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Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1

The interview started on-time and lasted for about an hour. The estimated interview time is 45 min. My interviewer worked in my target industry, so we had quite a bit in common. It started out as a general conversation re: each of our backgrounds, and I had 2 minutes to talk about myself. The interviewer was fair and didn’t ask any underhanded questions. It was very straight forward. I discussed where I came from, where I’m at, and where I see myself going (and why). Besides the typical career questions, I was asked what I enjoy doing outside of work, to describe a leadership challenge at work and how I addressed it, describe a good vs. bad manager, what I do our of intellectual curiosity, ethical dilemma and how I resolved it, and some other general interview questions. After about 45 minutes of discussion and his asking me questions, I was given the opportunity to ask him some questions.