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Toronto / Rotman Interview Questions & Report: R2 / Adcom / Skype

Image for Toronto / Rotman Interview Questions & Report: R2 / Adcom / Skype

I had the interview through Skype with an Adcom member. The interview was quite relaxed and the adcom member was very friendly. He’s someone I am familiar with. I had a conversation with him through Skype in September 2019 when I was researching schools to apply to, and I interacted with him again briefly during the MBA Tour.

Here are some of the questions that he asked which I remember;

  1. What can you tell me about your resume after undergraduate?
  2. When did you develop an interest in Rotman, and why Canada?
  3. Which other schools are you applying to?
  4. What is your career ambition immediately after graduation?
  5. What impact have you had in your career (and he referred specifically to my last employer)?
  6. Tell me a time you showed leadership (and not positional leadership).
  7. Share with me a time you experienced professional failure. What did you learn?
  8. Share with me a time you learned something new. What was the circumstance?
  9. Tell me a time you disagreed with a colleague.
  10. What questions do you have for me?

(I asked 3 questions. I had contacted a current student to help me with areas I could ask the interviewer.)

We also talked about our common sports interest: soccer. He is from England and so we talked about the English premier league and the teams we support.

The interview lasted 40 min.

I must say that in hindsight, I could have done better with some of the questions. I pray that I will receive a favourable response by God’s grace.