Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: March 10, 2020
Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
Blind interview – interviewer only had my resume. It lasted about 40 minutes, but I asked plenty of questions at the end. Interview was casual, and my interviewer was deliberate in his attempts to make me feel comfortable. First questions were as expected: walk me through your resume, why MBA, why Fuqua. After that, he asked me a few behavioral questions: When did you manage someone older than yourself? Tell me about a situation in which you had to proceed with little information. Describe your leadership style.
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Published: March 10, 2020
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
The interview started off with the Interviewer asking me about my childhood and how I grew up. We then moved on to discussing my undergrad experience and spoke about how I chose my school of attending and specialization. She then asked me about my work experience, Why MBA and Why Darden. The interviewer was extremely friendly and made it a point to make me comfortable with the process.
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Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Skype
20 minutes. Very standard questions. 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why MBA? 3. Why Tuck? 4. What is an ideal leader for you? 5. Tell me a time when you had conflicts within your team and how you handled that. 10 minutes. I asked two questions. 1. What is the most unexpected thing that you have had happen after you started your journey in Tuck? 2. Do you have any suggestion for international students?
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UCLA Anderson Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
My interviewer was a second-year student. We started off with a pretty standard resume walk through followed by why MBA, why Anderson, why now. Probably we talked about the professional side for too long, the interviewer asked about my hobbies and we happened to both love soccer. For my long-term and post-MBA plans, he was genuinely interested and offered to introduce me to someone in the consulting club who he thought should be able to help. The interview lasted 40min, was really chill. The interviewer did spend a lot of time taking down notes on his form.
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UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
Blind interview on campus. Per my understanding, majority of candidates are interviewed by second-year students and I happened to be interviewed by a member of admissions. I had prepped for a student so this threw me off a bit. We started with tell me about yourself – I began with high school – and the interviewer asked questions throughout. I didn’t love the fully blind interview process as I felt I had to explain basic facts that could have been easily learned from my resume. Everyone was incredibly friendly.
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Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-campus
I did my interview on-campus on a Saturday. They had the option to sign up for various sessions before and/or after your interview. Since my interview was at 10AM, I signed up for a career management session, led the by the director, that began at 9AM, and then a tour of the building with lunch post-interview. The career management session was helpful, as it provided detailed/helpful information about what Fuqua students do post-graduation. The tour was short, but nice to see the school nonetheless. The interview itself lasted about 45 minutes. We sat in small room, and a second-year student
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London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
Background: The LBS adcom spends a lot of time (sometimes upto two weeks) to match you to an alumnus in your preferred location and usually s/he is in a field similar to yours. My interviewer was a recent graduate (2018) and was back in India to head her family business. I was requested to meet at her home office. She had already gone through my entire application and had certain portions highlighted to delve deeper into. Introductory questions: Walk me through your resume. Why LBS? Why MBA? Why MBA now? If not MBA, then what?
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Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / First-Year Student / On-Campus
The interview was on March 4th at the Haas campus, it was with a first-year student, and it was blind. The interview took place in a small study room at Haas. My interviewer was super friendly and she asked a few behavioral questions. Examples include: tell me about yourself, why MBA, why Haas, etc. I was surprised with how laid-back and casual the interview felt. The interview experience really gave me an idea of the type of students that Haas attracts. I really enjoyed my experience. I am awaiting my admissions decision still! The advice I have for future interviewees
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
I interviewed for HBS with two adcom members on Skype. I had one interviewer and one observer. Overall, the interviewer created a very comfortable environment and would nod at my answers encouraging me to tell more. My questions were very tailored to my work experience, asking me about specific assignments at each of my jobs and why I switched workplaces. She had follow-up questions for sure and wanted to get as many details as possible. She asked me indirectly about my leadership style by asking me what I like and don’t like about my boss’s leadership. In the end, she
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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
The interview was with adcom and it was application-based. The interview was very tailored to my application, resume, and interests. They already had a clear idea of who I was, but wanted to know more about the “why” behind my interests. It was a 30-minute interview and was fairly casual, very conversational. It was a great experience overall and I appreciated that they took the time to read through my application beforehand in detail. It allowed for the interview to get straight to the point and dive deeper.
