SMU Cox MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
They asked me 10 questions and then I had some time to ask questions. 1. Describe your career. 2. Day in the life doing your job? 3. Why did you choose your degree? 4. Career goal for after completing your MBA? 5. Back-up career goal? 6. How do you handle breaking bad news to a manager or peer? 7. How do you handle working on a team and someone isn’t pulling their weight? 8. International city you would want to spend time in and why? 9. How would you judge your
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Published: January 21, 2025
SMU Cox MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
It was pretty cool. I took over the meeting ensuring that it was more conversational. The interview was resume-based. The questions were relatively items on my resume and personal. Tell me about a time you solved a problem at work. What’s your typical workday like? Why an MBA and Why SMU Cox? Surprised to get an email for the career management center interview 3 hours after the interview.
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SMU Cox MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
1. Introduce yourself. 2. Why SMU and why MBA? 3. Post graduation plans? 4. Back-up post graduation plans? 5. What’s one of the most difficult things about your job? 6. How you’ve dealt with feedback from a senior you didn’t agree with? 7. A time a project didn’t go to plan and you failed. 8. How you would manage your time [at school]? 9. Day in the life of you at work (tasks etc). 10. How would you contribute to the Cox community? 11. How you would work in a
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