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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions

Tuck interview was pretty straight forward, as mentioned on this site 🙂 The questions included:

  • Walk me through your resume
  • What are your goals (long term and short term)
  • Why MBA, why now and why Tuck
  • Tell me about a time when you took lead in a team setting (the interviewer

mentioned that being a team player was very important at Tuck)

  • What do you do outside of work.
  • Any questions for me

I asked him how did they manage to get good professors given the remote location and the absence of a PhD program and I asked him what percent of spouses/ partners lived in Boston and how does that work for them.

One of undergrad friends is at Tuck and he answered most of my other concerns.

One interesting thing at Tuck was that the interviewer was from my city and had spent 7 years in the Venture Capital industry – makes me wonder if this was more than just a coincidence.