Here is a copy of the email that invited applicants receive:
Original Message From: “Stanford MBA Admissions Office” <[email protected]> Subject: Stanford MBA Program Interview
The Stanford MBA Admissions Office has reviewed your application to the Stanford MBA Program. We would like to invite you to meet with one of our alumni for a 45-minute interview. The purpose of this meeting is both evaluative and informational, with an emphasis on creating a positive and enjoyable experience.
Your alumni interviewer is: Name: E-mail: Cell Phone:
If you have a pre-existing relationship with your alumni interviewer, please immediately contact Judy Low, Interview Coordinator, at or [email protected] so that we can reassign you.
To move forward, it is imperative that you follow the instructions below:
1. We ask that you contact your alumni interviewer – contact information is provided above – to schedule a mutually convenient time and location to meet. We suggest business attire, but ask that you contact your alumni interviewer to confirm specifics of the meeting.
2. Please send your alumni interviewer a copy of your resume via email or fax. Please do NOT send other information (your essays, transcripts, etc.).
3. If at all possible, please schedule and complete the interview within three weeks. If it is not feasible to complete the interview in that time period, please contact Judy Low, Interview Coordinator, at or [email protected].
4. As soon as you have confirmed the date of your meeting, please send a reply email to [email protected] with that information. If you reschedule the meeting, please send another email to [email protected] so that we are aware of the change.
5. Please send your official (hardcopy) transcript(s) to me within the next three weeks. DO NOT give your transcripts to your interviewer. The mailing address is:
Attention: JUDY LOW MBA Admissions Office Stanford Graduate School of Business 518 Memorial Way Stanford, CA 94305 USA
PLEASE NOTE: an official transcript must come in a sealed envelope, and the envelope should be stamped with the university’s seal. It should not be opened by anyone before being sent to Stanford. If your transcripts are in a language other than English you must also provide an English translation, that is sealed and stamped by the translator. Transcripts that do not arrive in envelopes that are sealed and stamped are not considered official. If your transcripts are not received in a timely manner, we cannot guarantee your decision will be released on decision day.
6. Unfortunately, we are unable to confirm receipt of individual transcripts. However, please be assured that we will contact you if your official (hardcopy) transcript is not received.
We hope you will find the meeting stimulating and informative. Thank you again for your continued interest in the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Best regards,
Judy Low Interview Coordinator Stanford MBA Admissions Office [email protected]
Answers to FAQs from Candidates Invited to Interview
1. Is it a positive sign to be invited to interview?
Since this process has discrete outcomes – admission or non-admission – we worry that it can be misleading to discuss probabilities or chances. Please keep this in mind throughout the admission process.
Our intention is to interview 100% of the students who enroll in the Stanford MBA Program. Candidates invited to interview have been reviewed by the Admissions Committee and are considered competitive for admission. However, given the overall strength of the applicant pool, we expect that the majority of candidates interviewed will not be offered admission. We say this not to be discouraging or mean-spirited, but to highlight the reality of a highly-selective admission process.
2. What is the weight of the interview?
There is no specific weight assigned to the interview; the interview is only one part of a comprehensive process. Therefore, a positive interview does not guarantee admission, and a poor interview does not, by itself, preclude admission. The written application, including the essays and letters of reference, is a critical part of the evaluation process. The interview is a key source of supplemental information.
3. May I interview with an Admissions Officer?
Only Stanford MBA alumni conduct interviews. We feel the interview offers a unique opportunity for applicants to learn more about the Stanford MBA Program in a personal setting. Having been through the MBA Program, our alumni are our best resource in sharing their academic and extracurricular experiences with you.
4. May I have background information on my Alumni Interviewer? What information will my Alumni Interviewer have about me?
When you contact your Alumni Interviewer, feel free to ask her/him any appropriate questions regarding her/his background. The only information that your Alumni Interviewer will have about you is your resume, which you will send directly to her/him. All interviews address behaviors, skills, and attitudes that demonstrate your potential to grow in the Stanford GSB community as a student and to lead in the world after graduation. We do not direct your Alumni Interviewer to probe specific areas based on your application; we believe the bias that could result from such guidance would outweigh any potential evaluative benefit.
5. What should I wear to the interview?
You may wear either business casual or professional attire. At the time that you set up your interview, please ask your Alumni Interviewer which is preferable.
6. Is there any significance to when I received my interview invitation?
No, the timing of your interview invitation reflects only the order in which your application was reviewed in the Admissions Committee. Interview invitations are extended from about a week after the round’s deadline until about a week before the round’s notification date, because it takes the Admissions Committee that entire period to review all applications thoroughly.
7. How can I prepare for the interview?
Our best advice is simply to be yourself. We suggest that you review your resume and your essays prior to the interview. The primary questions will revolve around behaviors, skills, and attitudes that we believe are key to good citizenship here in the Stanford community and vital to high-impact leadership post-MBA. There are no trick questions. We will ask you to reflect on your personal and professional experiences; what you’ve learned about yourself; and how best to lead people and manage situations.
Remember, the interview is both evaluative and informative: it is not only an opportunity for us to learn more about you, but also for you to learn more about the School. It is designed to be a positive exchange of ideas and information.
8. If I have a problem contacting my Alumni Interviewer, what should I do?
If your Alumni Interviewer has not returned your call or answered your email within 2 – 3 days, please contact Judy Low, Interview Coordinator, at +1 (650) 736-2034 or email her at [email protected].
9. What should I do if I will be traveling over the next several weeks or if I am not near the location of my assigned interview?
Please contact Judy Low, Interview Coordinator, at or email her at [email protected] immediately so that we can assign you another Alumni Interviewer. If you are in an area in which we have no interviewers, we can schedule an interview by telephone.
10. Why are you requesting my official (hardcopy) transcript(s) now? Should I bring my official (hardcopy) transcript to the interview?
We give applicants the option of submitting self-reported (online) transcripts(s) with the online application since that version is satisfactory for purposes of preliminary reviews. However, for purposes of making admission decisions, we require the official (hardcopy) transcript(s).
Please do not bring your official (hardcopy) transcript(s) to the interview. Instead, send your official (hardcopy) transcript(s) to:
Attention: Transcripts MBA Admissions Office Stanford Graduate School of Business 518 Memorial Way Stanford, CA 94305 USA
11. If I have any questions or issues related to the interview, what should I do?
Please contact Judy Low, Interview Coordinator, at or email her at [email protected]. We will address your concern as soon as possible.