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Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R1, Alumni

I interviewed with an alum. The interview lasted for 45 minutes and after some conversation on sports and weather, we dived into the interview immediately. My interviewer explained the admissions process and told me that I will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end. Here are the questions that were asked:

  • Why do you need an MBA?
  • My interviewer then asked me about a specific volunteer work that I was doing and asked me to elaborate on how I felt working for that organization
  • Can you talk about an instance at work that made you realize you need an MBA?
  • Tell me about an instance when you had to work with a difficult person and what did you learn?
  • My interviewer then asked me why I was chosen to lead a specific project I mentioned in my resume
  • What is the most constructive piece of criticism you received from your supervisor and how did you respond?
  • How are the leadership skills you gained at work and those you gained outside work different?
  • Tell me about an instance when you displayed great leadership
  • Tell me about an instance when you had to choose between two equally compelling offers
  • What will be your biggest challenge at Stanford?
  • What book are you currently reading and what did you most like/dislike about the book?

After the interview finished, my interviewer wished me good luck and told me that I will hear from the admissions committee on 18th January