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Stanford GSB MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni Interview / Admitted!

The interviewer was very friendly and relaxed and made sure to mention to me at the beginning that the interview was more about getting to know each other and learn about the alumni’s experience Stanford, than it was to judge the merits of this applicant. I had emailed him a copy of my resume, and when I arrived at his office he printed it out.

He began with a brief introduction of his background, and then said he wanted to ask a few questions and then have me ask him a few questions.

  • What have you enjoyed about working at your current company?
  • How have your professional experiences so far shaped where you see yourself? (this led to discussion of career goals and how MBA fits in)
  • Insert about 3-4 questions here specifically related to my career interests and path
  • Tell me about your undergraduate experience.
  • What books have you read recently?
  • What do you like to do outside of work?

The last 15 minutes of the interview involved discussion of his experiences at the Stanford GSB and how they shaped his career choices. In closing the interview, I was surprised that he was very direct and complimentary about my background and said he thought my candidacy was unique and would be a good fit for the GSB.