Yesterday got back from my Carnegie Mellon Interview and to say it was adventurous would be an understatement. So here’s the scoop…
Had my interview scheduled for 1st Feb – Thursday – 10:30 AM. And soo was supposed to fly from Minneapolis to Chicago and then Chicago to Pittsburgh ( Carnegie Mellon ) on Wednesday at 7 PM.
All was well starting from Minneapolis at 7 PM…but then because of heavy snow in Minneapolis, flight got delayed and reached Chicago around 9 PM in night instead of 8 PM…Next flight was 9:15 PM and so obviously missed it…
Talked to Customer Care of Airlines and the next available was only till next morning 7 AM :(..and so had to spend the night before the interview in Airport..could have gone in a nearby hotel in Chicago, but then decided otherwise… So, if you have seen “Terminal” from Tom Hanks…I was literally like him..searching for seats, where I can sleep peacefully in night :). and I really woke up in between when one plane was takin off… almost like “Terminal” :))
The biggest problem was that the morning flight would reach Pittsburgh by 9:30 and I was in Jeans and T shirt and if I would have to go to hotel which I had booked in Pittsburgh, take a shower, and change in my suit and go to School , no way could I have made it to Interview…anyways…left a voicemail to the Interviewer on Night about my situation and that I will try my best to reach by 10:30, if not , I might be little late…
so then time to sleep in the Airport on seats :)…Got up at 4:30 AM..reached the door…boarded the next flight…reached 9 AM…another bad news….My luggage had already come in earlier flight on Wednesday it was missing and my suit was in that :))
so, they had sent the luggage to locker room, so after fightin with officials..finally tracked it 🙂 It was 9:30 AM …Now I could not have gone to the Hotel…so decided to change in Airport in one…all private rooms were jammed, but I was not gonna give it up…finally changed in the Restroom open area only.. :)) shaved, brushed, washed face, suited buited and all set… It was 10 AM….got in one cab.,…driver was Mexican…asked him to drive really fast…the route which takes 40 mins..we covered in like 20 mins…10 : 20 AM in campus…
now the tough part to locate the Room for interview in a huge campus…got one gal in campus to help me…she was so kind that she escorted me to the Room 🙂 10:30 AM…and I was there 🙂 If you guys hv seen Will Smith’s “Pursuit of Happiness” – I almost felt like him gettin to Interview panting heavily…lolz
The receptionist had heard my voicemail that I had left and told me “I am glad you made it ” 🙂 – had a glass of water and there you go…
Actually after the experience of travel…tellin abt Interview will be very…