Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: February 18, 2013
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
My interview was very relaxed. He asked the following questions: -Walk me through your résumé. -why do you think now is a good time to get your mba? -why Anderson? -are you focusing your bschool search in CA? -tell me about an experience working in a team? -what is your leadership style? -what about bschool are you hoping to learn that you haven’t had a chance to learn in your career so far? -where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? -Any questions for me?
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Published: February 18, 2013
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Admissions Officer / On-Campus
The interviewer was pretty friendly. she said the interview would last 30 mins and it lasted for about 40 minutes. My questions were as follows not exactly in that order. 1. Can you talk about your education background 2. Why did you choose to work for xxx 3. Why did u switch your company 4. If I were to call your team and ask them about your positive points, what would they say? 5. Following that, what do you think your team will say your negative points are and on giving my answer she asked me
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Published: February 17, 2013
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round1/Alumnus/Off-Campus
My interviewer let me choose the place, so I chose a coffeeshop in a hotel, which is quite quiet. Interview was casual, we chit-chat a bit before interview. He asked me to walk through resume first, then he just randomly pointed interesting point and asked me to elaborate more on that. Then he asked follow up questions After that, these are the questions he asked. 1. What motivates you when your boss doesn’t favor you and puts you in a bad position? 2. Which quality you didn’t know that you had before working? And you
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Published: February 17, 2013
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/Second-year student/On-Campus
When I interviewed at Tuck, the school had scheduled a day full of events, including a class visit, lunch, a tour, and an information session. My interview was scheduled for the afternoon, so when it came time to have my interview I left whatever event I was in and went to the admissions office to meet my interviewer. At that point a second year student came to take me to a room he had reserved for our interview. Before the interview, I believe that he had reviewed my resume. During the interview first he asked me to walk me through
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Published: February 17, 2013
Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus
Interview off campus with Yale SOM adcom. Conversational, though I was like the 6th interview of her day so she clearly had pre-set questions. As Yale states, she definitely had not seen anything more than a quick glance at my resume prior to the interview. 1. Why Yale SOM? 2. Time you weren’t going to meet a deadline? What lessons did you learn? 3. Example of leadership and working as a team. What lessons did you learn? 4. Why business school and why now? 5. Anything you want the Admission Committee to know that we didn’t
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Published: February 17, 2013
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
Interview was concise and conversational – 45 minutes in total. I met with my interviewer at his office. Be advised, you should put in the zip code in the area you want to interview (I’m in NYC and I put my home address – Astoria, but I work downtown – so I had to trek back to LIC in the middle of a workday) – obviously this is only applicable for people in big cities. We started by walking through my resume starting with college and going through extra-curriculars and work experience. I tried to create a narrative that would
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Published: February 17, 2013
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 (Waitlisted) / Second-year student / On-campus
I am a round 1 applicant who was waitlisted then invited to interview on the round 1 decision date. My interview was on campus with a very sharp 2nd year student who only had my resume that I handed him when we sat down (blind interview). Judging by the previous posts and interview reports, it seems as if some of the questions (listed below) asked by my interviewer were a bit unusual. However, this could be attributed to the fact that my target industry and background are somewhat unconventional. Regardless, the interview atmosphere was very relaxed and conversational. – Walk
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Published: February 12, 2013
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/ Adcom / On Campus
I interviewed as part of the Women’s Interview Day, so arrived on campus mid afternoon and was ushered into a room with current students and other interviewees. Given a folder of brochures specifically related to my interests, and after a few minutes were taken down to the career services office. Had flashbacks to undergrad recruiting. The overall feeling was welcoming, they were excited to have us (large group of female interviewees) there. The questions as best I can remember: 1. Tell me what you like to do in your free time. 2. What has been your most significant accomplishment
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Published: February 12, 2013
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus
I applied to Stern for Round 1 and was given the opportunity to interview on my own or as part of Stern’s Spotlight on Women in Business/Stern’s Women in Business Conference. I decided to attend the conference since I was interested in hearing the speakers and I thought it would be a good opportunity to meet students, faculty, and other prospective students. Day 1 included a half hour interview with an admissions representative followed by a coffee chat, roundtable discussion, evening reception, and a ticket to Stern’s weekly Beer Blast. Because there were many people attending this event, we were
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Published: February 11, 2013
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second Year / On-Campus
After my group interview, I had a 1-1 interview with a second year student lasting about 10-15 minutes. The whole interview process felt very rushed as the interviewer kept looking at the clock to gauge how much time was left in our interview. I was asked the following questions with no opportunity to really talk about my background: 1. How do you think the group interview went? 2. Tell me about a time you had to convince someone at work 3. What do you want to do at Wharton? 4. What questions do you have for me?
