Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: March 22, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus
Originally shared at Pursuit of My Dreams Kellogg gave me one month to schedule the interview with an alumni working in a big consulting firm. He was very easy going and approachable – in line with the Kellogg spirit of teamwork. We scheduled the interview at his office. Preparation Material: My application, Kellogg’s website, Accepted and Clear Admit Interview databases, Clear Admit School Guide – Kellogg and How to interview like a top MBA Interview Experience: I reached his office fifteen minutes early. We had some general talks. He told me that he’ll keep the interview conversational.
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Published: March 22, 2008
Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Off-campus, Telephonic
I had the interview in early March. Unfortunately, it was a telephone interview and it lasted 30 mins. He asked the following: Strategies to cope with current market trends (specific to my industry) How my company nurtures creativity in its people Qualities of an entrepreneur Do I have these entrepreneurial qualities How would you contribute to class. Any questions for him Oxford Said’s interviews tend to be short (ard 30mins). Therefore, interviewees should deliver their messages succinctly. British interviewers may go on a monologue and suddenly ask the question so it pays to be alert. If you are unsure of
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Published: March 22, 2008
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Telephonic
Originally published by Pursuit of my Dreams I received the Duke’s telephonic interview invite unexpectedly, much after I lost all my hopes. I scheduled my interview with a second year student. Preparation Material: My application, Duke’s website, Accepted and Clear admit Interview database, and How to interview like a top MBA Interview Experience: A lady picked up the phone and quickly called the interviewer. He started by introducing himself, his activities and his goals. After the friendly greetings, a deluge of questions followed. He listened my responses well, kept acknowledging my responses and asked many follow up
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Published: March 16, 2008
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Admitted
I had my interview on the first week of Feb with an alumni. It was a pretty relaxed and cozy experience. I was wearing a formal suit, which my interviewer told me it’s not necessary when the interview ended The interview started with my interviewer introducing me to the admission process and the purpose of the interview, then she began to ask questions. Standard questions, just like what you see in other entries. Here are some that I remembered: Walk through resume A little detail of each job A leadership case A teamwork case A career vision question A ‘why
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Published: March 13, 2008
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Second-Year Student
I was not busy at work and not having seen the GSB opted to go to Chicago to interview. Spent the day before interview in classes and with students. This is helpful if you can attend as it gives a good feel for the school. Interview took place at the Hyde Park campus with a second year student. Interview was laid back and ‘informal’ at the interviewers request. Interview initially took the same structure as most other interviewees have reported. These reports and the ClearAdmit interview guide were good preparation. Questions included: Walk me through your CV (It cannot be
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Published: March 13, 2008
Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Second Year Student
I interviewed with a 2nd year student. Resume walk-through Leadership example “Bad team” example How would your coworkers describe you? Why aren’t you applying to X double-degree program if you are interested in X field? What are the similarities/differences of the schools to which you applied? I integrated a lot of “Why Johnson” and named some of the courses, opportunities, and activities that attract me to the school.
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Published: March 12, 2008
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-campus / Adcom
Courtesy of Hazyblur I chose to interview at a hub location in India with an associate director of admissions who was extremely friendly and made me feel very comfortable right from the beginning. My question set: Run me through your resume. What brings you to an MBA? What brings you to Chicago? What are you most proud of? What is the biggest challenge you faced at work? What is the biggest challenge you think you will face at the GSB? How will you contribute to and engage in the GSB community ? Is there anything you would like
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Published: March 12, 2008
Berkeley / Haas MBA Interview Report: Round 2 / On-campus / First-year Student
I participated in the Round 2 Super Saturday (March 8th). About 100 applicants were at the Haas campus for the day long event, which included lunch with students, student and career panels, a tour, and the interview. My interview was conducted by a first-year student. It was blind – he only had the resume I submitted with my application. The adcom folks on hand that day even specifically mentioned that re-using stories from the application was perfectly acceptable, since the interviewer will have not seen the application. I received a pretty standard set of interview questions: Resume walkthrough Why MBA
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Published: March 10, 2008
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 4 / Adcom
I had an admissions interview with Craig Heckert in February 2008. It was a standard interview with the normal MBA question: Walk me through your resume Why do you want to get an MBA What are your career goals Why UNC How will you contribute He did ask me one question that threw me a bit “why do we need another CPA?” Other questions: Who is responsible for the current credit crisis What is the most creative thing you have ever done Tell me something about yourself that is not on your resume After Craig asked all the prepared question
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Published: March 10, 2008
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-campus / Alumni
I interviewed with an alum on March 3rd, 2008, at his office. The interview differed from the standard conversational interview I had at other schools. The interview started off with the interviewer actually turning over my resume and stating that he wanted to get a sense of the “big picture” as it relates to me and my desire for an MBA. He then proceeded to ask me, “What are three of the most important decisions you have made that have brought you to where you are today?”. Realizing that this was not a typical interview question, he told me to
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Published: March 10, 2008
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Reports: Round 2 / On-campus / Alumnus
I had a on campus interview on February 23rd, 2008, with a recent graduate from Chicago (Class of 2006). It was a pretty standard conversational interview. The interview began with a little chit chat about the weather and my flight to Chicago. She noticed that I traveled from Colombia (South America) to visit GSB and asked me about my flight and if I had been to Chicago before. The interviewer then told me that she had glanced at my resume, proceeded to complement me on the depth of my work experience and subtly prompted me to dive right into my
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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Off-campus / Alumni / Status: Admitted
I applied Regular Decision to CBS but submitted my application in the fall. There was only one alumni interviewer near me. I contacted him and he responded quickly. He had to reschedule but apologized and met me at a location that was closer to me. On the interviewer’s suggestion, we met at a restaurant. I wasn’t thrilled about this but thought it was wise to happily agree. My first impression of my interviewer in person was that he was very busy and was eager to get the interview started and completed quickly, but once we sat down at the table
