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Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Overall I had a really positive interview experience! I was matched with an interviewer who was in an industry I’d previously worked in and they were very friendly and down to earth.

There weren’t any questions out of left field, I think if you go through past interview reports you can get a pretty good idea of the types of questions you’ll be asked (for me they were: what accomplishment are you most proud of, a time when you found an insight no one else could, a time when you convinced someone to do things differently, how have you helped support the learning of others). The questions all had some specific follow-ups, but no “gotchas” or anything that seemed like it was meant to trip me up.

The interview lasted about an hour, and we spent just over half the time discussing me and my background. The rest was for me to ask them questions. It really felt like the interviewer was on my side and rooting for my success, which helped put me at ease. I think the most helpful thing I did for prep was just thinking ahead of time what stories I might want to highlight and the learnings, growth, and takeaways I had from each of these experiences.