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Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumna / Off-campus

I used this to prepare for my interviews, so definitely wanted to return the favor to others. I interviewed with an alumna in her office. She introduced herself very briefly and then she asked the following questions (more or less in this order):

  1. Why MBA, Why Stanford? Have you thought of pursuing your career goals without getting an MBA
  2. Defining moment in your life
  3. Time you received constructive criticism and how you reacted, what did you learn
  4. Anything about yourself you wished you could change?
  5. Biggest accomplishment – both work and outside work?
  6. What is your leadership style?
  7. What drives you?
  8. A time you faced a disappointment
  9. Anything you wished I had asked or you think I should know about you?

All in all, I thought the interview was neutral/ok and of course I agonized afterwards about all the ways my answers could have been stronger. I was still luckily admitted in R2!!