Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
Had an interview recently? Please submit your MBA admissions interview report!
Published: January 26, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I was interviewed at the alum’s office. It was a blind interview, I had carried a print-out of my resume which I handed over to him before the interview. The interviewer made me feel comfortable in the beginning and the entire mode of interview was conversational. It went on for 45 minutes in which he spent around 10 minutes in the end answering my questions. I was asked the following questions: Introduce yourself Career goals Why Kellogg Describe an obstacle
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Published: January 26, 2017
IESE Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumni Director / Online
The following IESE interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! The interviewer was very friendly, and it seemed like she wanted me to feel at ease. Tell about experience to date? Why MBA? Why now? Why IESE? At work, most interesting project? How do I compare NYC, LA, and Chicago (since I’ve worked in all)? What interests me outside of work? How am I funding my MBA? Am I applying to other schools? She asked about some courses in college which were weaker. She asked what podcasts I like to listen to?
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Published: January 26, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumni / Off-Campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision Round applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was at the alumni’s office. It lasted about 50 minutes. The questions were mostly based on my work history, why MBA, and why Columbia? I had read that the interviewer would try and garner if Columbia is top choice. It did seem that he asked a lot of probing questions around this topic. The interviewer started out by giving me a brief description of his background. He then asked me about my experience to date. He stopped me
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Published: January 25, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision Round applicant. Good luck to them! My interviewer was a locally based alumnus who was quite easy to coordinate with. Had the interview one weekday morning in his office. The interview was mostly your typical b-school interview, I had the following questions asked to me in this order: 1. Could you walk me through your résumé and how you came to apply for business school? 2. Why Columbia? 3. What is your post-MBA goal? What is your alternative if that doesn’t work
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Published: January 25, 2017
Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Student / On-Campus
The following Yale MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them! Visited Yale SOM early November for my interview. There were roughly 50 other candidates there and from what I heard Yale had 4 days of interviews. The day was well planned. We were asked to pick a slot for the interview and they also had other events through out the day. Our base was one of the classrooms so we kept having events there and candidates would leave for 30-40 minutes for their interviews. Since I’m a morning
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Published: January 25, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was very relaxed at the alumnus’ office. He asked very simple interview questions about my résumé which only lasted probably 10-15min. The rest of the interview was me asking him questions about his experience and Columbia. Be sure to have plenty of questions prepared! Whole interview lasted about 1 hour. Some questions that were asked: Why MBA now? Why Columbia? How do you see yourself participating at Columbia? Talk more about this specific thing on your resume Do
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Published: January 25, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Submitted my application 12/8/16, got invited to interview 1/6/17, scheduled interview for 1/18/17 Met my alumni interviewer at a casual cafe, dressed business formal. Because I have an unconventional background, she asked me a lot of questions about how I transitioned from my UG major into that field and how I attained my first internship, which led directly into an overview of my resume. We then talked about why MBA, why CBS, and what I was most excited about at
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Published: January 24, 2017
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them! Interview happened at the office of the interviewer, it was with an alum and blind. Very casual, was more to get to know me and if I’d fit in the school. Probably makes sense as Kellogg cares a lot about the culture. Interview questions that were asked were: – Why Kellogg? – Why and MBA? – What do you want to do after? – What are you doing now? The interview was relatively
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Published: January 23, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Report & Questions: Rolling Admissions / Alumnus / Off-Campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Rolling Admissions applicant. Good luck to them! Before the interview, I could tell that my interview was going to be relaxed and conversational from the tone established in the email exchanges. I was assigned an interviewer, so I didn’t get a choice in who to interview with. At first, I was nervous about this because my interviewer and I didn’t have similar backgrounds. We interviewed at his workplace. I was dressed business formal and he was business causal. We dove right into the conversation, and almost
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Published: January 22, 2017
Toronto / Rotman Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
The following Toronto / Rotman interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 MBA applicant. Good luck to them! I had the interview through Skype with an adcom member. The interview was quite relaxed and the adcom was very friendly. Here are the questions: – Introduce about yourself – Why do you want to do your MBA now? – Couple of follow-up questions to go into the detail – What is your post MBA goal? why? if you cannot achieve this goal, what will be your plan B? – What motivate you
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Published: January 22, 2017
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following NYU Stern interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 MBA applicant. Good luck to them! I was invited to interview in December and scheduled my interview for early January. Stern wants students to attend in person and interview on campus. I booked a hotel for the night before my interview near Penn station. My interview was in the morning so I took the time to walk down from Penn to the business school. Upon arriving, I checked into the admissions office. I was given a personalized folder that included information on the areas of
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Published: January 22, 2017
Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus
The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision Round applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them! I was invited to interview in late December. Unlike previous years, I was only given a single interviewer to schedule with. Given that the holiday break was about to start and the rolling-admissions nature of Columbia, I wanted to schedule it as soon as possible. My interviewer was highly responsive and we scheduled an interview 2 days later. I received an email from an admissions member the morning of the interview asking me if I
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Published: January 15, 2017
UNC Kenan-Flagler Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
The following UNC MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! I am an American currently working in China, so I scheduled a Skype interview (11:45pm China time). The interviewer from the adcom called right on time. He was calling from his office and the setting was fairly casual as we opened with some small talk. He started by joking that, if I had been on campus for the interview, he’d go out to where all the interviewees were waiting and say “hey, we got a Dukie in the house!”
