Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
My interview at Booth was blind and done by a second year student. While you wait at the lounge area in the admissions office, the first year student will sit down with you and casually chat in order to make you feel relaxed. The interviewer dressed formally so as all candidates. The interview ran for 45 minutes. It was cordial and professional. Interviewer started with a brief introduction of herself. Nothing was surprising. I did my interview as a part of a campus visit. I highly recommend candidates do so if they haven’t already. Questions Tell me about yourself Why
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Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I received interview invite to Stanford GSB on a Monday and had my interview live within a few days after. The interview was very conversational and interviewer took notes using his laptop. After some brief introductions, the interviewer asked a few behavioral questions such as: Tell me about a time when you took on a leadership role Tell me about a time when you faced a difficult challenge, etc. Questions were very typical but I had to prepare 6-7 different stories of my experiences. Clear Admit Resources Preparing for your Stanford MBA admissions interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other
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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
My Yale SOM interview was at the Hilton Hotel in London in early March, the interviewer was very friendly and followed a structured approach. The interview itself was blind-based and lasted for exactly 30 minutes. CV related questions Why MBA? What was your greatest accomplishment? What was your greatest professional mistake? What will be your contribution to Yale SOM? Please explain your quote I had 5 minutes left to ask any questions that I had. Overall, a pleasant interview experience. Preparing for an upcoming Yale MBA interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Yale SOM Interview Guide. After your interview,
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Columbia Business School Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumni / Off-campus
Met at a WeWork. Older alumnus (maybe late 30s, early 40s). Very nice, but also switched into professional mode. Questions: Walk me through your resume. Asked specific question on why I had chosen my double major. Why MBA? Why now? Why Columbia? Worst case scenario, if don’t get into grad school, what’s alternative plan? What kind of job do I want coming out of Columbia (specific companies)? Biggest challenge have faced professionally and how dealt with it. What questions did I have for him.
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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Waitlisted R1 Applicant / Second-year student / On-Campus
Description / location of visit and/or interview atmosphere: 9:45 am Interview seem to be the right time as the interviewer had the chance to warm up from the first interview at 9:00am. There are about 50 other prospective students interviewing during the same day, interview run every 45 mins. From 9:00 am to 3:30pm. Each interview takes place in “interview rooms”, on the first floor, and each section has about 10 students interviewing at the same time, each one-on-one with a second year-year student. Type of interview: The interviewer was a second year student that mentioned early in the interview
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Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The Ross MBA interview was conversational and pretty straight-forward. From what I noticed, she had a list of questions that may have been provided by the adcom. She also had my resume, and came prepared. The first few were stock MBA interview questions Tell me about yourself. Things seem to be going well. Why MBA now? Why Ross? Then she said that leadership is a big component of Ross culture, and asked My leadership style Success How I pivoted from a decision I’ve made. There were a few other questions that revolved around my professional experience. During the question section,
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Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
There were two parts to my interview with Wharton: The team-based discussion and the 10 minute interview afterwards. Wharton Interview Questions The interview was 10 minutes long with only 3 questions with a member of the Adcom Why Wharton? Why MBA? Do you have any questions for us? She seemed to be asking the same questions to everyone. Wharton Team-Based Discussion We all arrived 15 minutes before our TBD so were able to get familiar with each other which was helpful. The TBD itself was fairly smooth and collaborative – the time flies by thought, so my advice would be
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Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
After participating in the information session on campus at Booth, I waited for my interviewer at the admission office. My interviewer was a second-year student, who was sponsored by a consulting firm. We started small talks about my interview trip. (Note that I am an international applicant who had a long flight from my hometown.) Questions Tell me about yourself My role in the current employer (I think she asked this because I recently moved to a new company.) Conflicts at the current working place (This question is also related to #2) Tell me about your experience when you helped
