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Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom

Image for Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom

Interview tracked with prior interview reports on ClearAdmit – pretty predictable questions with some deeper follow ups to each. My interviewer had a similar professional background as me and the conversation was very casual and friendly.

We did probably 40 minutes of Q&A and 15 minutes of me asking her questions about her time at GSB

1. Time when I stepped out of my formal role to make an impact.
2. Cont’d: How did my managers feel about me taking the time to lead a certain initiative at work?
3. Cont’d: In my initiative, who was involved? Did anything surprise you along the way?
4. Cont’d: What’s the current status of the initiative you led? Is it still going?
5. Time when you were proud of a work achievement and why.
6. Interviewer made a comment that I seem to be someone who is willing to tackle boring/procedural barriers to improve the environment for others. Where does that come from?
7. A time I changed a longstanding process at work