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Published: January 14, 2017
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following NYU Stern interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 MBA applicant. Good luck to them! My interview lasted 35 min. More or less anticipated the questions: Please describe your career progress. Describe conflict situation at work and how you resolved it. Why Stern? What are your expectations? How are you planning to use your MBA? What are you bringing to the table? What experiences could you share to contribute to student body at NYU? I have attended the info night at the campus the day before and was
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Published: January 4, 2017
Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / Skype
The following Yale MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! I had a very decent interview. Interviewer started with a brief introduction of himself and where he was headed to for his internship. I expected him to ask me to talk about myself, but instead he started with why Yale? Because I had rehearsed so much on the traditional way, I was quite thrown away with the start but I managed to compose myself. Next, he asked me about post MBA career goals, my background and how I hoped to
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Published: January 3, 2017
INSEAD Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus
The following INSEAD interview questions report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was accepted. Congratulations to them! Had 2 rounds of interview by alumni of INSEAD at my location – New York. The interviewers selected are typically in the same/related field as you. Interview 1 The interview was scheduled at the interviewer’s office location early in the morning. Headed to the cafeteria, was still early so it was completely empty. It was a very informal sort of chat with questions on: 1. Details on my profile? Describe job in detail? I am a consultant so was
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Published: December 21, 2016
NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following NYU / Stern MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! Very casual interview. Adcom is super nice. Very standard MBA interview. Questions: 1. Tell me about your current role 2. Why MBA now? 3. What do you do besides work? 4. Leadership experience/greatest accomplishment 5. Strengths and weakness 6. What do you expect from Stern? Preparing for an upcoming NYU Stern interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit NYU Stern Interview Guide. After your interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview
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Published: December 18, 2016
Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-campus
The following Dartmouth / Tuck MBA interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a November Round Applicant. Good luck to them! Had an afternoon interview that didn’t include a class, but showed up early and ran into someone i knew, and he took me to class. I spent the night prior and day of in Hanover, walking around town. Probably that nicest, most outgoing group of grad students on earth. Lines up with the tuck rotating reputation. Interview was, as everyone says, very casual and conversational. She asked: Go over my resume What am i most proud of What role do
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Published: December 17, 2016
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! It started with the adcom person running me through the process to follow leading up to selection. I then started running them through my resume starting with college and moving on to professional aspects. She stopped me at various points and asked me questions related to each one of my three jobs till date. We then discussed a social enterprise I run as well. We then moved on to personality related questions. She asked – if I were to get
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Published: December 14, 2016
Harvard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
The following Harvard Business School / HBS interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them! The interview lasted almost 40 mins, most of the questions were expected, some of the follow up questions are not. Interviewer is very friendly Overall, I felt the purpose is: 1. verify you are the same person as you wrote on paper 2. able to speak fluent English (i am not a native speaker) and articulate my point concisely -> able to participate in the case method environment 3. understand business context of my
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Published: December 13, 2016
MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
The following MIT Sloan interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! Interviewed with an Adcom member, she was very nice and made me feel comfortable during the 40 minutes interview. The first question was if anything had changed since I’ve submitted my application. Then she continued with a series of behavioral questions. Some of the questions were: • Tell me about a time you had a conflict with someone at work. • Tell me about a time you led a team. • Tell me about a time when you had
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Published: December 13, 2016
Havard Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
The following Harvard Business School / HBS interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Was on a weekend at Dillon House, so just me and someone from adcom (i.e. no observer). Had a minute or so of small talk before/after during the walk to their office. Very nice, fairly conversational, but had the questions at the ready. – What was your high school experience like? – Why [name of undergrad university] – Walk me through your last few jobs – Give me an example of your most recent project –
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Published: December 12, 2016
UNC Kenan-Flagler Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following UNC Kenan-Flagler interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them! Asked about a unique summer job – clarity on time worked there. How did you choose the college you did? How did you choose your major? Why UNC? Do you have questions for me? One thought is questions were asked when describing other answers and sometimes loops weren’t closed. Preparing for an upcoming UNC Kenan-Flagler interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit UNC Kenan-Flagler Interview
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Published: December 12, 2016
Northwestern / Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-campus
The following Northwestern / Kellogg interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My interview was a little odd. A second year student came to get me in the waiting area and told me she would be my interviewer but and adcom member would be shadowing our conversation. That made it a little difficult because I felt like I needed to address both of them and make eye contact with each throughout the conversation. This was the only interview I had where I was asked for a copy of my resume when I
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Published: December 12, 2016
UNC Kenan-Flagler Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following UNC Kenan-Flagler interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! The interview was quite social and was conducted inside the adcom’s personal office so it felt even more friendly than in a designated interview room. The interviewer started off telling me that she did have time to look over my resume and I was surprised that my resume was highlighted on certain parts and had some side notes. (My advice: know your resume forward AND backwards). My interview ended up being 45 min (normally interviews are 30 min at
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