Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: April 24, 2012
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / First-year Student / Skype
Duration : 30 minutes The interview started off with he telling me that it is a blind interview and has only read my resume.He also said to take it easy as he just wants to know me better. Questions : Briefly share about your career progress Share more on your current position. Role and Responsibilities, Organization. Challenges you found in your current team. Share something innovative you did.I shared a personal experience. Your goals.I said entrepreneurship.He told me to elaborate on the business idea. What are the reasons that make you choose USC Marshall? What kind of contribution that will you bring
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Published: April 23, 2012
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / First-year Student / Skype
Duration : 35 minutes Questions : Briefly share about yourself, your background, your career progress, your current position Share more on your current position. Role and Responsibilities, Organization. Challenges you found in your current team. What make you decide to take MBA, why now? What are the reasons that make you choose USC Marshall? How USC Marshall will help you achieve your goals? Other reasons why USC Marshall is the best for you? What kind of contribution that will you bring to the USC Community on campus / off campus? Any questions for interviewer?
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Published: April 23, 2012
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / On Campus
Blind AdCom interview, resume in hand. She said that she will review my application later. List of interview questions: Tell me about your background – she asked follow up questions regarding my career and industry What are your career goals Why do you want an MBA Why USC Have you worked in a team with chemists…have you worked with a difficult customer Greatest accomplishments What do you like to do for fun Do you have any questions I was nervous. I think the interview was conversational and she made it that way. She has obviously done a lot of interviews
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Published: April 16, 2012
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
We discussed TFA and teaching for the first couple minutes….this was a blind interview so the person only has my resume in her hand and has not seen any part of my application. (I was interviewed on campus by Grace Kim who is the senior assoc. director of admissions) Tell me about a time you had to deal with a moral dilemma Describe yourself in three words Why an MBA, how does your background and previous work experience contribute to your desire to obtain an MBA Why USC What do you think is the biggest challenge in education reform? (this
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Published: April 16, 2012
Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Outside Consultant / On Campus
The interview took place in a conference room inside the Said Business School. The dozen interviewees were encouraged to mingle with each other throughout the day. Only two current MBA students attended the luncheon, given that they were on break. Surprisingly, almost all of the applicants had flown long distances from Seattle, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Sydney, etc. Interview time: under 30 minutes The interviewer was a former headhunter who is now working as an outside consultant for the AdCom. She was knowledgeable, articulate, and friendly to converse with. We started with brief chit-chat about the program and the community, and
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IESE MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / New York Center / Adcom
I had my interview at the new IESE New York Center. This center is used for a various events at IESE from Executive programs, Short Open Programs, and many presentations throughout the year. Full-time MBA students can actually study for two weeks in NYC during their two year program. I have already attended a few visits here like Assessment Day and presentations from two IESE professors. This New York Center is a testament to IESE’s effort to expand in the US and globally. As far as the interview, I was interviewed by Itziar and she was very easy to talk
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INSEAD MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alum / Off Campus
First interview Who: Mid 30s entrepeneur working at startup. Interview: Met at a restaurant for lunch in London, interviewer was extremely warm and friendly. Brought a copy of my resume and asked me to walk him through it with occasional follow-up questions. Then asked the usual: Why MBA? Why now? Why INSEAD? Then went into detail on some activities and his experience at INSEAD. Only tricky part was interviewer identified the biggest weakness on my app was lack of experience and drilled down into it. Very relaxed and informal. Second interview Who: Mid 50s investment banker running his own hedge
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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On Campus / Adcom
