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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-campus / alumni

It started very formal, with the interviewer reading a description from an official packet, then launched into a series of standard questions. After about 5-10 minutes, it became much more conversational and fun, less formal. Interview portion lasted about ~25 minutes with 10 minutes of me asking questions.

Her questions:

  • Tell me about yourself, walk me through your resume
  • Specific questions about my resume (she had asked

for it before and was prepared with detailed questions)

  • Why MBA?
  • What hope to achieve during MBA, what specifically

at Ross?

  • What do I bring to the table, what one thing will I


  • What do I want to do after school?
  • Describe time you executed an idea from start to

finish, what was impact (basically, essay #1)?

  • What other schools applying? How does Ross compare

to those schools (I hate this question).

  • Anything else she should know.
  • Questions for her