Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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INSEAD Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Alumnus / Off Campus
Had two alumni interviews in Toronto. One was at the alumni’s office, the other at a hotel lobby nearby the others office. Both interviews were laid back and conversational. Both began with tell me about your career path so far, your reasons for doing an MBA, and your intended career trajectory. Both also asked ‘why INSEAD over another school?’ While both these lines of questioning were expected, I was surprised there weren’t any technical or situational questions. This led me to believe that INSEAD would rather qualitatively get to know their candidates in the interview process and have already vetted
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Cornell Tech MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Faculty / Skype
Was given a case study 48 hours prior to my scheduled interview. (Typical Product Management Problem Solving) During the first ~10 minutes of the interview, I was asked to walk through my case study and explain my reasoning/line of thought and defend some of my points. During the 2nd half of the interview, was asked: -What I intended to do post-mba -Why Cornell Tech -What my management style was -What questions I had for the interviewer Atmosphere: -Friendly -Light-hearted
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Published: February 29, 2020
INSEAD Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Two Alumni / Online
Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the interviews were conducted via messenger although both of the interviewers are in Hong Kong. Overall, the experience is quite friendly and smooth, and most questions are expected, including why MBA/Why now/Why INSEAD. One of the interviewers went deeper to understand the business model of my startup. At the end, I had time to ask some specific questions about the school and their experience. INSEAD First interview (60mins) Can you start by telling me about yourself? Why INSEAD? Why now? How did you start your startup journey? What challenges have you encountered? Did you
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Published: February 28, 2020
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
Interview was not casual and felt very formal. Interviewer had read my entire application. The interviewer had a set of typical questions (Why an MBA, why Stern, what extracurriculars would you be involved in, what would you do if you didn’t get an MBA, what employers would you like to work for), but also included questions very specific to me (i.e. in your field, who is doing great work right now and how does that connect to your goal). Overall, questions were very targeted – I recommend doing a lot of prep work in rehearsing answers to basic interview questions
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Published: February 27, 2020
LBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
My interview was at the alumnus’ office. It started by breaking the ice and talking about the current situation in our city, and then the interview started with a classical tell me about yourself. After, the alumnus had a list of questions she started asking and checking after responded. The questions were quite typical of a job interview and what you can find in online forums, but some interesting ones were to tell her about a challenging time while working on a team, what do I think is an issue in business that is not being addressed, and what would
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Published: February 27, 2020
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
If you interview on Diversity Days or Women’s Day, you may interview with an Alum and your experience may be different. With the regular scheduled Adcom interviews, the important thing to note is that this is not a blind interview. They know everything about you. They read your resume, your essays, looked at your Pick Six, everything. It’s very conversational and comfortable, but it is structured. They started off with an icebreaker question picked off from one of the interesting fun facts from my application. I sectioned off the questions I remembered into two groups: Why MBA/Why Stern: Why did
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Published: February 26, 2020
Cornell Johnson Interview Questions & Report: Consortium Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I applied through the Consortium to Cornell Johnson. Standard behavioral interview. Prompts include: Walk me through your resume. Tell me about your leadership style. Why Johnson? How will you contribute to our community? The interviewer will have a list of questions about potential weaknesses in your application, and ask you about them. It was pretty laid back, but professional.
