Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: April 22, 2007
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus, Round 3, 2nd Year Student
I had a very friendly and relaxed on campus interview today with an awesome 2nd year student today. she spent the first 5 minutes congratulating me on getting here and we spent the rest of the time going through my resume. No surprise questions… just why MBA, why Chicago. It’s very conversational and interactive. she also shared a lot of her experience at GSB. I had been a little bit nervous about on-campus interviewers by reading some previous reviews(but I also read that many alumni are difficult to get hold of, so I made a difficult decision). Turned out that
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Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview : Official [Interview Invitation] Email
Here is a copy of the email that invited applicants receive: Original Message From: “Stanford MBA Admissions Office” <
[email protected]> Subject: Stanford MBA Program Interview Hello APPLICANT NAME, The Stanford MBA Admissions Office has reviewed your application to the Stanford MBA Program. We would like to invite you to meet with one of our alumni for a 45-minute interview. The purpose of this meeting is both evaluative and informational, with an emphasis on creating a positive and enjoyable experience. Your alumni interviewer is: Name: E-mail: Cell Phone: If you have a pre-existing relationship with your alumni interviewer, please immediately contact Judy
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Published: March 29, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum interview / R2
Courtesy of MBA Dutchie My interviewer was a recent Kellogg grad who worked in PE pre- and post-MBA. He was very open and friendly. He asked me to switch to English (we started off in Dutch, our native language), and asked me a variant of “Walk me through your resume”. I gave him my 2-minute story on why I had chosen my undergraduate school, what was unique about the program, what I had learned, and how I made the move into my professional life. I think the common essay advice is just as valid here: don’t limit
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Published: March 29, 2007
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: London Hub / R2
My interviewer was a friendly French lady who had graduated one or two years ago and now worked for Goldman Sachs in London. The interview was very standard. Questions asked: 1. Walk me through your resume 2. Why MBA 3. What are your short-term and long-term plans 4. Why Wharton 5. Tell me about a leadership experience 6. Tell me about an activity outside of work 7. How do you plan to get involved in the Wharton community 8. Describe a weakness in your application 9. Is there anything else you
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Published: March 28, 2007
INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R3 / Alumnus
Original published by http://www.offcourse.wordpress.com This week I had the first of my two INSEAD interviews. My interviewer was an INSEAD alumnus who graduated some years ago and the interview took place in the company where he works. I think the interview went well, despite the fact that it was a little short. It turns out that his company was just in the middle of a big acquisition… So, the interview lasted about 30 or 40 minutes. Or perhaps this is just the standard time for an interview… Guess I will have to wait until my second interview
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Published: March 26, 2007
IESE MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Bangalore
I had a VC interview with Angeles on the 21st of Dec at Bangalore. First of all, for anyone giving the VC interview in India, use Reliance. They are the best you can get in terms of quality and value for money. I really had no issues at all during the VC, except for the slight delay, which was expected. The interview well really well. Angeles made me feel at ease. She never grilled me or put across any uncomfortable questions. She was more interested in knowing me as a person. She was very thorough with my application and had
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Published: March 25, 2007
Published: March 24, 2007
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Round 2
Originally shared by asiangal Earlier this week I had my Columbia interview with an alumna, regular decision round. Very informal and pleasant, and lasted 35 mins. The questions were straightforward, there were no major stumpers. Tell me about your current job. Why MBA? Why Columbia? There were a few situational questions about work (what is a good leader? when have you been a good leader?) What do you do outside the office? What other schools did you apply to? Is there anything else you want the committee to know that wasn’t covered in the application? A final
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Published: March 22, 2007
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Palo Alto HBS site / R1 / Admitted!
Excerpt from http://mbababe.blogspot.com/2006/12/harvard-interview-unplugged.html Here’s a recount of the questions that were asked (although many were experience-specific), and my thoughts as it was happening. 1. We had some friendly conversation as we sat down in her office. (We are sitting, we have talked, and i didn’t shake her hand OR ask her her name!! My mother would be ashamed! ) “Sorry, i don’t think I caught your name…?” (Ahh, nice recovery!) Then she told me she thought my app was interesting and unique – yay! 2. She asked a specific question about one of my accomplishments. I started
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Published: March 22, 2007
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2 / Alumni interview in Asia / Admitted
As expected and suggested by the agreed venue —a relaxed coffee shop— the interview was very pleasant and chatty. The structured part lasted 30 minutes, but we spent a good hour after that discussing my interviewer’s story and chatting about areas of converging interest. We kicked the conversation off by speculating jokingly about how Stanford selects its interviewers, and after a minute or two he pulled out a sheet of very standard questions which he annotated sparsely as the interview progressed. Why an MBA, and why Stanford? (This lead into talking about my long term goal) Tell me about a
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Published: March 22, 2007
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Hub Interview / Round 2
I met with an assistant director of admissions at a hotel lobby in Santa Monica, CA. The interviewer was suffering from a bad cold/flu. He was friendly, affable, relaxed, and professional. It focused on the interview at hand with some smiles and laughs thrown in. He asked the following questions. My interview was short, about 25 minutes. Do you have your transcripts? (He opened the envelopes and looked them over) How did you like (undergrad institution)? Describe a time when someone’s input impacted your actions? Tell me about a time when you had to sell an idea to an individual
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Published: March 19, 2007
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum – R2
Expert from http://mbababe.blogspot.com/2007/03/some-updates-stanford-interview.html I wanted to share my interview experience since I got so much help from the applicant community 🙂 The interview was VERY chatty and conversational – but every so often it would occur to her to ask THE QUESTIONS (there is a sheet she kept referring to), so I’ll let ya know what came from the list! Also, a side note, these are in no particular order. 1. What do you want to do with an MBA? Why do you need one? 2. Why Stanford? (This came up a lot in many different forms. For
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Published: March 16, 2007
IESE MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 4 / Adcom / London
