Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: December 10, 2012
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Second-Year student/On Campus
Interviewed on campus with a 2nd year student. I work in consulting and I was paired with a student who was a consultant before coming to Fuqua. She mentioned when possible they try to pair you with someone who is familiar with your industry/field in order to help candidates become familiar and comfortable with the environment. 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Why an MBA? 3. What specifically do you like about Duke? 4. Why do you want to return to your company? 5. Short and Long term goals? 6. If you had a minute
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Published: December 9, 2012
Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second-year student / Skype
So I just finished the interview a few minutes ago and I though let me write it out here while everything’s fresh in my head. Clearadmit’s archive of all such interviews for all schools has been really invaluable during my process and I feel its only fair for me to chip in here for others. It was a Skype call, very friendly and conversational. The student had some questions framed out but they were not so many. The follow-ups and branching out questions were what built up the 35 off minutes of conversation. -She first introduced herself in a few
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Published: December 9, 2012
Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Faculty/Off-Campus Hub
The interview took place in the offices of a law firm in San Francisco with links to the school. The interviewer had read my entire application in detail and asked very specific questions about things I had mentioned. He had a list of questions before him and went through them one by one. The setting was informal and the interviewer was reasonably friendly. The majority of the interview was a general discussion about the various problems that plague my industry. He wanted to know if a) I was aware of these problems and b) what I thought about them and
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Published: December 6, 2012
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumna / Off-campus
My interview was off-campus, so I was provided a list of alumni in my area that are able to do interviews. I reviewed the list and looked up people on Linked In to identify someone with a similar background / interests, hoping that we might just naturally hit it off. I ended up finding someone a friend of mine knew through work, so I knew a little about my interviewer going into the meeting. We met at a coffee shop after work, and it was very informal. The interview was blind; she had a copy of my resume and had
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Published: December 3, 2012
China Europe International Business School Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Adcom/Skype
Well,i was interviewed by Ms. Ivy Yang(Marketing Manager,CEIBS) and Prof. Kim Tae Yeol(Pof. of Management)The interview lasted for 35 mins approx.They were quite open and friendly.The questions were general without too much grilling : 1.Describe your life both in professional and social aspects? 2.What achievements led to your work promotion (i mentioned in my essays that i got promoted recently)? 3.What leadership style do i follow,Cite an example? 4.How do i check on my dealership personnel loyalty(i come from channel sales background) ? 5. If my dealer team were to give feedback on my personal strengths
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Published: December 3, 2012
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Alumnus/Off Campus
The interview was in a coffee shop in New Delhi, India – very comfortable atmosphere. The Ross interview is a blind interview and the interviewer in fact did not even read my resume before interviewing me. Questions I was asked – What are your career goals? – I wrote about my family business in the resume, so he wanted to know what the company does – He wanted to know if I see potential in the industry of my family business? Where I see the industry in about 10 years – Tell me about a struggle? To
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Published: December 3, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Alumnus/Off-Campus
My interview was, from what I’ve read, a very standard Kellogg interview. The interviewer was friendly and started off with questions about my interest in the school. He probed a bit deeper really trying to get me to articulate why I was interested in the school over others. He then focused on my resume and asked me about the side business that I have been operating aside from my job. I am in banking and so was this alumnus, so he stayed away from asking me questions on my full time job and didn’t ask me anything about my undergraduate
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Published: December 2, 2012
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off Campus
Interview was at the alumnus’ office. He had no information other than my resume, and while I often referenced my resume none of the questions were specific to anything on it. Questions: – Why Stanford? – Tell me about a time when you dealt with someone who was difficult. How did you handle that situation? – Tell me about a time you worked well within a team – Tell me about a time you faced a challenge at work and how you influenced the outcome – What is your leadership style? – What do you
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Published: December 2, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2/ Ad-com/ On-campus
My interview was on Friday around 1PM. I live 5 hour drive from Chicago. My gf and I drove down that morning straight to Northwestern. We reached there around 11AM. I registered at the admission office which is on the second floor. I had some questions regarding information session later that day. We grabbed lunch downstairs and walked around the campus. Around 12.30PM, I walked back to the admissions office. There were 4 other interview candidates waiting for their interviews as well. I chatted with them a bit. All of them had pretty impressive backgrounds. My interviewer came
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Published: December 2, 2012
Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-Campus (Local)
Typical info here: Blind interview by alum in my local City. Questions: Did not start with the typical walk me through your resume, tell me about yourself. Instead we jumped right into the guts of the beast. Tell me about a time you worked with someone who was difficult. Tell me about a leadership experience. Why Stanford. Tell me about a time you stepepd outside your typical role. A lot of conversation went with the interview, and there were some probing questions after I answered the original question.
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Published: November 26, 2012
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
My interview was conducted by an alum at his office. It was quite a formal conversation. He introduced himself and told me a little bit about his background (post-MBA experience and what he’s doing right now). He said the interview would last not more than 30 minutes and then dived straight into the questions (not necessarily in the same sequence): 1. Walk me through your resume 2. Why MBA? Why Booth? 3. What would you like to do at Booth outside of the classroom? 4. Don’t you think some post-MBA experience in operations would help before you
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Published: November 26, 2012
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/ Alumnus/ Off Campus
I had a very standard 45 min interview. Why MBA Most notable accomplishment on resume What groups I would want to be a part of What i would miss most about NYC Failure Team example leadership style It was mostly conversational and ide say we had a pretty organic conversation. she spent a lot of time talking about her experience, why she went to booth, and what she was involved in. Through some googling, i found some interests we had in common and made sure to bring them up
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Published: November 25, 2012
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus
Overall the interview was very laid back and conversational, with fairly standard MBA interview questions. Only a few questions were actually asked, the rest of our time was spent discussing my interviewer’s background, thoughts on the program, best experiences in the program, etc. Questions were: 1. How did you feel the Team-Based Discussion went? 2. Was your behavior in the Team-Based Discussion representative of the way you typically act in group settings? 3. Tell me about a time when you worked in a group in which everyone did not agree and how did your team resolve the situation?