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Published: February 10, 2013
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alumni / Off-campus
First, Columbia allows you to enter your zip code to find an alumni near you. Then you are shortly thereafter emailed three alumni interviewers in the area. You are instructed to contact them going down the list. Mine was a female who graduated 4 years ago. She was very pleasant but abrupt and got right to her questions. It seems that Columbia has some standard questions each year and then the interviewer is free to add on. We met at Starbucks which has a good energy but can get loud. And tables are small so there isn’t always the most
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Published: February 7, 2013
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ 2nd Year Student/ On-Campus
The UCLA interview was very casual and conducted by 2nd Year students at the Admissions Office on Campus. My interviewer began by asking for my resume and asked me to walk him through. I began from my college undergrad degree and worked my way up the resume, giving highlights for each position. Thereafter, most of the questions were focused on my current position and role which he was interested in learning more about. This was a blind interview. Questions asked: 1. Tell me about your current position and role 2. What was one of the most challenging experiences you’ve
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Published: February 7, 2013
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus
I met my interviewer at a local coffee shop. He was an alum who graduated in the 80s. Prior to meeting he requested I send him my resume and an objectives statement on my short and long term goals. I was asked the following questions: a. Tell me about a time you experienced adversity and how you dealt with it? b. Why Columbia over other schools? c. What’s your backup plan if you’re not accepted this year? d. Why consulting? What do you hope to learn? What do you mean specifically by that? e. Have
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Published: February 7, 2013
Nanyang MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The following Nanyang MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them! My interview was taken by a member of the admissions committee. It started with light chat on how was the day and journey as I traveled to Mumbai. Questions asked: Q1- What are you expecting from an MBA program? What influenced you to go for an MBA program? Q2- Why Nanyang & Why Singapore? Q3- Are you aware of the job scenario in Singapore? Q4- He asked me to explain the instances I mentioned in my
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Published: February 5, 2013
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 /Alumnus /Off-campus
I interviewed with a recent Ross alumnus in Manhattan. We met at a coffee shop and chatted for about 45 minutes. The interview was very casual. He instructed me to dress as casually as I felt comfortable – I wore a tie, blazer, sweater vest, dark jeans, and black oxfords. Questions included: 1. Why an MBA? (I used the opportunity to talk about my background and tell my story of how I made the decision to apply) 2. Why Ross? (I spoke about the various factors contributing to my decision and worked in my experiences visiting the school and
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Published: February 5, 2013
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Alumnus/ Off-campus
Hi, The conversation was smooth,nice and very friendly. We met at a coffee shop. He had my resume and went on it briefly prior to the meeting, from what I can say. He said it will be about 45 minutes, we ended in 1 hour and 15 minutes. The questions were as follows: 1) Walk me through your resume. Asked a few follow up questions regarding my career, undergraduate studies etc. 2) Why do you want an MBA (which led to more questions – which students did I talk to, what were your impressions…) 3) How will
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Published: February 5, 2013
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
It was very conversational. It lasted for about an hour. #1- Why undergraduate ? #2- Why first job after college? #3- Why masters? #4- Why Y job after masters? #5- Why MBA? #6- Why “goal”? #7- What will you bring to Kellogg? #8- Why Kellogg? #9- What kind of person are you in a team? #10- What’s your leadership style? #11- What would you do when a team member is not co-operative? What if, he has zero desire to work with you? #12- The best moment of your life?