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Published: February 26, 2020
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
There was an interviewer and an observer. I was greeted by the receptionist and given an NYU T-shirt. I signed up for a class visit and lunch with current students which provided some talking points and in-depth knowledge of Stern. The questions included: Tell me about your college experience Give highlights of your work experience Why banking? What is your location preference, whether open to other cities or not. What is your backup plan for post-MBA career? What would you contribute to the Stern class? What do you want Stern to remember you for? Why now for MBA? Where do
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Published: February 25, 2020
Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The interview was extremely conversational and she asked the typical MBA questions along with a few behavioral questions. We met at a coffee shop in Orange County. I believe the interview was blind. 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Why MBA? 3. Why Haas? 4. What are your strengths/weaknesses? 5. What is the biggest risk you have taken in your career? 6. What will you contribute to the Haas community? 7. Any questions? Overall I had a good feeling about the interview. The interviewer did push back on my weakness and asked if
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Published: February 25, 2020
Georgetown McDonough Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Virtual
The whole interview was a very positive and pleasant experience. The adcom member introduced himself and made it very clear that all he knew about me was whatever was listed on my resume. He did mention that the interview was supposed to run for about 30 minutes although the conversation was flowing very well and we ended up talking for about 40 minutes and then I had a few minutes to ask questions. 1. Tell me a little bit about yourself (Share your story within your company). 2. What are your short-term and long-term goals? 3. How does
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Published: February 25, 2020
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
I scheduled my interview during “Super Saturday,” the one Saturday that admissions offers interviews on the weekend. Because I was able to do so, I came Friday for Booth Live!, the all-day event for interviewees and prospective students including a lunch with students, mock class, Q&A panel with current students, leadership activity, and a happy hour. Highly recommend for anyone visiting campus (I believe they do it twice a year). Booth uses second-year students to complete on-campus interviews, and I learned that it is a highly coveted position that requires application and participation from the beginning of the first year
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Published: February 25, 2020
INSEAD Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
Location: Interviewer’s office in Tokyo After we got into the meeting room, the interviewer told me that he already read my application form and CV, and had no questions on them. He even let me decide how to proceed with the interview (interview first and then the Q&A, or vice versa) Questions I got during the interview: 1. Do you prefer to do the interview in Japanese or English? 2. The interviewer shared with me some of the digital-related projects he is doing, and ask me about my thoughts about the general idea of how digital can help
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Published: February 24, 2020
Cornell Johnson Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
My interview was with an adcom member and the head of admissions. The head of admissions was sitting in on the interview to audit the adcom member as he was new to the team I believe. They had read my application and came into the interview with notes. They were very friendly and after a bit of pleasant chit chat we got into the questions. 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Why an MBA? Why now? 3. Why do you want to pursue your stated career path? 4. Why Johnson? 5. How will you make
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Published: February 24, 2020
LBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus
The interview was very relaxed and casual, which I am grateful for. I was quite nervous beforehand because London Business School is a top choice for me and my brain was in the “better not mess this up” mode. The interview began with the alum giving a short introduction about what he was currently doing, and then gave an overview of how the interview would go. Here are the questions I was asked: 1) Tell me about yourself. 2) Why MBA, why LBS? 3) Talk about an experience where you had to negotiate a conflict while working in
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Published: February 24, 2020
INSEAD Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-Campus
I have two interviewers that were scheduled on 2 separate days of a week. They were both very friendly. The first one is in the industry (consulting). that I would like to get into, the second one works in an industry that is completely different (retail). Some basic questions were asked: my background, my MBA goals, what do I do outside of work, … Both interviews were relaxing. I also had a chance to ask questions about their MBA experience, and what advice they would give to me to achieve my goals.
