Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: February 1, 2021
Rice Jones Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
Resume-based. The student started by introducing herself. Described the interview structure and how it was going to be conducted. First 25 minutes of questions, and then she gave me the remaining time for my questions. 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Current responsibilities. 3. How do you work in a diverse environment? 4. How do you handle a situation of conflict? 5. Having in mind that the university has students from multiple countries and cultures, how do you handle a difficult conversation? 6. Why Rice? 7. What are your goals? 8. Questions
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Published: January 31, 2021
Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
Relatively informal-feeling conversation. He asked me many of the “standard” interview questions such as why Ross, why an MBA, tell me about a time when you led a team, tell me about a time when you disagreed with a superior and how you handled it…etc. It then took a slight twist when he shifted gears and asked if there was one thing I could change about the world, what would it be and why. It seemed to be a very open ended question and we ended up chatting about my answer after. Finally, he asked if there was anything else
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Published: January 31, 2021
Published: January 31, 2021
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
It was very conversational. We started off with small talk and then transitioned into the interview. My interviewer was very nice and welcoming. The questions asked were: Can you walk me through your resume to put it in more context? Can you explain your short/long-term goals? And why MBA? Why Tuck? What is your proudest accomplishment? What is an area of weakness you hope to work on or have been working on improving already? Tell me about a time you had to deliver tough feedback. What would you want your legacy to be at
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Published: January 31, 2021
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Skype
Opened by introducing himself. Described the interview structure and how it will be conducted. 30 mins of talking + 10-15 mins of questions from me. 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. ST LT Goals + Why MBA 3. Why Tuck? 4. Situation where you didn’t know something and how did you deal with it? 5. Situation with professional conflict? 6. 3 examples – how would they describe you – a) supervisor/manager b) a peer c) someone you managed 7. Most impactful feedback that you have received and how did it change you?
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Published: January 31, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
The interview was just like I had expected based on other interview reports! It was conducted blind (she had not even seen my resume), so make sure to convey everything you would want to from your resume and give background behind things (ie. they won’t even know when you graduated or how long you’ve been working). 1. Tell me about yourself, your family, where you went to undergrad and what brings you here today. She said that she might interrupt me with questions in the middle, but she didn’t really, she gave me free rein to speak. 2. Tell
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Published: January 28, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
The interview was very conversational and my interviewer was very personable. Lasted almost an hour. The interview was completely blind, he hadn’t even seen my resume. The questions were typical questions. Why Darden? What value do you think you’ll bring? He spoke a lot about what Darden is like and answered all of my questions. I was surprised with how not stuffy the interview was. I really enjoyed the experience and now think very highly of Darden.
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Published: January 28, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
I was interviewed by an adcom member. The interview layout is pretty simple and in line with the debriefs that one can find online. I was asked the following questions: 1) Tell me about yourself (went on for 10-15 mins). 2) Why MBA? Why at this point of time? 3) Why Darden? Questions that were new to me, but are the pretty standard behavioral questions: 4) What have you done to have inclusion and diversity in your team? 5) How have you ensured a flat hierarchy within your team? The interview went on for 40 minutes. Post
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Published: January 27, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Adcom & Second-Year Student / Zoom
I applied during the Early Action admissions round. I knew that I would have the interview with an admissions team member and a current student from an event that I attended earlier. The admissions member explained during the interview that the second-year student is joining us to observe mainly. The interview was very conversational. Starting with telling my story, why I want to pursue an MBA, why now, why Darden. Nothing out of ordinary. I wouldn’t say the interviewer explicitly asked me why MBA, why Darden, but it was more my story led me to talk about those areas. At
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Published: January 26, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
My interviewer came across as warm and friendly, and eased into the actual interview with some small talk beforehand. The questions went roughly as follows: 1.) Tell me about yourself; include your educational/professional background, why you want an MBA, and why you chose to apply to Darden. The interviewer followed up with some clarifying questions about my atypical work history. 2.) Tell me about a conflict you had with someone, how you handled it, what you learned from the conflict, and how you’ve applied these lessons to other situations going forward. 3.) Tell me about your leadership style;
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Published: January 26, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
This interview was with a member of the admissions committee. You don’t know who it is until you receive an email an hour prior, with the interviewer’s name. I recommend you read up on their background. It is a straightforward conversation that they want you to drive. It is a blind interview so you need to make sure you nail down your story and talk about the experiences/things most important to you, and be able to tell that in your story/pitch. You will also need to explain why an MBA and why Darden. Once I gave my initial story (~5
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Published: January 26, 2021
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
This interview was with a second-year student, or a Tuck Admissions Associate (TAA, https://www.tuck.dartmouth.edu/mba/blog/get-to-know-the-tuck-admissions-associates-program). It was a straightforward, standard conversation where the TAA had my resume ahead of time, and wanted me to start off with a basic intro and story about myself, and explain why I want to get an MBA, and why specifically Tuck. Because these TAAs only work for a year, the conversation was a bit more inorganic than my conversation with a Kellogg alum, who had been doing interviews for years and years. Don’t take it as a bad sign, just know that they will be
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Published: January 25, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
