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Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

Image for Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

Like another applicant said, this was my roughest and most stressful interview. It was an hourlong call with an alum and it was 100% behavioral questions (other than at the end – the typical why MBA / why now question). He interrupted me every time I started a story to dig deeper into what I was saying, but it felt very combative/argumentative and not like a friendly chat at all. His constant interruptions made me feel so flustered that I think I just started rambling.

Questions were:
– Tell me about a time when you thought of something before anyone else on your team.
– Tell me about a time when something you wanted to do was blocked.
– Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone of something they didn’t initially want to do/believe in.
– Tell me about a time when you helped someone learn a skill or achieve something.

All the follow ups were very specific to the scenarios I provided – e.g., having me describe exactly what I did to persuade someone, how the conversations went, what I would do differently, what were the key factors to success, tell him exactly what I would say if I had to push back to my CEO about a decision, etc. I didn’t vibe with the interviewer and felt disappointed that the GSB’s supposedly personalized match of interviewer to interviewee landed me with this guy (he did not have any ties to my industry/background/career goal). He made me feel like I wouldn’t be a good fit for the school.