My interview was very much like Monica’s interview below. I had met Brook for an information interview about 4 months ago and so we had a little bit of a rapport already, which made things a lot easier from my side. At the start of the interview Brook told me that she preferred things to be very natural and free-flowing and that she was not going to put me under any kind of pressure or ask any random questions to try and throw me off. She said her intention was to learn as much as she could from our time
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Published: March 13, 2007
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Tuck Representative / Off-Campus / Jan Round (waitlisted)
Originally shared by MBAStarter My Tuck interview took place in Delhi sometime back. Here’s what I was asked: If I were not to see your resume, what one thing would you take along if I send you to the moon or Mars? Then some discussion on what I answered. What one word describes you the best? What makes teams work? Some ques about teamwork v/s individual brilliance. Questions about my experiences as a team lead. What will your friends say if I ask them about your strengths? And weaknesses? Asked for examples on why I felt those
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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Off-campus – telephone / Round 2
I was scheduled for a telephonic interview and I wasnt really crazy about the phone part. Didnt ask for an alternative since the other hub interview in Delhi (I am in Bombay) was on 12th and I have important meetings on the 12th. So I got the call on time, the adcom member was very friendly and relaxing from the begining, setting the tone for a none-stressful interview, talking about the weather. I was a little apprehensive that the accent/phone connection would be bad but both were perfect. I had prepared for the usual questions especially questions on leadership examples
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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alumni
Great experience. Was easy setting up interview–met for coffee. Alumnus was very friendly and informal. Gave me some background on himself, then started discussing questions. Very conversational, and very responsive in answering questions about the school afterwards. Lasted about an hour total. Questions: walk me through your background and how you got to where you are explain to me what you do at work tell me about a leadership or team experience what are your career goals? why columbia? what do you like to do for fun?
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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Round 2 / 2nd year student
Pretty standard and student was reasonably friendly. Stuck very closely to time limit as began to run out at end. Questions Walk me through where you’ve been and why you’ve been there, what brings you here, and what you’re looking to do in the future. Tell me about a failure you experienced Why Wharton? How after two years would you like your learning teammates to describe you? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? If I were to ask one of your colleagues, what would they say about you? What activities would you get involved in at Wharton? Tell
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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus, Round 2
Very friendly interview with a second-year student on-campus. Very straight-forward, 30 min in total with time to ask a few questions at the end. tell me about what you’ve done to date and why why chicago? how do you feel about chicago in terms of fit? what are the two greatest challenges you face in your job and how do you go about approaching them? what are your strengths and weaknesses? what are your career goals? elaboration on long-term goal: what kind of interesting things do you see going on in this area? how will your work experience to date
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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Off-Campus / Round 1 (interviewed after waitlist)
Originally shared by MBAStarter Interviewed with a Fuqua Alum in Bangalore a couple of weeks back. My interviewer gave me a good picture of life at Duke. It was nice to meet someone so passionate about his alma mater. The interview was pretty much on expected lines. We went on to discuss almost everything I could pack in my application. Some questions I remember were: Tell me about your family Info about my undergraduate institute My decision to join IT after graduating in a non-computer science field Experiences at work. Why job switch? What is my idea
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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On-campus / Round 2 / Admitted!
My interview was similar to many of the others described on this page, but I wanted to point out a nice little detail that endeared HBS to me, and put me at ease as I prepared to go into the interview. In the lobby of the admissions office there are a dozen or so framed portraits of HBS alums, along with their answers to the following question: “What is it you plan to do / with your one wild and precious life?” Turns out this is the ending couplet of a poem by Mary Oliver that you can read here:
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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Adcom / R2
Had my on-campus interview with the adcom member. The interview was very relaxing and my interviewer made it more like a dialogue than a monologue. Questions – Walk me through your resume, starting with undergrad. She kept asking probing questions – why what major, why so and so project during my work ex, what was the typical team like, how many, which functions. A bulk of the time was spent in this conversation. Why MBA? Why Kellogg? What else do I enjoy outside work? How am I involved in community? What will my team members say about my strengths &
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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2 ‘ Alumni
Courtesy of asiangal I had my Wharton interview today and was a little nervous, but overall felt I established good rapport with the interviewer. There was a LOT of “why Wharton” sprinkled throughout the interview. It lasted 40 minutes. Walk me through your resume. Why Wharton? Why MBA? What’s your biggest achievement to date? Talk about a leader you admire and what makes that person a successful leader. 3 strengths. Weaknesses and what you’ve done to address these. How does your work experience with your current company fit in with your long-term career goals? What role do
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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus, Round 2, February 28, 2007
Originally posted by Negat|veCreep I interviewed with a second-year, off-campus. All in all, I think it was a pretty comfortable experience. There was no real structure to the interview and I was allowed to take it in the direction I wanted to, which I thought was really nice of her. We chatted for a couple minutes about very general stuff. She had already gone through my resume, and asked me to start off by sort of taking her through some of the stuff I’ve done at work, and weave in my reasons and motivation for pursuing an MBA with it.
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Published: February 28, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2 / Intl / Adcom / Telephonic
Very relaxed & conversational. The interview started 10 minutes late and lasted another 20-25 minutes: The adcom member started by introducing herself and gave me a background of what the application review process was. Then we dived into the interview Long-term goals and short-term goals? Talk about each of your job changes and why you made those changes? Why Kellogg? What can you add to the Kellogg community both inside and outside of class? Can you talk about a conflict situation and how you dealt it? What do you learn from your team-mates? Do you have any questions for me?
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