Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
The following Harvard Business School interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I was interviewed by the Admissions Director in Mumbai. The interview was very conversational. There were four parts to the interview: 1. Introduction/Small Talk Spoke about the city I grew up in and where I work currently. Discussed environmental and infrastructural challenges that the cities have been facing. 2. Discussion on current job (venture capital) Spoke about the VC landscape in India – key players, differentiation etc. Went into specifics of my experience –
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Indian School of Business Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Indian School of Business interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I interviewed in February in ITC Sheraton, Delhi. The interview results were announced just 4 days before, so we had very less time to prepare. I interviewed with 2 alumni from the school. The interview started 1 hour late. But I was feeling very relaxed and luckily my interviewers were also very sweet. I finished my interview in 30 min. The questions were very standard. 1. Tell us about your new job and role. 2. Why MBA? Why
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Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I interviewed in the afternoon after a class visit, and the program (lunch with students, class, info session) was very helpful to gather my thoughts. I arrived at the Admissions Suite 15 min early. There were other candidates and a few first-year students who chatted with us. It really helped to relax. My interviewer came out and called me to the room. She introduced herself and explained that the interview will be blind, will take 45
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Duke / Fuqua Interview Questions & Reports: Round 2 / 2nd Year Student / On Campus
The following Duke / Fuqua admissions interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 MBA applicant. Good luck to them! I really enjoyed the day of activities that Fuqua plans for interview days. There are class visit opportunities (though you don’t get to choose the class, which is a bummer), tours, panels with students, lunch with students. The whole time you were sitting in the waiting area, there was always a few 1st year students to chat with you and answer questions. This was a great opportunity to learn about the program. The activities are not
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Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 (Rolling Admissions) / Alumni Interview / Interviewer’s Office
The following Columbia Business School MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! It seems to me that CBS interviews, at least from the information on this website, are pretty spot-on in relation to questions asked. Interview lasted an hour. Generally a casual atmosphere, although interviewer came off as stoic in certain situations, and probed my CV heavily – I was expecting this since I’m a non-traditional applicant. Interviewer submitted his report within a few hours of the interview. At the end of the interview he spent about
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Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom/ On-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! This was my 1st interview, so I was definitely nervous. I did my interview on campus during one of the preview days, so it was a nice opportunity to be engaged with a lot of activities planned for you and meet some other prospective students. The adcom interviewer was very nice, she explained that she will be taking notes and that when she puts her pen down, it means the interview is over. This happens when she asks if I
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Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / 2nd Year Student / On-Campus
The following Yale MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was conversational, but a bit more serious compared to other experiences I’ve had (in retrospect). This was my 2nd interview and 1st time with a student, so I think I underestimated the the seriousness of the tone. Yale SOM provides bios of all their admissions fellows/ambassadors online. It’s not worth your time trying to memorize all of them in hopes of being able to recall it when you meet your interviewer day-of. But just as an FYI, everyone’s
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Emory / Goizueta MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
The following Emory / Goizueta MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! 1. Tell me about your work life and what you do. (Basically walk me through your resume). 2. What makes you go for these goals and how will you reach there? (Basically why MBA and what are your goals and what have you done so far to reach there?) 3. Tell me about the best team experience you have. 4. We have so many BSchools there to go for an MBA, Why Emory only? 5.
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Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I interviewed with an incredibly friendly adcom member. She was great about appropriately responding to my answers and though the interview was more of a traditional back and forth question and answer, it still felt like she was very engaged in what I was saying. Before we got started she explained that it was a blind interview because she had not seen my application. 1. Walk me through your resume a. follow up question on one of
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
The following Harvard Business School interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I was called in by the main interviewer, and she welcomed me into the room where the observer introduced herself. The main interviewer asked if it was good to be home (I am from the area), and after the chit chat was over she explained their objective, which was to get to know me better. She said that she would ask all of the questions because the time was so short and that the observer would be
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Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
The following Harvard Business School interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Two adcoms were sitting in a room. The main interviewer asked questions. The other one was taking notes. Adcom asked small details in the resume, which I was surprised of. I expected them to ask about my major achievements. We dwelled on my previous job that I had taken for 7-8months. What is my typical day like, who did you manage, how did you manage them, where is this company heading to? Also, we talked about
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Published: February 28, 2018
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Applied in Round 2 and had an on campus interview on Feb 27th. As shared by other candidates, the interview is pretty conversational, and the goal is to know more about you, and possibility see if you are good fit for the community. Questions: 1. Tell me about yourself, what brought you here today? 2. Leadership experience 3. How would your team members describe you? 4. Team experience 5. Why MBA, and Kellogg, etc. 6. An innovator
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Published: February 28, 2018
Four Reasons You Need to Visit Clear Admit’s Interview Archive
As interview invitations for Round 2 MBA candidates continue to roll out, we wanted to remind Class of 2020 hopefuls that Clear Admit can help with the final hurdle to acceptance: the interview. The Clear Admit Interview Archive is a repository of first-hand accounts shared directly by MBA applicants after they have interviewed with one or more of their target top-tier business schools. The details shared in these reports—from the questions asked to what the applicant would do differently if he or she had it to do over—provide invaluable information as you prepare for your interviews.
