The interview was conducted at the office of my alumni interviewer. It lasted approximately 45 minutes. The interviewer did not bring my resume into the interview, but said that it had been reviewed. The interviewer also mentioned that the intention of the interview was to be informal and conversational. The interviewer proceeded to introduce himself/herself and provide a brief overview of his/her career progress to date. I was then asked the following questions:
- Tell me about a major goal that you have set for yourself. What have you done to achieve your goal? (Led to a follow-up question directly related to my career goals)
- Tell me about a challenging work environment and how did you respond?
- Tell me about a time when you received constructive criticism. What did you learn?
- Tell me about a time when you didn’t agree with an idea. How did you work to reach a resolution?
I was then given time to ask questions. I had prepared 2-3 questions, but had time to ask about 1.5 questions. The interviewer was nice and cordial and seemed interested in my story. Hope this helps and good luck to all who are interviewing with the GSB in the future.