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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum

Off-campus on a weekend day relatively late in the interview cycle (February 19). It was held at a local coffee shop and took about 45 minutes.

The interviewer was alum who had been out of school for about 6-7 years and had already conducted numerous interviews. She had a copy of my resume, but no other submitted materials.

List of interview questions:

  • Tell me about time you’ve had to work in a team.
  • How do you handle situations in which there is disagreement? Tell me about an example.
  • What are your short and long term career goals?
  • Biggest accomplishment.
  • Why are you qualified above other applicants?
  • What will your biggest contribution to the class of 2013 be?
  • What is one question you thought I would ask but haven’t?

I found the setting of a coffee shop to be little odd, as numerous other people could overhear our conversation. I’ve had several other interviews, and they usually start off with the interviewer telling you a bit about themselves, but she did not and instead got right down to business. She was not particularly warm or expressive, except when it was my turn to ask questions at the end. She raved about the network and resources available and the strong alumni pool, even on the west coast.