Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: October 8, 2005
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On campus / Round 1
My interview was originally scheduled with Wesley Hawk, but I ended up interviewing with Craig Hubble instead. He was very laid-back and friendly, and although I was very nervous walking into the interview (this was my first one), I felt at ease once we started talking. He asked about my professional background and number of years of work experience. He also asked about my extra-curricular activities while in college, and what sort of community service work I’ve done since school. He seemed to steer the conversation frequently towards “Why Anderson?” types of information, which I was more than happy to
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Published: October 2, 2005
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / Adcom
My interview with Kenan-Flagler occurred on October 3, 2005. I applied in the Early Action round. The interview was preceded by sitting in on a microeconomics class. Also, I had lunch with the other prospective applicants (I believe there were about 7 other applicants there) and 4 current students, and was given a tour of the building. I arrived at 9:20, and met Barbara Ann in the admissions office. She was very nice and introduced me to Leo, the student who was taking me to the class I was to sit in on. The classroom was crowded with about 40
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Published: September 23, 2005
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On campus / adcom
The textbook 30 minute, blind admissions interview. After some small talk, the interviewer went right into questions, skipping any sort of resume rundown. It was clear that the interviewer was following a script for the most part. Some of the questions, to the best of my recollection, were: Why MBA? Why Ross? Why now? Has there ever been a time when you had to coach someone who wasn’t performing well at work? Which clubs and activities are you interested in at Ross? Any questions for me? The interviewer was quite pleasant and friendly and took copious notes. There was no
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Published: September 17, 2005
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom
I had an interview with Buck William, a member of Adcom team of UNC, the interview was extremely friendly and relaxing. He really made a lots of efforts to put me at easy and make me comfortable, which I think a bit more than needed! He started by talking to me about Philippines because 46 years ago, he had a great time in Mindanao (the south of the Philippines) and Manila. So we chatted and we shared a lot about Philippines. Then he asked me how my life is in Philippines and how I grew up in Vietnam. A bit
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Published: March 25, 2005
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / Alum / Admitted
The HBS alum met me in an office. He told me that he read everything except the Recs. He said HBS asked him to prob four areas and he told me upfront what they were. The four were: An example of a conflict I was in that didn’t get resolved like I wanted it to be resolved. My strengths and weaknesses Typical responsibilities (describe one week at work) A professional setback. How I handled frustration. We walked through all four. Typically he asked one-two follow ups for each topic. That took about 20-25 minutes. Then he started asking about life
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Published: March 20, 2005
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / Adcom / Admitted
I had my interview with an admissions officer in a hub city. Prior to the interview I read up on Sloan-specific interview guides and visited several forums to prepare. I laid out several answers to all the common behavioral questions. I also went through a mock interview session with a clearadmit rep. My actual interview, however, was not the typical Sloan behavioral interview. The questions I fielded were: What is “consulting”? Pretend I am your friend and you are trying to sell me your job. Why should I become a consultant? Specifically, what is your role? (here, I had the
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Published: March 20, 2005
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Second Year Student / Round 1
I interviewed at Duke University in the fall of 2004 and was admitted to the class of 2007. Duke uses second year students or alumni interviewers for all of their interviewing. I interviewed with a second year student that had a similar background as me. The interview was very laid back and mostly intended to get to know me as a person. It had the general questions, why Duke, why MBA etc. It was more conversational than anything else and it felt very comfortable. From what I have been told the interview can only help you at Duke and is
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Published: March 14, 2005
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / Adcom
My interview was very friendly and conversational but, with the benefit of hindsight, it’s clear that many of the seemingly unrelated questions centered around one particular doubt the adcom had about my candidacy. The interviewer first asked me about the details of my work. In my essays, I tried to leave out most of the technical details of my small business for fear of boring the reader to tears. So when I was asked “So what does your company actually do?”, I was a little surprised that they were interested. After answering, I was asked what the steps and thought
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MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1 / Adcom
My interview began on time and my interviewer began by putting me at ease nothing that this will be more of a conversational interview. He then stated the directions previously given in the Sloan interview prep document regarding the behavioral interview format Sloan uses. The interviewer was quite cordial and the tone of the interview was very relaxed. We wound up having an enjoyable conversation and even chuckled a few times. Below are the questions I was asked and some personal commentary for some questions. Tell me about your company. (I work for a relatively small company so this was
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Published: February 27, 2005
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2
I had an on-campus interview in late February. It was with a second year student Adcom. He’s a friendly guy. He started the interview by explaining the interview process and talking about his background. Here are some questions that he asked. Walk through the resume. Why MBA? Short term and long term. What qualities do you look for in an MBA program? How do you define success? What activities do you want to involve at Wharton? What is the most important thing you want to get out from Wharton? What do co-workers would say about your weaknesses? What is one
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Published: February 26, 2005
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni interview / R2
Had my interview in Tokyo with an alum working for one of the big 3 strat firms. Questions asked were pretty straightforward: Career progression, and why I made certain choices Career goals Why MBA/Wharton What do you do in your free time? At Wharton, your classmates will all be smart and successful. What differentiates you from the rest? How are your applications progressing? Have you heard from any of the other schools you’ve applied to? Interestingly, he also asked me about how I felt about being among “money focused” students. Tips: It’s conversational so don’t stress about your answers (I
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Published: January 30, 2005
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2
The interview began with an exchange of thoughts on our respective European experience and as if to formally mark the beginning of the interview, the interviewer informed me about the “blind” nature of the interview. The first question asked me to talk about my achievements. Now, it is always easier to start with a résumé walkthrough in order to put the self-perceived achievements in context and I did just that. Although I tried to avoid sounding like I was responding to the wrong question, I felt the need to run the interviewer through my background in order to put the
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Published: January 16, 2005
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom
My interview at Kenan-Flagler occurred in mid-November on campus. I visited a core marketing class with a current student. Following class, I went to lunch with current and prospective students and took a tour of the school. I arrived at 10:30 a.m. and met a student for an 11 a.m. class. The office was very attentive and all the student guides showed up on time. The marketing class was full (around 70 students) and the professor kept the discussion on pricing engaging and fast-paced. After class, I returned to the admissions office and met up with a group heading to
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Published: November 25, 2003
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Texas / Member of Adcom
My interview with HBS was pretty relaxed and conversational. If I remember correctly, we started and ended the interview precisely on time, and it ran exactly 30 minutes. Most of the interview questions were straightforward and concerned my essays or job experience, I don’t recall any behavioral questions. The interviewer quizzed me for about 25 minutes and then I had time to ask just one question, which was about the level of competitiveness and intensity at HBS. I’ve heard, and my interview was pretty consistent with this, that the primary purpose of the HBS interview is to function as a
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