I interviewed on campus at Georgetown McDonough on January 19 with my case manager on the admissions committee. The interview was a bit more formal/structured than the conversational ones at other schools and lasted approximately 45 minutes. I was granted about 10 minutes to ask questions and follow up on any of the previous discussion. This part was a bit awkward as I asked about the curriculum redesign which at that point they weren’t ready to release any information on this topic yet. She took sporadic notes on my resume and seemed to mentally refer back to a list of
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UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / 2nd Year Student
The interviewer said I would have about 30 minutes to “Tell me your story, you can start from wherever you want, high school, college, your choice” He said he would chime in with questions every so often but after 30 minutes he would have some additional questions. It was very relaxed, more like a conversation than an interview. My advice would be to make sure to get through the early part of the story pretty quickly because my interviewer asked a lot of questions and I had to shorten the second half of my story because of it. After he
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Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Adcom
I interviewed with Georgetown McDonough in Asia. They sent an Adcom member and we had the interview in a lounge a nice hotel. It was a really relaxed setting and the interviewer made sure I was comfortable. We had our own table, but there were definitely other people at tables around us. It felt much more like a chat than an interview. Very casual. Some pretty standard questions: walk me through your resume ( we discussed several points about my resume, transitions between jobs etc. ) why do you want an MBA? why now? what attracts you to Georgetown? describe
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Published: March 27, 2012
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alum / Off Campus
I met my interviewer at a coffee shop, and he was immediately very friendly and casual – extremely easy to talk to. I provided a copy of my resume. He began by letting me ask about his background. He and I both work in the retail industry, so it was good to establish some common ground at the beginning. then he pulled out a worksheet and ticked through some standard questions. walk me through your resume what is an ethical dilemma that you’ve faced? Do you wish you’d acted differently now? Why business school? Why now? Why Columbia? talk about
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Published: March 27, 2012
Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-campus Hub
Had a brief five minute chat about the adcom member and his background and a little bit about the process. Then we jumped into questions Walk me through your resume (I wove in a bit of why MBA here) Tell me about a time when you managed a team and one person was less motivated Tell me about a time when you managed someone senior to you Tell me about a time when you participated in a successful negotiation Why do you want an MBA now? (I spoke a bit more about why MBA here) Why Wharton specifically? Do you
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Published: March 27, 2012
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom
Any updates to your application or anything new you’ve accomplished at work? Tell me about a company in your industry that has caught your eye. Given your role at your company (work for a startup), what will it be like when you leave? Tell me about a time you helped a colleague who was struggling professionally. Tell me about a time you had to persuade your colleagues. Follow up questions about how I delegated analysis of the issue and how I felt my colleagues perceived my approach. Tell me about a time a colleauge had a contrasting opinion or gave
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Published: March 24, 2012
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / On Campus / AdCom
Submitted application on 1/23, invited to interview on 2/8. US, non-Texas applicant. This was probably my most relaxed b-school interview yet (fourth one) – I nearly ended up in tears of laughter, which was completely unexpected. I chose to interview on-campus in Austin and since I interviewed on a Friday, my interview was with an AdCom member – not a second-year like I was told. Much of the focus and crux of the interview was atypical from the usual – in that there were no “Tell me about a time when…” questions or questions on leadership/teamwork… but the nature was
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Published: March 21, 2012
Published: March 20, 2012
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On Campus
I interviewed Round 2 with a second year student on-campus last week. The interview lasted 30 minutes. I was asked the following: Tell me about yourself and walk me through your resume. Why an MBA, and why UCLA? What student organizations would you get involved with? How would you describe a leader and what is your role? Tell me about a failure and what you learned. Questions for me? The interview was friendly and casual, and I left with a good impression about UCLA.
