Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: November 13, 2017
UT Austin / McCombs Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second Year Student / On Campus
The following UT Austin McCombs interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My McCombs interview was pretty straightforward. Blind interview with a second year student who went through a list of questions he had on a sheet and took some time to answer my questions at the end. He asked me questions like: Walk me through your professional experience and what you learned in each role. What put McCombs on your radar when you started considering business schools? What are your short-term and long-term career goals? What is
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Published: November 13, 2017
Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second Year Student / On-Campus
The following Michigan / Ross MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My interview trip to Michigan was actually a really fun weekend of exploring the campus, learning more about the program, and meeting a lot of people. I flew in to Detroit on Thursday night, took an Uber (~$30) to Ann Arbor, and went to bed. Friday morning I walked around the campus on my own, grabbed lunch, and then had my interview with the Tauber Institute for Global Operations. The Tauber interview was NOT with a second year student,
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Published: November 6, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumni / Off-Campus
The following Columbia Business School MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant. Good luck to them! My interviewer was a very recent alumni (graduated a few months prior) in a different industry than mine. It was very laid-back overall – no questions I wasn’t expecting. The interview only lasted about 35 mins in total … we spent about 15-20 mins with actual interview questions then the last 15 mins chatting about CBS and her time there. Questions She started by asking me to walk her through my résumé, why an MBA
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Published: November 6, 2017
Vanderbilt / Owen MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following Vanderbilt / Owen MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! I interviewed with the Associate Admissions Director. He had his laptop in front of him to reference my resume and take notes while we were talking. He started by telling me about himself then dove right into interview questions: Tell me about yourself. Why an MBA? Why now? Why Owen? Tell me about a time you led a team that had a positive outcome? Tell me about a time you led a team that had a negative outcome? What are one
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Published: November 3, 2017
Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-campus
The following Yale MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! Relaxed atmosphere. One on one. Questions: Walk me through your résumé. Tell me something you did well or are proud of. Tell me about a time you failed and what you learned. Why an MBA and why Yale SOM? Any questions for me? Anything to add? It was very relaxed and we had a good 30 minute discussion. Preparing for an upcoming Yale MBA interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Yale SOM Interview Guide. After your interview, be sure to
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Published: November 2, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Adcom / Skype
The following Columbia Business School MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant. Good luck to them! It was a skype interview with the adcom who had already gone through my application. So it was not a blind interview. Tell me about your work experience? You have led a large team. Tell me what do you enjoy the most about leading a team? What is your short-term goal after MBA? Tell me what kind of job and location preferences you have. What makes you think CBS is the best fit for you?
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Published: October 31, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was extremely easy going – my interviewer put me at ease at the very offset. My interviewer was more on the quiet side but kept the encouragement to proceed going. She started with asking me about to walk her through my résumé where we spent a good 10 minutes as she would ask questions at various points (like why did you chose that major), asking me to clarify a point or two (explain what I meant by solar
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Published: October 30, 2017
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-Campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! I arrived early to register for an afternoon class (which ended up getting cancelled because that class had a midterm), so I sat in the waiting area for a few minutes and spoke with one current first-year student and a couple of other prospective students. Then, my interviewer came out to meet me and walked me back to a small room with just a desk and two chairs for the interview. She started out by telling me about her
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Published: October 30, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! I did my interview on-campus in the afternoon. It seemed like there were a ton of interviews on the same day, so they were using a combination of admissions committee members and second-year students. My interview was with a second-year student. My interviewer noted at the very beginning that they wanted to focus on why I made certain decisions, rather than just on the what. It was a straightforward interview, other than the goals questions coming a little later. My
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Published: October 30, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! Met with my interviewer at a Panera on a Sunday afternoon. Brought a copy of my résumé to give to him; I believe he had seen the one I emailed him, but he didn’t have a copy. Questions: Walk me through your résumé. Why and MBA and why now? Why Kellogg? What will you get involved in at Kellogg? Who inspires you? Tell me about a time you worked on a team. What accomplishment are you most proud of? What
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Published: October 26, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Philippines
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! Interview was held in a coffee shop here in the Philippines and was conducted by a local alumnus. Started off by describing the objectives of the interview: get to know the candidate, test the English proficiency, answer some questions about Kellogg. Questions were pretty standard like résumé-related ones and why Kellogg. Interview ran for 45 minutes and also served as an avenue to learn more about the school. Interview concluded with the interviewer asking me to tell him the results
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Published: October 26, 2017
Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-year Student / On-Campus
The following Dartmouth / Tuck MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Action Applicant. Good luck to them! The interviewer was a 2nd-year MBA student. She was very nice and made me feel relaxed and comfortable from the get-go. She escorted me to the conference room where the interview was held. On the walk there, we briefly talked about where I was traveling from, and the weather (It was raining a lot that day, and was messy). Questions The interview questions were as follows: 1) Walk me through your résumé, and explain
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Published: October 25, 2017
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-campus
The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was friendly and a relaxed environment. The interviewer told me about her background and then talked a little about her experience and then we started with questions. The questions seemed pretty standard. Tell me about yourself? Why an MBA? Any clubs that interest you? Tell me about a time you managed ambiguity. Tell me about your transition from Career A to Career B. Tell me about a time you received feedback. She asked about a few bullets
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Published: October 24, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My alumni interviewer and I met at his office during the workday and he started off by saying that his input wouldn’t get me accepted or get me rejected, but he saw the interview as an opportunity for me to share any information that I thought might be missing in my essays, résumé, and the rest of my application and that he could pass along to the admissions committee. He was a pretty friendly guy and the atmosphere was comfortable.
