Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: February 15, 2007
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum
I had my interview this morning at a Starbuck’s near the alum’s house. He had suggested Starbuck’s or his office — I went with Starbucks because I felt like it would be a more relaxed setting. The interview lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes. Overall, the interview was quite conversational. He shared a lot of insight about Wharton, what he liked about it, what opportunities/resources I should pursue there if I’m accepted, etc. The questions that I remember are: 1. Walk me through your resume. When I got to talking about how I got an MPH from UCLA, he asked
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Published: February 14, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions
It was about an hour long and he read questions exactly off a sheet prepared by Kellogg: Walk through resume Explain personal interests on resume What’s a difficult/challenging experience When have you led a team through difficult experience Why Kellogg LT goals Why MBA What makes an effective leader What managaerial style do you admire What’s a weakness of your application What will you uniquely bring to Kellogg
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Published: February 14, 2007
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni
I had my Wharton interview early in the day at the Alum’s office. I reached his office around 30 minutes before and so we started 20 minutes before the stipulated time. The alum had some 10 years of experience after MBA and 8 years before MBA. So he was quite mature and adept at interviewing. It was a tough interview, I must say. He guided the interiew process well and asked several follow-up questions on my experiences. Whenever, I told him about some experience whether community or professional, he asked about how xyz behaved or tell me about one person
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Published: February 14, 2007
INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / Alumnus
Originally published by necromonger@INSEAD I thought I should post my experience of the second interview with INSEAD alumni. While this comes late for R1, I guess R2/3/4 may find some of this a little useful. My second interview was with a partner in a pretty large firm, he specializes in consulting technology companies on mergers, acquisitions etc. He was very cordial right from the point of my asking for an interview until the end. He offered to buy me lunch, and the good thing was that the meeting place (a cafe) was just 10 minutes from
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Published: February 11, 2007
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Chicago GSB Interview with Alumnus, Round 2
I met with an alum at his office. Total time was about 45 minutes including time for my questions. The interview was somewhat free form and tailored to aspects of my resume and aspects of my responses so it’s hard to type up a neat list here. He started off by asking how I learned of Chicago and what attracted me to the program and probed for very specific answers. For example, when I stated that I felt a greater connection to students I met at Chicago, he wanted to know very specifically the conditions under which I observed students
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Published: February 9, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-campus / Alumnus / Round 2
I had my interview with a Kellogg alumnus off-campus around January 2007. The interview was more like a conversation than an interview, and the alumnus was very down to earth, friendly and personable. The interview lasted for TWO hours, so the alumnus and I were able to connect well. Few things: 1) I prepared for the standard questions mentioned here on the wiki. The interviewer did not go beyond the standard questions to initiate conversation, but he did ask follow up questions based upon the answers I gave. Make sure you have answers prepared for the “walk me through your
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Published: February 6, 2007
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Dinged
With adcom who was personable. It was fast-paced, and afterward I wished I’d taken more time to think before I spoke. Was surprised by how little feedback I got during the course of the interview. Started off asking about my course of study in college. Why did I choose that major? What were the positives and negatives of the program? Asked about my work experience. Why did I choose to work at my first job? How did I get the job? What was my average day? My biggest challenge? How did I handle that challenge? Why did I leave that
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Published: February 6, 2007
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum / Admitted
