After a series of rescheduling due to busy schedule of alumnus and myself, I was able to schedule an interview at the office of alumni interviewer. To my surprise he and his assistant were the only two people working in the office that day.
As usual the interviewer was very laid back and friendly. He asked me to wait almost 15-20 min till he did some office work and took out print out of my resume and Stanford Interview FAQs.
Started with his brief introduction and then the regular questions.
- Walk me through you resume?(Lots of follow up question in between)
- Why MBA? (He challenged my reason to do an MBA)
- Why Stanford? (Again I ran into some trouble here with some unauthenticated talks that i heard abt Stanford)
- Question related to my family business
- Question related to my current job
- Leadership experience
- What matters most to you and Why?
- Failure
- Social activity
- Under grad college club activity
- Conflict at workplace
- Long term/Short term goals
- Biggest achievement
- Any questions for him
- My future B Plan and how venture capital might help.
To my surprise again, he asked me almost all the possible questions but he was very friendly and looked genuinely interested in my answers.
When asked about his Stanford exp. he told that the thing he liked most about Stan was networking, partying and touring. 🙂
Overall it was an enjoyable experience and by the time i was out of his office, I had spent almost 2 hrs there.