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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On Campus / Second year student

I attended a ‘super saturday’ in early February that was geared towards female second round applicants. I was matched with a second year student who had reviewed my resume but nothing else. Most questions were standard:

  • tell me about your background
  • why MBA
  • why Ross
  • what have you done to explore your career interests
  • example of teamwork
  • experience when a team didn’t work and how you dealt with it
  • tell me about the most difficult/critical feedback you’ve ever gotten
  • tell me something about you that is not on your resume
  • time for questions
  • finally, a last chance for me to express anything else I wanted her

to know

The feedback question was the only one that I felt slightly off-put by. To some extent, I felt like the interviewer was keeping a poker face. She did seem to open up at the end and wished me luck with the process. Generally the student ambassadors that I met throughout the day were very welcoming and helpful, and you could tell they wanted to make sure we had a good experience.