The interview was the Darden style that I was expecting. This is an interviewee-led interview. It is also a blind interview (the interviewer has not seen your application nor do they have your resume). Most interviews are conducted by second-year students, however mine was with an adcom member. 1. Take some time to tell me about yourself. Please address the following: – Where did you go to college and why? – What has your professional experience been? – What are your goals? – Why an MBA? / Why now? 2. Why Darden? 3. How
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Published: January 25, 2021
Published: January 25, 2021
Cornell Johnson Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Skype
1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why MBA? 3. Why Now? 4. Why Johnson? 5. What do you know about recruiting for Tech? (Tech was my post-MBA career/goal) 6. Tell me about a time you had a conflict in a team. 7. Anything else you would like the admissions committee to know? 8. What are your questions for me? Overall, it was very pleasant and easy-going. The student was one with similar goals as mine, I think they do that intentionally to gauge how well thought out your goal really is and what
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Published: January 24, 2021
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
Darden / Mid-January 2021 interview. The interview was pretty straightforward since I was expecting the Darden structure. I wasn’t sure if the interview would be with a second-year student or adcom until the interview. It was conversational and I did the majority of talking. I was told to share my story for ~10 minutes focusing on childhood to today, then was advised to focus on why Darden for the 2nd half of the 20 mins. The adcom asked a few questions after – I was a little thrown off since they were similar to questions on the application, and while
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Published: January 23, 2021
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
Very friendly conversation. 30 minutes long. The questions of my interview were: 1. Walk me through your resume 2. Short-term / long-term goals 3. How will Stern help you achieve you goals 4. Tell me about a time you had to work in teams (I answered one where I was more in a leadership capacity and she asked for another example where I was in a junior capacity). Comments: She asked a lot about who I talked to: people from Stern and people from the clubs that you want to go into and people from
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Published: January 19, 2021
Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
Was a typical zoom interview. You enter the call at your scheduled time. Blind interview by a second-year student. Seems randomly chosen, regardless of your background. 1. Took a good 3-4 minutes chit-chatting; talking about football games, travelling 2. Run through the resume, but focus on the work experience 3. Had follow-up questions about my work experience. (Do you manage a team? How many?) 4. What would you change about your organization? 5. What kind of friction do you have with your manager? How to overcome them? 6. Why leave the job you enjoy?
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Published: January 17, 2021
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
Felt pretty informal. My guess is that these interviews are largely assessing fit, since fit is a huge deal for Tuck and the 2nd-year students conduct them. I got the sense that this was more about “can I imagine you sitting next to me in class” than “will you crack under the pressure of IB recruiting.” 1. Tell me about yourself/walk me through your resume. 2. What are your short-term and long-term goals? 3. Why MBA and why Tuck? 4. Tell about a time you received feedback; how did you handle it? 5. Reverse: tell about
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Published: January 13, 2021
Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Pre-Recorded Video Interview
I was waitlisted without an interview. Just finished the pre-recorded video interview that is required after accepting the waitlist. The pre-recorded format gives me a lot of stress as the timing was strictly defined, and I don’t know what kind of questions was going to be asked. I’m sharing my questions here, and hope this will help other candidates in similar situations. There are 5 questions. Each has 45 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to answer. 1. A diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) experience 2. What do you want to get out of business school and how can
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Published: January 13, 2021
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
I was surprised how conversational the interview was. She clearly had just read my application and thus it felt very natural to speak about my goals and plan. She absolutely had a few questions she wanted directly answered, but there was a flow to the conversation vs. Q&A, Q&A, Q&A, which I greatly appreciated.
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Published: January 13, 2021
Yale SOM Video Essay: Round 2 / Video Essay Component / Online
After signing in, I got the opportunity to test my computer and prepare two sample questions. For the real questions, there would be a video of an Admission Officer saying the prompt and the text below it. After the video ended, a timer would start with time to prepare the answer. Then, the recording would start. The questions were as follows: 1. Why an MBA and why now? (20 seconds to prepare, 60 to present) 2. Talk about a difficult situation you have experienced at work. Explain with details. (30 seconds to prepare, 90 to present) 3. Some
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Published: January 13, 2021
CBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Rolling Admissions / Alumni / Zoom
Interview lasted shorter than expected – I shared a copy of my resume prior to our meeting, but it seemed like he never read my resume. Right off the back he started with a comment saying, he interviewed 3 applicants during this admissions cycle and they have all been admitted so that was a nice ice-breaker to get me to feel comfortable. He explained that when Columbia asks him to fill out the interview report/commentary, they mainly ask for 2 questions: (1) Does the applicant have clear career goals post-MBA and are they realistic and attainable? (2) Will
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Published: January 10, 2021
MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
Interview was super fast, 20 minutes Interviewer showed up about 5 minutes after scheduled time (it was the first time slot on a Monday) and seemed to be in a hurry. I never saw anyone introduce themselves so fast. It seemed I had hit the 2x speed button. But I tried to keep calm. First thing interviewer explained how interview was gonna be. -Tell me about your new job (changed during application) -Tell me about your data visualization (started to overlap with question 1, bc it was about my new job) -Tell me about a recent accomplishment at
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Published: January 10, 2021
HBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
Interview went very smoothly, the interviewer set a welcoming and warm atmosphere which made me feel much more comfortable. I also loved that almost all questions were straightforward about specific things from my application, so I basically knew how to answer them. Questions/talking points -Specific thing about my essay, family background and how it relates to my background and goals -Why did I go to my first job at a Big 4 and how it related to my goals -How did I handle the fact that my college education hadn’t provided me with the basics to work with audit, valuation
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