Interview occurred on Nov 12th, 2010. I was eventually rejected.
Interviewer seemed like a nice if stone-cold guy. He only really came alive when he was answering my questions for him at the end. He asked unhurried, open questions and seldom probed specifics. No read on response, though he scribbled quite a bit. Whole thing only lasted 30 mins.
Interview summary:
Small talk – Travel a lot for your job? What’s that like? Is Mexico safe? He spoke about his background, etc.
Introduction: I’m going to ask mainly behavioral questions
- Tell me about a time when you made an impact. How did people respond to that? What was the long term result?
- Time when you went beyond your immediate realm of authority. How did you get the authority to do that?
- Tell me about a time when you identified a problem and solved it. How did you get people to use your solution? How did senior level people react to your solution?
- Tell me about a time when you had to take authority of a team
- Tell me about when you’ve dealt with a problematic person and what you said and did to resolve that. How did that person respond? What do you think others on the team thought about you playing that role? What do you think that person ultimately thought of your involvement?
Conclusion: OK – so that’s all for Stanford’s behavioral questions, do you have any questions for me?