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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I was intimated of a match with an alum in my area around 5 weeks after submitting my Kellogg application on the Round 2 deadline. I mailed the alum, and we fixed a slot to meet at his workplace. Kellogg MBA Interview & Questions When we met for the interview, it was a cordial experience. He started the interview off by easing me into things, asking about where I work and what I do. From this, we moved into the topic of my work and the company I work for. He asked how I like working there, and what I
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Columbia Business School MBA Interview Questions & Report: Rolling Admissions Round / Alumnus / Cafe
I interviewed for the Merit Decision deadline round of the Rolling Admissions at CBS. My interview was at a chain cafe with an alumnus of CBS. It was a blind interview and a very low stress one at that. He began with an introduction of who he was and what he does for a living. Questions Tell me about you – and walk me through your resume. Why do you want to get an MBA? Why Columbia? Then he asked if I had any questions for him while he thought of questions for me. I asked my standard questions about
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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus Coffee Shop in San Francisco
My interview at Kellogg was a super relaxed, natural interview. I had grabbed a table at the coffee shop for the 1 o clock interview. He came in, we shook hands, and he went and grabbed us each a coffee. He then came over, sat down, we chatted pleasantries for a bit and he was straight forward with how it’s going to go: Some scripted questions, some free flowing questions, really just a conversation. I handed him my resume and he thanked me, folded it up, and said he’d take a look when he gets home but he doesn’t want
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Columbia Business School MBA Interview Questions & Report: J-Term / Alumnus / Off-campus
My Columbia Business School interview was in a coffee shop with an Alumnus that graduated MBA 2018. The atmosphere was relaxed but a bit noisy. Questions Why MBA Why now What happens if you don’t get into Columbia Walk me through your resume. How will I engage with the Columbia community, what clubs I would join. Challenges I face during work. Interviewer seemed disengaged and didn’t know much about Columbia’s “recruiting” events for prospective students. Also didn’t know much about the Healthcare program though she was a part of it. Advice Read cues and notice when you are oversharing / too
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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus
There was a full day of events with other prospective students who had been invited to interview. There was a current student panel, mini-classes / lectures given by professors, and an SOM as well as Yale University campus tour. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. My interview was with a 2nd year student which seemed to be the standard for the on-campus interviews. It lasted 30 minutes but we talked informally after for about another 15. I think they try and standardize the interview questions as much as possible with so many going on at once because my interviewer told
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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
The interview was taken by a member of the Adcom. The total interview lasted approximately 27 minutes. The Adcom started by introducing herself and made it clear to me that she had not gone through my application and only had my resume with her. The interview as very conversational and the Adcom was very polite and courteous throughout. Questions asked: Why MBA? Why MBA now? Tell me about your current job. Leadership style – an example of the same. Greatest achievement. Crucial feedback received. Global experience. Positives from global – Negatives from global. Why Georgetown. Short term and long term
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Harvard Business School MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
I participated in the full-day experience — went to class in the morning, went on a campus tour, etc. My interview was in the afternoon. They called a group of us up to a separate room, and then one by one the interviewers pulled us into small conference rooms. My interviewer asked me to tell her about myself, then chose a project at random on my resume and asked me to describe it to her and why I thought it was important. It surprised me how deep we went into this topic – it was rapid-fire follow-up questions for most
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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
The Kellogg interview was similar to most of my other interviews (my last of 6) with a few exceptions. First, Kellogg seems to use more admissions personnel for interviews than other schools; second, Kellogg is more flexible and willing to allow prospective students to sit in on classes and tours scheduled last minute. I had an older admissions member who was extremely nice and conversational; however I only prepared a few questions for her instead of the myriad of questions I had prepared for a student. The interview is blind although she had seen my resume beforehand. The interview lasted
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UCLA Anderson MBA Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
My interviewer at UCLA Anderson was very friendly. He introduced himself to me, which was like walking me through his resume. After the interview, he introduced his friend, a VP of a professional club where I pursue my career after MBA. Interview Questions Tell me about yourself Why MBA? Short-term goal (He didn’t ask me my long-term goal so I just explained my short-term goal.) Why UCLA Anderson? What club activities are you interested in? Tell me about your experience at the team where members had diverse backgrounds. After I missed several calls from the Admission Office, I received an