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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Status: Denied
I interviewed on campus in mid-November for Round 1. This was my second time visiting the school. During the summer, I sat in on an information session, which did not include a tour. The info session did not reveal anything new to me and would be most valuable to those who haven’t thoroughly reviewed Wharton’s website. The University City neighborhood felt safe, but areas to the north and west are dangerous. Huntsman Hall was a nice building–less open than Chicago’s Harper Center but still modern. The interview lounge was busy with anxious applicants and prospectives awaiting a student-led tour. My
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NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Adcom
I interviewed on campus in January for Round 1. This was my first time inside the Kaufman Center, which is an attractive building. I took a tour later in the day of my interview and thought it could have been better. The student leading the tour was quite knowledgeable and well-spoken, but verbose. The tour needed less “student” and more “tour.” The tour group visited several floors but we often found ourselves standing outside of the elevators–I feel like we could have been shown more of the facilities. Back to the interview itself: An admissions committee member greeted me on
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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-campus / Second-year Student
On Monday I took a tour of the Darden Grounds with a second-year and was surprised when one of the people in my tour group, having just completed his interview, told me “have your monologue ready because that’s what they want to hear.” On Tuesday I had my interview with a second-year. To start out, he impressed upon me that he wanted it to be informal, conversational, laid-back, etc., which was also supported by his unexpectedly casual attire. He told me the interview was blind and that he knew nothing about me. Although I can’t remember the exact wording of
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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Second-year Student / Status: Admitted
I interviewed on campus in mid-November for Round 1. This was my first time visiting the school. The Harper Center was beautiful, and the admissions office is right inside the front door. A current student was waiting in the interview room to help applicants relax. Another student relieved the first one a few minutes after I arrived. Both were friendly, although perhaps a little geeky. I also met a student in the foyer who was very nice but on the square side. My student interviewer came out to greet me a few minutes late. She gave me a nice, warm
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UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-campus / Second-year Student
I was interviewed by both the associate director of admissions and a 2nd year student, but the whole thing lasted only for half hour. I felt a little rushed overall, but I think I did ok because the questions weren’t anything difficult to answer. The questions that I remember: Describe everything you did that has brought you here Your career goals Your extracurricular activities while in college Briefly describe your extracurricular activities out of college Why Anderson? What will you contribute at Anderson? Describe a challenge that you have overcome. What do you see as a potential weakness/concern when you
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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-campus / Status: Admitted
I applied Round 2 for the Class of 2010 and am happy to say that I just received an offer. The experience applying to Fuqua started with the Weekend for Women recruiting trip where the school pays for prospective students to come down to Durham and experience Fuqua. I did this in 2006 and decided to wait to apply; but the weekend really set the stage for what has been – by far – the best recruitment process at any of the schools to which I applied. I highly encourage the Weekend for all prospective female students – even those
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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On-campus
I interviewed with a second year student on campus. The admissions office had a few other people waiting to interview and there was a 2nd year student waiting and socializing with us. My interviewer was from a non-traditional background and was planning to work in finance after graduating, so I felt he sympathized with career switchers like myself. He was friendly and courteous throughout the interview. His questions were: Walk me through your resume Why Wharton Why MBA and why now What are you ST and LT career goals, elaborate on LT goals What do you do for fun Describe
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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Round 1 / Second-year Student / Status: Accepted
Interviews are self-scheduled. Had a very nice set-up, including a waiting area for interviewees where current students could come by and say hello and introduce themselves. The students were very welcoming and came over and even their offered tickets to a Duke basketball game to one interviewee. The interview was with a second year student. It was blind. She described herself as an “advocate” for me on the interview committee. The interview was very conversational. It covered the normal interview questions: Walk me through your resume Why an MBA? And what do you want to do after your MBA? Why
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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On-campus
I interviewed with a second year student on campus. My answers were not flawless and I would definitely answer the teamwork and leadership questions stronger next time, but all things considered, I’m pleased. The experience was anticlimactic, and now I wait anxiously for the March decision release. My interviewer was friendly and professional. She was from the Bay Area and we started by talking about how I had come from San Francisco for the interview, and we talking briefly about the snow, and I mentioned that I had lived in Tahoe and missed the snow. I made the mistake of
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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Round 2
These are the questions that I was asked during an on-campus Duke interview..40 min It was not a conversational interview but one in which the interviewer just read one questions after another from a sheet of paper 3 words to describe yourself What motivates you in the morning? What experience has shaped your life and why? Why duke? Why mba? Why now? What contribution will you make on campus? What clubs would you join? Leadership example and what you learned. Constructive criticism that you received. One success and what you learned and one failure and what you learned. Leadership example
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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni
Just wanted to share my experience from my alumni interview today. The interview lasted 1.5 hours but it certainly didn’t feel like that. It was entirely conversational as we shared common ground in our background and MBA goals. We talked in length about about the industry I’d like to target and where the market is going. Questions: Tell me about yourself (with a few follow up questions based on my walk through of my resume) Why MBA? Why Chicago? What do you plan to do post-graduation? What other schools did you apply to? The interview was very friendly and if
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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni
Originally shared by Bee to B-School Finally, I’m done with Kellogg interview. It’s a bit late in the game, I know. However, I think I did alright. Also, my interviewer apologizes a couple of times because he had to re-scheduled several times. Anyway, I got into his office pretty early. I didn’t feel nervous at all. He was very relaxed & nice. Immediately, he told me that the purpose of the interview is just to get to know me more and he’ll also try to answer my questions about the school. These are the questions: Walk me through your resume.
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