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Published: November 25, 2012
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: EA/Second Year Student/Skype
I am an international applicant based in Europe. I was invited to interview via skype. My interview was conducted by a second year graduate from Tuck. It was a very formal conversation unlike what I had anticipated reading in blogs and forums. Questions were basic, not hidden traps there. Below were a few I can recall now: 1. Walk me through your resume and why did you chose this profile/Company 2. What is you most important accomplishment 3. Dug deeper into my accomplishment, team work aspect, leadership style etc 4. What kind of team player you
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Published: November 20, 2012
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Webex
My interview was with an adcom member via Webex (like Skype). The interviewer was very friendly and made the atmosphere relaxed and casual. He made it clear up front that the interview was blind. After that we went right into the following questions: 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. Tell me about a time you lead a team and someone was less motivated. 3. Tell me about a time you managed up. 4. Tell me about a time you persuaded someone/the team to do something. 5. Why now? Why Wharton? 6. Do you have
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Published: November 19, 2012
Tepper MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
The interviewer was quite friendly and made me feel comfortable while answering questions. It was a blind interview, they had only my Resume to refer to. The questions were pretty much generic, like why i chose Tepper, and how the work I have been doing and my undergraduate degree relates to my mba decision and my post mba goals. Another thing I felt is that there was a lot of emphasis on how I have performed in team scenarios and how I can carry it forward in Tepper.
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Published: November 18, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-campus
I opted to do an on-campus interview and scheduled it for early November. Kellogg is my top choice program and I thought that taking the time to go there and interview in person with the adcom or a student would help prove my interest. Moreover, it would give me a chance to meet students and tour the campus. I don’t regret my decision to pick this option. I purposefully scheduled my interview for a Tuesday (no classes on Wednesday) so that I could spend Monday doing the class visit, building tour, etc. Doing this came in handy when my interviewer
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Published: November 15, 2012
Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus
I was invited for an interview with an alumnus in my local city in India. The alumnus invited me to her office for the interview. She started by introducing herself and walking me through her career. Then she asked me about myself. I was expecting 4-5 questions in total from her, but she ended up asking a lot of questions from me. She had a sample questionnaire with her (probably sent to her by Booth) and she kept on asking questions, and taking notes. Majority of questions were behavioral in nature. Though I do not remember all the questions that
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Published: September 28, 2012
INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off Campus
I received interview invite a week before the deadline. I was originally given two different names but they were changed and two new names were provided by the end of the next week. I was to contact them and setup the interview within a month. As we all do, I tried to find information about interviewers. First interviewer was in private equity and second in a top three consultancy firm. As already mentioned elsewhere, both of the interviewers were in some way related to my profile – means they would in a good position to judge my profile. I got
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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off Campus
I had my interview off campus with a first year out Booth Alum. We met at a local Starbucks which I think made me more comfortable for the interview than if I had done it in the formal on campus admissions office setting. Her questions were similar to the others posted here, outline as follows: Please give me your elevator pitch (I felt this was a slightly tough starter, as it was not clear whether she was talking about my resume, me, my desire to go to Booth or all of the above!). Why an MBA now Where do I
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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alum / Off Campus
Hi. I’m giving back to this forum that helped me a lot. Here are my 2 cents. I received my 2 interviewers’ details a day before the deadline. I contacted them right away. I had to travel to Vancouver (British Columbia) for one and Calgary (Alberta) for the other. One interviewer dropped out in the middle, and the adcom assigned me a new one. One was a director at a Real Estate company and the other one was a CEO of an Energy company. You can read the other interviews to get an idea of how it happens. However, I
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Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off Campus
I had an interview off-campus with an Admissions Officer of the program. The interviewer was friendly and easy to talk to. She assured me that she wanted this to be a casual, laid-back conversation and that I should not feel nervous. There were no surprises with this interview. It was standard and felt similar to other business school admissions interviews. I left with a good impression of Said. Tell me about your current job? Why MBA? Why Oxford? Tell me about a time when you were managing someone who was not performing well. What did you do? And if this
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IESE MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 7 / Off Campus / Adcom
After submitting my application for the March deadline (round 7), I received an invitation to interview within a week. I interviewed with an adcom member at a hotel in London. My interviewer offered me coffee, explained that the interview would be fairly conversational, and began. Questions included: Describe your childhood until the beginning of university. What was your greatest achievement during this time? Why did you choose your university? Describe your undergraduate experience Describe your employment history Why an MBA? Why now? Why IESE? What other schools have you applied to? What are your short-term and long-term career goals? Name
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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Second-year Student / On Campus
walk me through your resume/tell me about yourself what are your short and long term goals why do you want an MBA why booth tell me about a challenge tell me about something you regret what is your leadership style do you have any questions for me The room was a small room round table with a few chairs. While you wait there are booth students that sit with you and are supposed to chat you up. Interview was 30 minutes sharp. Good Luck guys.
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Published: April 28, 2012
Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 (January Round) / On Campus / Student-initiated
I was interviewed by a T’12 student; I visited campus on Jan 25 for the campus tour and the interview. The interview was fairly straightforward and relaxed – nothing unexpected. I was admitted! Here are the questions I was asked, in no particular order: Walk me through your resume/Tell me about how you got to this point Why did you attend your undergraduate institution? How did you go from neuroscience (my undergrad major) to management consulting? A question about work style – how I approach working with people. This was a decidedly vague question, and I guess I had to
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