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Published: February 3, 2013
Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Adcom/ Skype
This was a blind interview over Skype and my interviewer was pretty friendly. She had some general questions along with written down questions from the adcom that reviewed my application. I think the interviewer was taking notes on the computer at the same time of the interviewer. This threw be off at times making it hard to read their face or get verbal feedback. My advice would be to answer your question and then wait for them to start the next. Another tip is to have a clear path of your goals and how everything ties together. I had to
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Published: January 31, 2013
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus
I got there 20 min early. The receptionist gave me the t-shirt and folder tailored to my interests that all other interviewees seem to mention. The adcom who was interviewing me was nice, however little time was spent on introducing ourselves which made it hard to relate to her. The interview felt like an interrogation rather than an interview maybe it was because the adcom was doing the interview rather than students like at other schools. She took my transcript at the end. Questions were as follows, although not in this order: 1. How would you get involved at Stern?
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Published: January 31, 2013
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Alumnus / Skype
I was invited to interview at McCombs 6 days after I submitted my full-time MBA application on Jan 23, 2013. I was not able to visit Austin because of my business travel schedule, so I decided to reach out to an alum in the New York area. I reached out to an alum who had a similar background as mine (consulting) and was currently working in social enterprise (which is my eventual career goal). Turned out he was in India when I reached out to him, so I conducted the interview by Skype last night. It was lasted about 35-40
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Published: January 31, 2013
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I interviewed at the alumnus office for R2 three days ago. I was 10 mins early and he was 10 min late so I had to wait and was veeeery nervous but when he entered the room and gave me a huge smile I immediately felt better (yes, Kellogg people are nice:)). The interview was pretty straightforward and lasted about 30 mins with the last 10 minutes of questions by my side. He initially talked a little bit about himself and explained how the interview was going to be structured and also said we had to talk in English (I’m
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Published: January 29, 2013
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/ Second-year Student/ On-Campus
I am an Indian applicant who visited Fuqua during the open interview period. My interviewer was also an international. My interviewer introduced himself and gave a little on his background. The interview was very conversational. He had few sheets of paper with a set of questions and he carefully wrote down my answers. Questions asked: 1. Walk me through your resume. I gave my 3 minute pitch. Then there were some cross questions on what I did. 2. Why are interested in pursuing an MBA? 3. Why Fuqua? I spoke about fuqua’s product management concentration and added
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Published: January 29, 2013
Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2/ AdCom/ Skype
I applied to the MBA-MHA program in R2. I interviewed 1/29/13 with an AdCom member. The interview lasted approximately 45 minutes. Like other interviewees, it started with the AdCom stating that she had my resume and while she hadn’t reviewed my application, she had notes and questions from others who did. Questions were as follows: 1) Walk me through your employment history 2) You said that you supervise 3-5 individuals, in what capacity do you supervise them? 3) Have you had any difficult decisions to make regarding the individuals you supervise? 4) I’m sure you’ve done lots
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Published: January 28, 2013
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/ Adcom/ On Campus
Got there 20-30min early and knew where to go from a previous tour. The receptionist gave me the t shirt and folder tailored to my interests that all other interviewees seem to mention. The adcom who was interviewing me was very friendly and we spent a good amount of time just introducing ourselves first. She took my transcript right away, so definitely do not forget that one. Questions were as follows, although not in this order: 1. How did you come to work for XYZ? 2. What is your proudest work related accomplishment? 3. How did you choose
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Published: January 28, 2013
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub / Admitted
I interviewed in November in a hub city. My interview was conducted by two Adcom members, although only one of them was an active speaker, the other one being an active listener. Both were quite active writers! At first, I thought having to deal with two people would add some more stress to the whole process, but it was actually quite the opposite, as having almost continuous eye contact helped me build some confidence. After the usual greeting, I was told that the interview would last 30 min (which it did), that there would be no time left for
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