22, 2008
Published: November 20, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus
The questions I remember: Talk about your college experience What would you change about your college experience What are your strengths and weaknesses Describe some leadership experiences Talk about a failure and how you dealt with it Describe your leadership style Tell me something that is not on your resume Why MBA/Why Kellogg How would you enhance fellow students’ experience Best of luck!
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Published: November 14, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus
A tad late posting here, but this what I went through earlier this year. Met with an associate director in Admissions. Why computer engineering? Can you walk me through your key leadership experiences at company X? You have all this great experience (7+ years). Why do you want an MBA now? Can you talk about your community experience? Tell me 3 things you are good at? Or 3 good characteristics. What would your colleagues tell me about you? What kind of a person are you on a team? What is an ideal teammate like? What kind of a teammate is
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Published: November 11, 2008
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Phone Interview
I had an interview with Ed Davis on November 11th. Ed began by giving me a run down of his background and how he came to work with Kenan Flagler Questions Walk me through your resume? Why do you want to get an MBA? Why an MBA from Kenan Flagler? What qualities do you hope to develop during your MBA? What do you plan to do after your MBA? The only other question outside the standard interview questions was specifically about my membership in Slow Food USA, an organization that I am a member of. He actually started off the
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Published: November 11, 2008
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
I had a pleasant and informal 30 minute (25 minutes of questions for me, 5 minutes of questions for the interviewer) interview for Ross yesterday. We met at a local coffee shop after work. Here are the questions she asked: Walk me through your resume and why youʼre pursuing an MBA Why Ross? Tell me about your most significant leadership experience Tell me about a time you worked in a tough group setting What will you add to the Ross student body? What extra-curricular activities would you join at Ross?
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Published: November 6, 2008
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / Student interview / On campus.
I interviewed on campus of Tuck. First of all I would applause the helping nature of the people at dartmouth college. Everyone over there is very helping in nature and you as a prospective candidate are also expected to be so. If you are not the helping kind forget about Tuck. It is a small school with a very vibrant community. If you are thinking to go to Tuck then think of it as another family and talk accordingly. I liked the school and the people very much as expected since I had been in touch with a few alums
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Published: November 6, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
I got my interview assignment on 23rd of Oct and I finally contacted the alumni on 1st Nov. The alumni, despite his high post (he is the vice president) in a large company, was quick to respond and his secretary booked an appointment for me on 6th Nov @ 11 am. Preparation for interview – Did not get much time to prepare though I kept aside two hours before the interview and tried to jot down some points and verbally rehearsed my answer, so as to clear my line of thought. Interview Day – Fortunately, his office was the building
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Published: October 23, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
Kellogg gave me a month to schedule an interview with an alumni in my city. The interview took place at a Starbucks on a friday evening @ 6 pm. I wore a suit for the interview. I reached the location around 5:50 pm and the alumni arrived right on time. We ordered (and paid) for our individual coffees. We had already started an informal discussion about where the alum worked, as I used to live close to his office earlier and had something to relate to. We sat in the middle of Starbucks and promptly started around 6:05 pm. I
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Published: October 16, 2008
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Off-campus / Alumni / Status: Admitted
I had my alumni interview yesterday and it was very cordial and comfortable. The interviewer was a ’71 alum and was very senior in the organization he worked for. The interview itself was also very smooth. No cross-questioning just a good conversation. I was also asked the standard ‘ethical dilemma’ question which I was prepared for. So, that was sail through, although the interviewer asked for another one after I had narrated the first one. Overall, the interview went well. The questions were broadly why this school, why this company, why this swtich, why mba, why columbia and a lot
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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 4 / Off-campus / Alum / Admitted!
I put in a last minute round 4 application to the London Business School and somehow landed an interview. I honestly didn’t expect to get an interview as the application was literally me deciding to bring my MBA plans forward after a frustrating week at work. But I thought on re-reading my essays that it was pretty solid, with a good GMAT and good career progression, so I got an interview. The interviewer contacted me on a Friday and arranged for the interview on the Sunday so I really didn’t have all that much time to prepare for it. I
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