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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Telephonic Interview / Adcom / R2

Courtesy of anon78

I had a telephonic interview setup with the Adcom where I had to call in. The interview was very conversational and the adcom member was very friendly and relaxed. She asked me conversation starters such as where I was calling from and where I usually holiday etc. and definitely made me feel comfy. She also described the interview process before diving into the questions. The whole interview lasted about 35 mins.

Questions asked as part of the conversation:

  • Could you give me a recent example of a contribution you made to your work or team?
  • When you presented your idea did you get any pushback from the management?
  • How did you get the resources/data you needed for the project you proposed?
  • Why do you want to do an MBA now?
  • What are the things at ROSS that interest you?
  • What’s your community involvement outside of work?
  • Technical questions about my sporting activity
  • Which are the clubs that interest you at ROSS?
  • Any thoughts about doing courses outside the MBA framework at ROSS?
  • How do you handle a situation where a team-member of yours is not performing upto the expected level?
  • Did you face such an incident recently?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

I asked only one question knowing that the person interviewing me was from the adcom and running short of time. Also I already had a pretty good idea of ROSS given my Alumni contacts.
What did you think of the interview?

I think the interview went decent. She mentioned good answer a few times.

What surprised you?

That the interview was so conversational and that the adcom member was really friendly.