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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / AdCom / On-campus
I interviewed on campus with a member of the admissions team. Flew in the day before so spent time around campus before the interview. I highly, highly, highly recommend getting to campus for your interview or before to get a feel – and this is especially true for Stern, which has a different vibe being in a big city. Interview was very conversational. You can tell they are truly trying to validate fit with the school more than anything else. A question that caught me off guard was: 1) What will your recruitment strategy be for internships? Other than that,
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MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
Met with Adcom member at the local Bain & Co. Office (this is where all individuals were interviewing with MIT for the day). They were running on a tight 40-minute schedule and appeared to immediately submit their notes on each candidate (room walls were glass). The interviewer had all of my materials and asked a few questions about specific points on my resume. The questions they asked included: 1. Why MBA? 2. Why MIT? 3. What would you do if the MBA didn’t exist? 4. Tell me about a time you had a disagreement with a coworker
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Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / First-Year Student / On-Campus
I signed up for lunch and classes before my interview with a Haas Student Ambassador. The whole day was very casual and informal. Interview lasted about 45 minutes, with about 30 minutes of questions and 15 minutes of asking the interviewer questions. I was asked a couple main questions: 1. Tell me about yourself. Why MBA, why Haas, why now? 2. Tell me about a time when you promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion. 3. Tell me about a time when you applied a Defining Principle in your life. 4. Tell me about a time when you took
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I flew in 2 days before my interview so I could spend the day before on campus attending all activities. I’ve never been to Boston or Cambridge and wanted to have time to get a good grasp of what HBS was like, but also what the city I was going to live in for 2 years would be like. Day before interview I sat in on a class, had lunch with current student panel, student campus tour, career development activity, and coffee chat with current students. Beyond allowing myself to get some jitters out, I really enjoyed the chance to
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Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 1/ Alumnus / On-Campus
I went on interview day at Haas. It was really great! I applied through Consortium so Consortium students hosted a breakfast for us to network, ask questions, and conduct mock interviews before the interview day began. Everyone from students, other applicants, and staff were extremely friendly. I was asked the standard questions: why Haas, why MBA, why now, ST/LT goals. I was also asked which of the 4 pillars I identified with the most, how would you handle conflict in your study team, how to do you handle people with type-A personalities, as well as the standard leadership questions. There
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UT Austin McCombs Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / 2nd-Year Student / On-Campus
The interview was very scripted. The interviewer refused to shake hands due to germs (corona-virus is currently going around for those who read this in the future). She had a checklist of questions and took notes of some of what I said. She did not record my entire answers, presumably only what she felt was necessary to write up her report. Despite the scripted format, she was very friendly and the interview was somewhat conversational. She had not seen my application, and questions were all relatively straightforward: work experience, behavioral questions, why McCombs, goals, etc. As a re-applicant, I noticed
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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / On-Campus
I interviewed on February 27th as part of the Women’s Interview Day. Interviews were held in the morning and then there was programming afterward. I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet other women as part of the event after my interview. My interview was held in a small private room at the Henry Kaufman Management Center on campus. The woman who interviewed me had already reviewed my application and was very familiar with my background and interests. She immediately made me feel at ease and was super friendly. Stern provided water, which I appreciated. The interview lasted about 20-25 minutes
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Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
Interviewed off-campus with an alum and their office. Lasted a little over an hour and was purely behavioral, no questions on Why MBA/Why Now/Why GSB, which I thought was odd. For each question, I gave a detailed story/response from my past and the interviewer followed up with specific questions. The interview took a lot of notes the whole time and gave me time to think about my response before talking each time. We had time at the end for some questions from me so we mostly discussed my interviewers experience at GSB. Tell me about a time you solved a
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
Interview was pretty much as expected based on other interview reports. 30 minutes exactly with one interviewer who asked all the questions and one observer who rarely spoke. They knew my application and resume very well and started off the bat with a question about a job I had in college. We covered all 3 of my professional experiences and one community/volunteer experience in detail (Why X job, why X position, why was X project important for X company, what was challenging about X position, etc). We also covered Why MBA. I didn’t get directly asked Why HBS, but I
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Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / First-Year Student / On-Campus
I interviewed on-campus, in a small room in the Executive MBA Suite. It was a warm room, and only got warmer throughout! The interviewer explained the process of the interview – there would be a few official questions, a few behavioral, and then I could ask questions. He was friendly and had a chill vibe. The interview was blind – though he had my resume on hand. List of interview questions – Why MBA? Why Haas? – Tell me about yourself. – Question about experience with diversity. – Time you worked with a team member you
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Wharton Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Team-Based Discussion / On-Campus
For the TBD–make sure you watch the timer. It’s not nearly as terrifying as you think it is, and it will all be over before you know it. Write down your teammates’ names along with the key points from their proposals, and write down your observers’ names as well. One-on-one is exactly what you would expect an MBA interview to be–you might want to trim your answers given you only have ten minutes. I would prep at least four thought-provoking (i.e. not yes/no) questions to ask your interviewer.
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London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
Very casual and conversational interview at the alumni’s private equity office. Early on, I was presented with a business case to present and pitch after a brief 10/15 minute break where I was allowed to prepare. This still felt fairly low-pressure, and I answered two questions about my 5 minute presentation at the end. I was surprised by the laid-back nature of the interview, but prefer this to very technical high-pressure interviews. I think me and the interviewer got along well, which suggests that I may have a lot in common with LBS students.
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
Was 30 minutes. We went to a waiting room about 10 minutes before the interviews. Around the waiting room were ~10 small conference rooms. The adcom people came out to call us into a specific conference room where the interview would be conducted. One adcom member asked all the questions while the other observed. The adcom member who asked the questions had clearly read my application in depth. The questions focused on my current work experiences, since I work at a nonprofit so it is less typical (e.g., Biggest impact I have had at work. How I chose to work
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I flew in the day before my interview to sit in on a class and take part in all of the on-campus activities (lunch with current student panel, campus tour, leadership activity, coffee chat with current students). All very valuable to get a better feel for campus/atmosphere. My interview was the next day at 10:30. It all happened like everyone had told me. Someone comes to the hospitality room about 15 minutes prior to your interview to get the 10 people for that slot. I guess this didn’t happen for everyone, but for us she stopped us just before the
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