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Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: R1/ TBD & Separate HCM Interview / On-campus
Wharton’s on-campus interview day was a great opportunity to preview classes and meet other applicants as well as current students. I did my TBD in the morning because I had my HCM one-on-one interview later that afternoon. Wharton Team-Based Discussion For the TBD there were a small group of 6 of us in total with two 2nd-year students observing in the back. My group worked well together, no one dominated the conversation or was noticeably too quiet. We stayed within time constraints and presented our proposed plan in response to the given prompt at the end of the meeting. During
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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: R1 / Adcom / On-campus
I interviewed shortly after the submission date with and an adcom member on-campus. She was very friendly and the interview flowed more like a conversation compared to the other schools I interviewed at. She had set up the questions where they naturally progressed into the next topic so it didn’t feel as if I was just answering and waiting for the next question. Interview questions She asked for examples regarding when I had worked with someone challenging. A time I had failed / things did not go the way as planned and what I did. Lastly, we discussed how everything
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Published: February 28, 2019
Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus
The Wharton Team-Based Discussion The dreaded TBD! For those coming in blind, Wharton uses a team-based discussion (TBD) to evaluate you. They give you a prompt with your interview invite (something pretty generic that anyone could do, with no right answer) then you go into interview day with 5 other people, present your idea, then the 6 of you discuss and have to come up with a proposal/presentation. You have 5 minutes to present. You have a total of 35 minutes for the TBD. Two (in my case) 2nd yr students will be watching the entire time. After, you have
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Published: February 28, 2019
Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus
Booth is in Hyde Park, which, for those (like me) who are not familiar with Chicago, is not very close to much else in Chicago. The first thing I would note is to give yourself plenty of time to get there! I was staying in Hyde Park, so I was close, but the weather was pretty bad the weekend I went (my flight to Chicago was delayed by 2.5 hours!) so this is something to just keep in mind for logistics. Booth gives you the option to do a whole day of programming, but if you visited campus previously, it
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Published: February 28, 2019
Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus
Yale has a full-day of programming for their interview days, which they schedule on Fridays. I had my interview in the morning. There was a breakfast session, followed by a tour of SOM, lunch + lecture, a tour of Yale, and meeting clubs. It was a VERY long but really fun day. I personally loved meeting my potential future classmates and I felt that it gave me a really good feel for the kind of people SOM is looking for. We had an address by the Dean, which was personally very inspiring as he discussed the school’s mission – you
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Published: February 28, 2019
Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus
I went up to Hanover, NH for DivCo (which I HIGHLY recommend) and did my interview then. It was mildly unfortunate in the sense that my interview was so early in the process (I hadn’t even finished taking my GMAT yet) relative to the other full time programs I was looking at – just something to keep in mind. Hanover is far away and very isolated but amazingly beautiful. If you can, I highly recommend going to campus to interview as you will get a much different view of the school. I went into my interview right after I traveled
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Published: February 28, 2019
Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I received an email from Kellogg with my interviewer’s contact information and the time frame that I had to complete my interview. I reached out to my interviewer to schedule some time at a place of their choice. I also provided them with my resume as they did not see my application. The interview was very conversational and informal. The interviewer was very interested in knowing the background and strategy on how I arrived at applying to business school and eventually what led me to Kellogg. They wanted to ensure I have thought through all of my business school plans:
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Published: February 28, 2019
UC Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / On Campus
The visit was pretty fun, Haas and Berkeley in general are pretty nice considering the absurdly dense population of the San Francisco Bay area. The interview experience was really quite standard – my interviewer grabbed me from the MBA office and we went to a small study room to chat. He introduced himself and was friendly and conversational throughout. It lasted about 45 minutes, a bit longer than the others who started at the same time… most likely because we had a good dialogue and I was a bit long on some of my responses. At the end he opened
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