WashU Olin MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Alumnus / Zoom
Interview happened over Zoom. The interviewer was friendly and let me know he had read my file, but wanted to learn more about my journey. Lasted 30 minutes. It was extremely engaging and interactive. 1. Tell me about yourself & why MBA. 2. TMAT you failed. 3. How will your colleagues describe you? 4. TMAT you used data to solve an issue. 5. What are you most excited about OLIN MBA? 6. What are you not looking forward to in B-school? 7. Any questions for me?
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Published: October 24, 2024
Washington U. Olin MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Student / Virtual
Walk me through your resume. Why pursue an MBA now? If you could reset, what would you change about your journey? Tell me about a time you faced an ethical issue. What is the difference between a manager and a leader? What will you contribute to the Olin community? Tell me something about yourself that isn’t on your resume. Do you have any questions for me? The interview lasted around 31 minutes (done via direct messaging).
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Published: April 17, 2019
Washington U. / Olin Interview Questions & Report: Round 3 / Aimee Williams Adcom / On Campus
I had an overall great interview experience at Olin. Aimee was warm, welcoming, and made me feel right at ease. At the beginning of the interview she explained her background and what questions she would be asking me. She informed me that she would be asking me 9-10 questions, and would give me some time at the end to ask her questions if time allowed. The first few questions were generalized questions about my background, why an MBA etc. The other questions were behavioral. Questions Tell me about yourself/ background? Why an MBA? How do you plan to use your
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