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NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / AdCom / Off-Campus Hub

Image for NYU Stern Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / AdCom / Off-Campus Hub

The following NYU / Stern interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 MBA applicant. Good luck to them!

The interview was held at a popular hotel in the city.
The Adcom member was very friendly and was eager to listen to my stories. He had read my application thoroughly. I did most of the talking and he listened patiently. The interviewer made eye contact with me through most of the interview and took scant notes.


1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why did you make the particular career choices that you did
3. Talk to me about this particular project that you undertook in your undergrad
4. Why did you choose not to pursue this project further. Why did you take up your job after graduation
5. Why did you leave your job
6. How do your co-workers feel about your decision to pursue an MBA? (Since I’m quite vital for my company)
7. Why Stern?
8. What alternate career plans do you have in case you don’t land your dream job?
9. Is there anything that you would like to ask me.

The interview lasted exactly 30 minutes.

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