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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

The interview was held in a coffee shop in the alumni’s area. It lasted about 60 minutes and was straight and to the point, without much introduction or simple chat in between. I hoped for a casual conversation but was informed beforehand by a friend that this interviewer is a bit tough.

The normal questions appeared – Why MBA, why now, why Ross. I wasn’t asked explicitly for my career goals (ST and LT) but inserted on my own through the other answers. When my answers weren’t clear enough, he pressed harder (but the atmosphere was business-like and did not became too stressful).

More questions:
– Describe a team situation where you had a dispute with your team members. How did you solve it? What did you say/do?
– What will you bring to the school that other people can’t?
– How are you planning on becoming a true part of the community?
– Describe a time that you made a mistake and understood it when it was already late (I think that the real emphasis here was on the lesson learned rather that the error itself or its consequences).
– Questions for him