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Published: February 27, 2018
Georgetown / McDonough Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
The following Georgetown McDonough interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! My interview was via skype and while I prefer face to face interviews, the interviewer made me feel very comfortable and showed a genuine interest in knowing me. It was quite conversational in nature and lasted exactly 30 minutes. The questions that I had were as follows: 1) Tell me something interesting that you read recently 2) Why an MBA at this point in your career? 3) What are your short term and long term goals?
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Published: February 27, 2018
USC Marshall Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-campus
The following USC Marshall MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My interview was fairly relaxed with the adcom member genuinely interested in knowing me personally. He made sure to tell me that the interview will last no more than 30 minutes and thus to answer his questions keeping that in mind. He was extremely polite and made me feel at ease throughout. The questions asked were: 1) Tell me about yourself 2) Why MBA? 3) Why Marshall? 4) Three strengths 5) What was one
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Published: February 26, 2018
London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2/ Alum/ Mumbai
The following LBS interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! The alum asked me in length about my background, right from why I decided to major in my chosen field at undergrad to why I decided to take up the work that I did. He was keen to understand me as an individual and what motivates me in life. I was asked some standard questions such as Why MBA? Why LBS? Why now? I was also asked some behavioural questions such as to elaborate on a leadership exp, a
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Published: February 26, 2018
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! At the start I waited in a room with other fellow interviewees and a first-year student volunteering his time to be with us. Pleasant guy. I guess the intent is to be there as a resource for any last minute questions. His presence probably helped in getting into the mindset of the interview as all the interviewees talked a bit about themselves and what they’re looking to gain from Booth. One thing to note, my interview started
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Published: February 25, 2018
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Local Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Met with my interviewer at his office in Mexico City. Super friendly interviewer. Most of the time it felt like he was trying to sell me Kellogg. Questions: 1) Tell me about yourself? 2) Why an MBA? 3) Why Kellogg? 4) Tell me about a time that you worked with a complicated team? 5) Tell me about a time you showed leadership? 6) What would be one professional and personal area of improvement?
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Published: February 22, 2018
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I interviewed with Suresh Sugavanam, Booth Alum ’02 in his office (UL India) in Bangalore, India. The interview was conversational, more focused on understanding my background and inclination towards Booth MBA. List of questions: 1. Introduce yourself. 2. Why Consulting post Engineering school? 3. Why Start-up after consulting? What did you learn? 4. Why present job at growth stage tech company? What are your responsibilities and challenges? 5. What are your short term career plans? 6. Why MBA?
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Published: February 21, 2018
London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Bangalore
The following LBS interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Interview was at the Alumnus’s office in the morning. The interview was largely conversational and friendly. Although it was a non-blind interview, the alumnus did not seem to have read through my materials. Started off with him introducing himself and then we moved on to a standard list of questions with probes on individual projects based on my answers. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why MBA? 3. Why LBS? How does it fit in with long term
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Published: February 20, 2018
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / 2nd Year Student Interviewer / On-campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I interviewed on-campus. My interview was done by a second-year student. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. How did you become interested in Booth? 3. Short/long term goals? 3. How will Booth help you reach your goals? 4. Why MBA? 5. Tell me about you a time you were a leader 6. What clubs will you be involved in? 7. How will you be able to contribute to Booth? 8.
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Published: February 20, 2018
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-Campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Attended “Booth Live” event, and appeared for interview the following day. Interviewed with 2nd year student who was friendly and made the environment pretty comfortable. Started with giving a brief overview of how the interview was structured. Questions- 1) Walk me through your resume 2) Why MBA at this stage? 3) Why Booth? (stressed on this.. after I gave a couple of reasons I was asked if there was more?) 4) Tell us
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Published: February 20, 2018
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg admission interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Started with casual chat since I’ve traveled from abroad for the interview 1- Walk me through your resume? 2- Short and Long Term Goals? 3- Why MBA and Why Kellogg? 4- Could you reach your goals without an MBA? Clear Admit Resources Preparing for your Northwestern / Kellogg admissions interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: Clear Admit Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Guide: Strategic tips for approaching Kellogg’s interview
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Published: February 20, 2018
Emory / Goizueta MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2/ Alumnus / On-Campus
The following Emory / Goizueta MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I applied to the one and two year full time MBA programs simultaneously but the interview was targeted towards the one year program. Questions (not in order): * Talk me through your resume and career path? * What are your goals? (and how can Goizueta help you achieve them) * How do you plan to achieve that goal without an internship? * Why are you looking for an MBA? * What is your
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Published: February 20, 2018
UCLA Anderson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-year / On-Campus
The following UCLA Anderson interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! The interviewer was a second-year and a great listener. We had a 40-minute casual conversation. I felt immediately comfortable to be myself. They do ask for a copy of your id as well as a copy of your resume at the front desk. The interviewer had a marked up copy of my resume as well so he prepped before-hand. The question that threw me most was how I would connect with international students. Questions: – Walk me through
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