Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: November 5, 2019
Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report / Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus hub
The interview was very structured and the interviewer was extremely friendly. Questions: – Walk me through your resume – Greatest success at work – Failure at work – Why MBA? – Why now? – Why Yale? – Why did you select your quote? How will that impact your contribution to Yale? (We were requested to submit a quote beforehand.) There weren’t any surprises. Yale SOM is such a friendly school. They make an effort to ensure that you feel comfortable throughout the interviewing process by explaining the questions very clearly and laying
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Published: November 3, 2019
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
The interview took place on campus in the MBA admissions office. The interview was led by a second-year student who had a copy of my resume and likely had reviewed it shortly before the interview itself. The interviewer had not read my application. The interview was laid out in a pre-printed form and we stepped through questions one-by-one while the interviewer took notes on my responses. Overall questions were straight-forward and expected for an MBA interview. These questions included: – Walk me through your background/Introduce yourself – What is an accomplishment/success you are proud of? – When was
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Published: October 28, 2019
Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report / Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
My interview was blind with a GSB alum. Received an email matching me with my interviewer ~7 days after receiving my invite (I’m in the southeast U.S.A and there aren’t as many alumni here to support as there are in NY, Chicago, Boston, west coast). I was extremely pleased with how strong of a match the AO was able to make with my interviewer. We worked at the same company pre-MBA. He had the same post-MBA goals as I do, and we had very similar interests in our personal lives. ~15 minutes before my interview was scheduled to start, I
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Published: October 27, 2019
Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The interview was fairly standard and conversational. The interviewer was an admissions committee member and had not viewed my application before. He appeared to be given a packet, of which one page was my resume, which he did not appear to have reviewed ahead of time (this was evident when I began my “tell me about yourself” answer and mentioned something and he interrupted asking where on my resume it was). Questions that were asked were (in order): – Walk me through your resume. – Can you tell me about your day-to-day responsibilities in your current role?
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Published: October 23, 2019
Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The adcom was super nice and started off the discussion by reviewing the overall process and next steps from today. The overall flow was: walk through your resume, provide behavioral examples, short / long term goals, life outside of work, why do you need an MBA, why Kellogg specifically (looking for a lot of emphasis on team work throughout the discussion) Specific questions I had (40 minutes): – Tell us about your path to (my firm) – What do your current responsibilities look like? – Can you tell us about a project you have been on where
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Published: October 23, 2019
Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I was invited to interview on 09/23 with a recent alum in my city. I reached out to the alum by email and scheduled the interview one afternoon (about 1 week after receiving the invite) at a local coffee shop, which was quiet given the meeting time. The interview was blind, and the alum only had access to the resume that I sent him via email. Overall, the interview was very relaxed and conversational, and it was clear that my interviewer was very passionate about Kellogg. We talked a bit about his background and my recent visit to Kellogg before
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Published: October 23, 2019
UVA / Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report – Early Action / Adcom / On-Campus
My interview was blind and very straightforward. The admissions officer gave a quick introduction (~2 min) and then asked me to ‘tell my story’. I talked for about 40 min starting from childhood while the admissions officer mostly listened and interjected once or twice for clarification. There was time at the end to ask a couple of questions. Overall I enjoyed this interview more than others as it was clearly more about fit than hard skills. I was admitted in the EA round. Preparing for an upcoming UVA / Darden MBA Interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: Clear Admit
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Published: October 23, 2019
Insead MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I had my interview with the alumnus in a hotel lounge, which lasted for 1 hour. The interview was pretty conversational, and most questions were very typical. I handed out my printed resume to her as she didn’t bring one though she said she has one on her PC which she used during the interview. She listened to my answers very carefully, and asked some follow-up questions about my thoughts and learnings regarding my accomplishment, while keeping typing on her PC to make notes. We went into the questions directly after her brief introduction. Some questions that I still remember:
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Published: October 23, 2019
Kellogg / Northwestern Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / First-year student / On-campus
Conducted on-campus interview the day before the Women’s Preview Day. The interviewer was a first-year student. The student was accompanied by an admissions office staff member who seemed to be training the interviewer. The interview took place in the admissions staff member’s office. Both of them had reviewed my resume beforehand and had it on hand, but they hadn’t seen other parts of my application. The interviewer had a series of questions he needed to get through, but the interview felt informal, more like a conversation. Both the interviewer and the admissions staff member took notes during the interview. The
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Published: October 23, 2019
Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
There were frequent connection difficulties during my Skype interview, but the interviewer accepted responsibility for these on her end and had even briefed me before the interview started that the difficulties may be encountered. Questions: Why an MBA? Why Kellogg? Why now? Walk me through the last 3 years of your resume What are your short term / long term goals? How would an MBA help you reach these goals? Could you reach these goals without an MBA? What are three terms your coworkers would use to describe you? Recount your greatest accomplishment Recount a time you failed Clear Admit
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Published: October 21, 2019
Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus
I was picked up from a classroom where other interviewees were mingling for a bit. Highly recommend chatting with other prospective applicants prior to getting picked up because it really calms your nerves. I was totally expecting a second year student to pick me up but it was a Adcom member. We went to a quiet classroom after a ~5 minute walk and we made small talk about how my visit was going etc. At the tail end of the walk, the interviewer asked me what other schools I was applying to. Once in the room, the interviewer pulled out
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Published: October 21, 2019
UVA / Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-Year Student / On-Campus
The Darden interview was very unique and conversational. The interview started with the second-year student telling me that the structure would be 15-20 minutes of sharing my story, 5 minutes for Why MBA? Why Darden? and lastly 5 minutes to ask questions of the interviewer. After that, it was me telling the interviewer my story with minimal interjections to ask for clarification on something or further detail. Overall, the interview felt like a conversation. As long as you know your story well and can concisely tie all your decisions together into one, coherent narrative that highlights your skills and leadership
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Published: October 21, 2019
Fuqua / Duke MBA Interview Questions & Report – Early Action / Alumnus / Off-campus
1. He walked through my resume and made a couple of questions about it. 2. Where did you learn English? 3. Why did you choose your college major? 4. Why an MBA? 5. Why Fuqua? 6. What are your short and long term goals? 7. How do you intend to grow as a leader in Fuqua? 8. What is your plan for the first 6 months in Fuqua? 9. Why should we “hire” you? 10. Do you have any questions for me? Clear Admit Resources Preparing for your Duke /
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Published: October 21, 2019
Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
The interview was very conversational and was truly an enjoyable experience. The interview covered the typical topics: walk me through your resume why MBA why now why Kellogg time you worked on a team with diverse perspectives All of the above questions arose naturally out of the conversation. The interview was interactive and it heightened my belief that Kellogg has a very user-friendly admission process and really puts the effort in to try to get to know all candidates. After the interview, all of the prospective students seemed to agree that they had positive processes and were impressed by how
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Published: October 21, 2019
Duke / Fuqua Interview Questions & Report : Round 1 / Second year / On Campus
The interview was with a second year student, and was very relaxed. There were a few behavioral questions, and it seemed much more fit focused than resume focused. It lasted 30-45 minutes and was not very stressful. I was actually surprised the interview wasn’t a little more rigorous. I was asked the following: 1) Tell me about yourself 2) When was a time you were challenged, how did you overcome it? 3) Why B-school and why Fuqua? 4) How will Fuqua help you achieve your post MBA goals? Clear Admit Resources Preparing for your Duke /
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Published: October 14, 2019
UVA Darden Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Adcom / Skype
I was interviewed by a member of the admissions committee. The interview was conversational and she made me feel very comfortable. She first asked me to tell me about myself, during which she had follow up questions on certain specific points. To summarise the questions: Tell me about yourself. What was your childhood like? What made you choose your undergrad major and the school for undergrad? Asked me in details about one of the projects i did at college. What role do I usually play in a team? What are your goals and why Darden? (Here school research paid off).