The alum was conversational and friendly. Asked me questions for 30 minutes and left me 15 minutes to ask questions. I was surprised by the intensity of the interview. Why an MBA? What would you do if you couldn’t get an MBA? Tell be about a time you led a team and let them down? Asked for a second example that was more team-oriented. Tell be about a time you saw and took advantage of an opportunity? Tell be about a time you overcame a great obstacle? What is your greatest accomplishment? Tell be about a time when you stood
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Published: February 3, 2007
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1, Alumnus
I had my interview today with an alumnus at a coffee shop in Mumbai. We had fixed a time but eventually ended up meeting half an hour earlier. The internet is a fascinating place. I had found out about him as soon as I was matched with him by the system. That made the interview easier. I know who I was meeting and was at ease. He is a techie turned investment banker and has returned to India less than a year ago to be a part of this exponential growth. He was friendly and the interviewer was very business
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Published: February 2, 2007
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / Round 1 / Phone
The interview was conducted over the phone because I was deployed to Iraq. Most of the questions that were asked were different than the typical b-school interviews I had conducted: 1) What do you during your free time in Iraq? (I explained that I ran with my soldiers to try and stay fit) 2) Explain how you involved them in your team fitness program. 3) How does this goal setting process relate to how you manage other aspects of your job in Iraq? We continued to speak about goal setting in the context of fitness training for about 15 minutes
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Published: February 1, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Round 1
I had my Kellogg interview today at 10am with an alumni. It was interesting and interactive:-) No tough questions…he was very cool and enthusiastic person. Most importantly he allowed me to guide the interview the way i wanted. He started with “walk me through your resume” and he followed up with questions on each of my experiences, which covered my learnings, leadership style, teamwork, challenges and the way i approached them, etc. These questions covered all my professional and community experiences. Then he told me that you seem to be pretty much enjoying your current job, so why MBA now?
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Published: February 1, 2007
Published: February 1, 2007
Tepper MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On Campus
Yesterday got back from my Carnegie Mellon Interview and to say it was adventurous would be an understatement. So here’s the scoop… Had my interview scheduled for 1st Feb – Thursday – 10:30 AM. And soo was supposed to fly from Minneapolis to Chicago and then Chicago to Pittsburgh ( Carnegie Mellon ) on Wednesday at 7 PM. All was well starting from Minneapolis at 7 PM…but then because of heavy snow in Minneapolis, flight got delayed and reached Chicago around 9 PM in night instead of 8 PM…Next flight was 9:15 PM and so obviously missed it… Talked to
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Published: January 31, 2007
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / on-campus
I recently finished an interview for Round 1 at Stern. While the questions were fairly straight-forward (many are seen further down on this page), the overall interview was more challenging than others I had this year. This is because the adcom really does know/read your file before the interview, and comes prepared with specific questions about your career history. After a quick 30-second chit chat, we dove right into the questions. Questions asked in my interview (but probably not in this exact order): How did you choose your undergraduate school/major? How did you use it to get your first job?
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Published: January 27, 2007
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus student interview, Early Decision Round
My interview was with a second year student who was friendly and professional. The interview was relaxed and comfortable. The interviewer had a copy of my resume and was familiar with it. However, he was unfamiliar with my field, which meant I had to briefly explain my industry’s landscape and my position in it during the initial “walk me through your resume” question. Additional questions: What are your Post-MBA career goals? Why MBA and why now? Tuck is different than other schools, especially in terms of location, why do you think it’s the right school for you? (Read: Why Tuck?)