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Published: October 24, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! I met with my interviewer at a coffee shop in the city. As instructed by Kellogg, I emailed him my résumé prior to our meeting. He showed up to the interviewer with a printout of the résumé, which he had already reviewed. He asked me the following: Walk me through your résumé. How did you make the decisions that you did? Why do you want an MBA? Why do you want an MBA from Kellogg? Give me an example of
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Published: October 24, 2017
London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following LBS interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was an application-based interview with an alumnus in my country. The interviewer followed the guidelines from LBS and asked me the very standard questions of LBS Interview – what is your background, tell me about yourself, why you want to do an MBA and why in LBS in particular. We talked about my professional experience, it seems that in his point of view I have relatively little professional experience (work in a law firm for 2 years,
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Published: October 23, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 3 applicant. Good luck to them! Due to work travel, I was offered the opportunity to interview with the Adcom via Skype. She was extremely welcoming and understanding of my difficult situation. After some general pleasantries, we jumped into our questions: What makes you want to become a member of the Kellogg community? What will you be involved in while on campus? Walk me through your résumé. What are your 3 biggest weaknesses? What was the last book you read? No real curve balls or overly
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Published: October 23, 2017
Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus
The following Dartmouth / Tuck MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 Applicant. Good luck to them! It was overall a pleasant experience. The interview started with a quick background into what the interviewer was doing prior to Tuck, and then she walked through the following questions: 1. Walk me through your résumé. 2. What are you short term/long term goals? 3. Tell me about a time you had a solve a complex problem at work. Walk me through how you tackled the problem. 4. Why Tuck and why now?
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Published: October 22, 2017
Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following Dartmouth / Tuck MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 Applicant. Good luck to them! Interviewed at the Tuck campus as part of a day’s visit. Was interviewed by an adcom member after a morning class. The atmosphere was relaxed, felt very conversational. Interviewer asked general questions, some behavioral and had my résumé in front of them: Asked me to talk about my work experience Asked me about my short term and long term goals Asked me how I would get involved at Tuck specifically Asked me what my role would be in
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Published: October 22, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! 1. Walk me through your résumé. 2. Why do you want to pursue an MBA? 3. What kind of position are you aiming to obtain? 4. Since you are more experienced than a typical applicant, have you considered a part-time program? 5. Do you have any questions for me? I was also asked some questions regarding specific aspects of my experience, such as my Master’s research project and about how I approach specific types
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Published: October 19, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My interviewer met me promptly at the designated time in a Starbucks in downtown Chicago. I wore a suit but he said he meant to tell me I could just wear whatever I wore to work. He also had copies of my résumé printed off, but I brought copies too just in case. He started out the interview by saying that he wanted the conversation to be very relaxed and to not feel pressure, and that his goal was just
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Published: October 10, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them! Met the interviewer very early in the morning in his office. Typical stoic interviewer with several curve ball questions: Tell me about yourself (follow up including what books are you currently reading? how’s my industry like post-crisis). Why MBA? Why CBS? Career goals. Ultra long-term goals (i.e. in 30 years): i improvised the response… What drives you? What if you’re staffed in a remote town with absolutely nothing in your first post-MBA job. What do
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Published: October 10, 2017
Dartmouth / Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Early Action / Second-year Student / On-Campus
The following Dartmouth / Tuck MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Action Round Applicant. Good luck to them! Straightforward interview, but my interviewer asked several detailed follow-up questions: Tell me about you. Resume questions (pick & probe): I work in fixed-income but seek to transition into a totally different industry hence she asked my why not fixed income & details Why MBA? Career goals Why Tuck? How do you see yourself get involve in Tuck? Tell me a time when you have to deal with conflicts. Questions about my hobby. Any questions for me? Preparing
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Published: October 9, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumni
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant. Good luck to them! Very, very standard interview with an alumni. I applied early decision (9/5) got the interview invite on 9/22, had the interview on 10/4, feedback submitted 10/5, acceptance call 10/6 We met at a coffee shop in NYC, the interview lasted around 40 minutes, and she was extremely friendly! Questions included: Tell me about yourself What are your professional goals? Do you have a backup plan? Why are you looking for an MBA? Why Columbia? How will you
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Published: October 8, 2017
Emory / Goizueta MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / On-campus
The following Emory / Goizueta MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! I attended the Super Saturday event which was set up to help connect prospective students with current students as well as faculty. During the day, I blind-interviewed with an alum for 30 minutes. The questions were pretty standard and we had a nice conversation. Questions asked: Take me through your résumé and your career path to date. Why are you looking for an MBA, what are your post-MBA goals, and why Goizueta? How would groups that you have worked in
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