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Published: October 14, 2019
Duke / Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / 2nd Year Student / On Campus
The interview was applicant-initiated and part of a full day on campus. The day started off with a group of students meeting some of the HSM team followed by a lunch, adcom Q&A, then the interview, and finally a class at the end of the day. The interview was conversational and very low-key. It started off with an introduction by the 2nd year (who they were, what led them to Fuqua, where they were going post-Fuqua, etc.) followed by some preliminary questions about me like where I’m from, where I went to school, career history, etc. followed up by
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Michigan / Ross Interview Questions & Report : Round 1 / Second Year / On Campus
I interviewed with a second year student, and the interview was very informal and relaxed. The whole process seemed much more fit-oriented than resume-oriented. I received my admissions decision and was rejected. However, from my experience, I found the school to be a great fit for someone who is looking for b-school to be as much of a social interaction as an educational one. Some of the questions I was asked… 1) Tell me about yourself? 2) Why b-school? why Ross? 3) What would you get involved with at Ross? How will that help you achieve your goals
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MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Deferred Admission / Skype
My Skype interview with MIT Sloan started out with a bit of small talk eg. how are you, how’s (country that I’m from), then proceeded to a quick explanation of what the adcoms are looking for in the interviewer. Vibe was remarkably friendly and very casual. Went into a fair bit of depth into my work experience and analyzing various scenarios. I worked in consulting as an intern so I was asked “tell me about a time when you disagreed with a superior”. Most questions were fairly familiar so nothing too out of the unusual. I was also asked “why
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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumunus / Off Campus
My interview with Kellogg was very relaxed. It was at a cafe and very informal. I was basically asked about my prior work experience within Uber and then why Kellogg. Post which it was mostly about how Kellogg is a great fit for me (given my aim of pursuing entrepreneurship) both while at Kellogg and after Kellogg. My interviewer himself was an entrepreneur. Clear Admit Resources Preparing for your Northwestern / Kellogg admissions interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: Clear Admit Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Guide: Strategic tips for approaching Kellogg’s interview questions, and
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Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The interview with Booth was at Taj Land’s End – Bandra, Mumbai, India with a recent alum. The questions were very straight forward and conversational. Tell me about yourself why Booth why MBA He dug around some of my entrepreneurial experiences and motivations and also asked questions around my team interaction and leadership style. On the basis of this – I could conclude that Booth was very open to new ideas and the students were very quant /data oriented in their decision making. Preparing for an upcoming Chicago / Booth MBA Interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: Clear Admit Chicago Booth
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Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
Overall it was a very relaxing / informal interview and echo a lot with Tuck’s lotto / criteria of Smart, Nice, accomplished and aware so make sure you are prepared for that. Questions Tell me about yourself Tell me about a timing…conflicts/hard team members How would other people describe you How would you describe yourself Post-MBA goals Any questions for me? Preparing for an upcoming Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: Clear Admit Tuck School of Business Interview Guide: Strategic tips for approaching Tuck’s interview questions, and more.
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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus in Mumbai
My interview with Yale SOM was a conversation with Adcom. Fun and friendly. Questions what’s your career path so far why an MBA why Yale what do you want to do after The Adcom pressed a lot on the ‘Why Yale’ question. This was emphasized more than I would expect. Maybe they were trying to up their yield by making sure there is a strong desire to go to Yale.
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MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Deferred Admissions / Adcom / On-Campus
My interview with Sloan was application based. It was a very conversational and relaxed interview. Lots of behavioral questions: greatest weakness greatest strength Why Sloan Why MBA Tell me about a time where you showed leadership Tell me about a time where you relied on someone else for help Great school with warm, collaborative environment. Was able to attend a lunch and a class visit. Clear Admit Resources Preparing for your MIT / Sloan MBA admissions interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: Clear Admit MIT / Sloan Interview Guide: Strategic tips for approaching Sloan’s interview
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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
The interview with Yale SOM was super structured. She had a list of questions, which she mentioned the same for everyone. Ran for about 30 mins. She was super friendly and made an effort to make me comfortable. Questions: Tell me about your work experience Why MBA Why Yale A situation where you succeeded at work and what made you succeed A failure at work and what did you learn? Tell me why you chose the quote (pre-send) Any questions Good Luck 🙂
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