The style of the interview was pretty laid back as I had heard from Tuck students and alums that I had spoken to. The interviewer introduced herself and we chatted a bit about my day at Tuck. She happened to be from New York as well and was pursuing Entrepreneurship, which was my focus as well. We also talked briefly about my campus visit.
- Walk me through your resume (she hadn’t seen it before hand)
- What are your goals? Why do you need an MBA?
- Why Tuck? (I could tell she liked the research I had done).
- Why did you from firm X to Y and then Y to Z?
- How did you deal with a difficult teammate?
- Questions for me?
I asked her about her experience in pursuing Entrepreneurship and got a few more resources out of the conversation. She went into a lot of detail on how Tuck helped her go from the idea stage to an actual company. I also asked her about the close-knit aspect of Tuck and she related some experiences similar to what I heard from the other alumni. Also spoke a bit about Tuck and partners briefly. Overall, she really appreciated the research I had done since she said one needs to know what they are getting into in terms of location, accessibility etc.