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Published: January 27, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campusn / Adcom / Round 1
A member of the Admissions Committee conducted my interview. In general, the interview struck a good balance; it was professional and challenging, while at the same time amiable and relaxed. Interview questions: 1. Briefly walk me through your resume. 2. What are your post-MBA career goals? 3. Why do you want an MBA and why now? 4. Have you considered Kellogg’s 1-Y program? 5. Why do you want to attend Kellogg? 6. How do you motivate people on a team? 7. How will you take a leadership role in campus organizations? 8. How will you work with the other students
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Published: January 26, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / Adcom / Round 2
The Kellogg interview was fairly straight-forward. Since the interviews are conducted blind, the adcom member is looking at your resume with fresh eyes. We did a standard resume walk-through that consisted of: Why undergraduate school/major? Why first job? Why MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? Short/long-term goals? How will Kellogg help you acheive them? After that, there were several teamwork-oriented questions, like how I would contribute to, and benefit from, working in teams at Kellogg. Just an observation–Kellogg interviews (what seems to be) dozens of people a day, and the admissions office will be packed with other applicants on the day
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Published: January 23, 2007
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action Round / AdCom / Accepted
My interview was scheduled at 9:00 AM at the School. I was interviewed by an AdCom member and a trainee 2nd year student. The interviewers made me feel very comfortable. I was also helped by the fact that I approached it as a conversation rather than an interview. It was resume based and along the standard lines of “Walk me through the resume” , “Why Tuck” etc. We talked a bit about my extra-curricular activities too. I was asked a couple of questions on how my peers viewed me as a person. After that answer I was asked how did
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Published: January 20, 2007
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On-campus / student / Round 1
A second year candidate who was fairly reserved and discerning conducted the interview. Because of this the interview seemed more formal than some of the others I have had. The interviewer was in a class I visited earlier in the day, so he asked me what I thought of it. He had a copy of my resume. The first question was the standard “walk me through your resume”. Additional questions: If you were going to assemble an ideal team, who would you choose for it and why? What is the difference between a leader and a manager? Describe a time
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Published: January 19, 2007
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Round 2
Interview was held at Goldman Sachs in NYC as part of an interview day. Met with an alumni from the class of 2005. He was a one year student, but was able to answer all my questions about the two year program. Nice guy, conversational, wrote a lot while I was talking, but he did make the effort to glance up and look at me from time to time. Most of the questions he asked are already in here. Standard walk me through your resume, tell me about teamwork experiences, leadership experiences in and out of work/school, what have you
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Published: January 18, 2007
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / student
The second year student who conducted my interview was very friendly and intelligent. The interview was relaxed and comfortable. The interviewer had a copy of my resume. Since his background was in the same industry, he was most interested in the transitions between companies I had worked for and the reasons underlying those decisions. The interview was brief and conversational, yet professional; it focused mostly on the basics with just a couple industry specific questions. Interview Questions: 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. How do you see the future for your industry? 3. Why are you interested in Yale?
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Published: January 17, 2007
Berkeley / Haas Round 1 Interview Report (Intl location)
I had an interview this morning with <Alum> at his office. He is a senior partner at Big consultancy. Alum was very friendly and the whole interview was conversational. Half the interview was about him talking about his experiences, his motivations, his school decision, what to look out for at HAAS and his favorite classes and Profs. He also compared HAAS and its benefits and disadvantages to the other programs that I was applying to. This cleared a lot of questions that I had regarding the program and was planning to ask. He asked me the following questions as part
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Published: January 6, 2007
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus / Alumni / R1
Had some trouble with the logistics because of weather and construction. Arrived early to calm the nerves and prepare. Setting was a typical corporate environment (the alumnus’s work location). Started very informal as we walked to a conference room (chatted about the weather and my commute). When we got comfortable in the conference room the alumnus then launched into the standard questions. After about 30 minutes, when it came time for me to ask questions, it became much more conversational. Alumnus Questions posed: Tell me a little about yourself? Tell me a little about the positions you’ve worked in?
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Published: December 27, 2006
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On campus
I interviewed with a second year student. Started with my resume, the interviewer tried to understand my past experience flow. It took us between 5-10 minutes to finish this. Then he asked why MBA with so much experience, followed by why Wharton. He interrupted me in the middle of my Why Wharton answer and started asking about the leadership story. That was followed by the my leadership styles. I gave examples of at work and community services. Rest of the questions were my team work experience and how to resolve team conflicts. He also asked about the long term, short
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Published: December 25, 2006
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / alum
I was asked to interview with an alum. We met in the alum’s office My interviewer was very warm and personable. We spoke for a few minutes about the weather (It was unusally cold that day). The interviewer explained to me the purpose of this interview and told me that the adcom wanted him to ask me a few specific questions and that he would follow up with some questions of his own. From the type of questions I was asked on my essays, I understood that the interviewer had thoroughly read my application and essays (He did not read
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