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Published: March 19, 2012
UVA / Darden MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off Campus / Alum
I had my interview on Feb 28th with an alumnus off-campus. I am an international applicant based in Mumbai. The interviewer was extremely friendly and asked me to tell me my story, telling about my life, academics, decisions taken in life what I have done, work experiences and then touch upon why MBA, career goals and why Darden. I had heard of this format of interview and had prepared for this so after the initial chat I started with my story and told about my experiences in detail. The interview asked questions related to what I told but all in
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Published: March 19, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off Campus
I am an international applicant and had interview on Feb 29th with an alumnus, off-campus. My interview was held in interviewer’s car as she had to go somewhere and we had to complete the interview within a day according to school deadline. I was asked by her to meet at airport. The interview began about half an hour late, when she came out of the airport and it began as soon as she met me on airport itself. The interview questions were mostly standard: Where are you working and whats your job responsibilities? What is your background? Why you want
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Published: March 19, 2012
MIT / Sloan MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Adcom
I got my invitation to interview on March 2nd, and had 2 weeks to schedule the interview. I scheduled it for the week after, because of work obligations. They offered lunch with a current student on interview days, but then there were no interview timeslots around lunchtime, so i chose a morning slot to minimize the amount of time out of the office (i’m local). ALSO — YOU HAVE TO BRING TRANSCRIPT COPIES. nowhere on their website did they mention that, at all, before you get invited to interview (and i looked, because i was ordering them for another school
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Published: March 19, 2012
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off Campus
Interview conducted on 3/15 in a local Starbucks and lasted approximately 45 minutes. Was not asked to send my resume before the interview, but presented the resume as the interview started. Relatively informal and casual interview – the main goal of the interview was to assess fit. Traditional questions to start the interview. Walk me through your resume/tell me about yourself. Why MBA? What are your short term and long term goals? Why is UCLA a good fit? How do you plan on getting involved at UCLA?
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Published: March 19, 2012
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 (Admitted) / Second-year Student / On Campus
Interviewed on 1/11/2012 with a 2nd year student on campus. Received admission e-mail on 1/25/2012. Interview lasted about 40 minutes Walk me through your resume (with some questions about my engineering experience) Why MBA? Why UCLA? Tell me about a leadership experience. Questions for me? Overall, I enjoyed the interview. It was a very casual conversation where the interviewer showed genuine interest in me as a person, my career aspirations, and how the Anderson MBA fits in. No probing / forcing questions to put me on my toes. It really was a 2-way conversation, where the interviewer related and inter-weaved
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Published: March 18, 2012
UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / On Campus / 2nd year student
Invitation to interview received on February 15th. I’m an international student It was very relax interview. The interviewer first explained 4 strength of McCombs (his version) and share a little bit of his career and background 1. Tell me a little bit about yourself. 2. Other schools that you have applied 3. What are your goals? 4. What is the weakest part of your application? 5. What is your biggest accomplishment (professional and personal)? 6. How do you define “great leadership”? And how did you implement it in your life? 7. What is your difficulties working in a team? What
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Published: March 15, 2012
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 (Admitted) / Alum / Off Campus
I am in UCLA Round 2 with US$30K. I was invited for interview on Feb. 15, and took my interview on March 4. I received my admission call on March 9. Why MBA? Why UCLA? Why now? Leadership example. Hobbies? An example of resolving conflict. A story shown on my resume (I am a lawyer; so it is about my experience of defending a murder-rapist). Any questions to UCLA or interviewer? I asked his experience: why consulting, PE and then banking? Why UCLA? Collectively lasted over 75 min.
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Published: March 14, 2012
Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Regular Decision / Alum / Off Campus
Applied to Columbia MBA program: Jan. 15th, 2012 Invited to Interview: Mar. 5th, 2012 Interviewed: Mar. 11th, 2012 Status Changed to Complete: Mar. 14th, 2012 We met at a Starbuck’s in Atlanta The interviewer was a recent grad who works for McKinsey. He was candid, straight-forward, and didn’t let things feel formal. He first gave me a chance to ask questions about his Columbia and work experience. It was a great way to break the ice. This lasted for 15 minutes. We thoroughly discussed the academics at Columbia (particularly around finance and Heilbrunn) along with the new grades disclosure policy
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Published: March 14, 2012
UCLA / Anderson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year Student / On Campus
I arrived and checked in at the admissions office with my photo ID. My interview started at my appointment time in a career center interview room. It went for 25 minutes with 15-20 minutes of me asking questions at the end. The atmosphere was relaxed and very conversational. My interviewer was taking copious notes the entire time. Type of interview – Blind, resume-based interview with 2nd year student. List of interview questions: Tell me about yourself. Resume-specific questions: gaps, details, etc. Short and long term goals. Describe day-to-day at recent job. Discuss what you like the most and least about
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