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Published: February 24, 2020
Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / First-Year Student / On-Campus
I interviewed on campus, I was told it would be with a second-year student, but it was with a first-year student. The interviewer had only seen my resume prior to the interview, and typed notes as I spoke. The interview lasted 45 minutes. The interviewer had a list of questions to choose from and selected questions based on my background and the answer I had just given him. 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why MBA/Post MBA Goals? 3. Why Haas? 4. Tell me about a time you had a heated debate with a colleague and you
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Published: February 23, 2020
Harvard Business School MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
Was one of the hardest interviews of my life. Maybe 25 questions in 30 minutes, but very non-chalant so I felt somewhat off-guard throughout. Asked me about everything that essentially wasn’t explored in my application, which I didn’t like given I didn’t dive into it my application for a reason (other parts were just uninteresting or not passionate for me). Picked up on 1-4 words I included in my long-term career goals and really drilled down (maybe unfairly given they were mere examples, but also I provided those…). Kept looking down at watch. Left feeling pretty good, but ultimately not
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Published: February 23, 2020
Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
I interviewed on February 15, 2020. Despite single-digit temperatures, the visit was very pleasant. The Ross admissions team did a great job of welcoming us in, creating a supportive and positive atmosphere, and structuring an entire day for us. I came in on a Saturday, and they had several second-year students come in and speak to us and provide tons of valuable information. At the end of the day, they even had a professor perform a mock class on game theory. The class was actually very engaging and entertaining. The interview itself was with a second-year student and was very
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Published: February 23, 2020
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / On-Campus
Interviewed on Consortium interview day with a recent Alum based in the NYC area. I was impressed that the adcom took the time to match me with an alum who is in the same field that I’m interested in. The interviewer had read through my essays, resume, and pick 6 before the interview, so it was more like a conversation with why MBA/why Stern woven in. Know your answers to these questions and know how your current skills translate to your career goals and how a Stern MBA can help fill the gaps. All in all great experience.
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Published: February 23, 2020
Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
Interviewed on the Consortium interview day with a current student. All in all pretty relaxed. Asked standard questions plus some behavioral: 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why MBA? 3. Why Ross? 4. Tell me about a time you had to deal with people with different working styles than yourself and how did you manage that. 4. Tell me about a time you made a mistake at work. 5. Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult person. The one on one interview lasted about 25 minutes. We then went to
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Published: February 20, 2020
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I interviewed on campus as part of the Women’s Interview Day. I enjoyed the programming as I was also able to have a mock class, coffee chat with current students, and fireside chat/lunch all in one go. My interviewer had read my entire file, so they were able to ask me probing questions about my background and post-MBA aspirations. They obviously had done their research on me and had some specific follow-up questions, but it was also pretty casual and conversational. Many of the questions were personalized to me and my application. That said, there were some questions that I
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Published: February 19, 2020
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
Took place in a hotel lobby off-campus. Very pleasant interview – alum graduated from Booth a few years ago and it was very much like a conversation. It was clear that the alum wanted to know me better – I had sent a resume and he’d clearly read through it beforehand and knew about my previous work history. I brought extra copies but he didn’t need a copy, and he jotted down quick notes as I answered questions throughout the interview. Questions he asked included: Why MBA? Why Booth? How will you contribute to Booth’s community? Who’s your personal hero?
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Published: February 18, 2020
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
Opted for on-campus interview. I was told by a friend (2nd-year Darden student) that the interview would be random and blind (either adcom or 2nd yr student). Greeted by the adcom and led to his office. Asked if he wanted a copy of my resume and was told hearing me tell my story was the preferred option. So the following questions were asked: 1) Tell me about yourself, your early experiences, values, decisions. 2) What kind of clients do you work with? How did you make the decision to join the industry/company? 3) What role do you usually
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Published: February 18, 2020
Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
I don’t think I’m adding much new information here with this report, as my interview was very similar to all the other reports here. I called the interviewer the day I got the invite and we set up a time that worked with his schedule in the 7-10 day window requested by the GSB. We used a walk-up conference room off the lobby of his office for our scheduled 1-hour meeting. We began by exchanging pleasantries and chatted for a bit before he explained the usual (behavioral interview, he’d be writing notes, don’t be bothered by it, time for questions
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Published: February 18, 2020
Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
Interviewed at Michigan Ross in Ann Arbor. Broken into halves in a total room full of 70 or so interviewing students. I was part of the second group so we were first spoken to by various student led organization leads. When it was time for my group’s interviews, we were all led to the elevators and went to central room where the interviewers were waiting. He was looking for me so we shook hands and had about a 3-minute walk on the way to our interview room so we had some small talk. Interview generally flowed like this: (interviewer
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