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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / Second-year student / On-Campus

I interviewed on campus after completing a campus visit. My interview was with a second-year student. It was a blind interview–she only had my resume. It was a very conversational interview. Here are the questions I was asked:

-Walk me through your resume.
-Why an MBA now?
-What are your short-term and long-term goals?
-How will an MBA at Tuck help you reach those goals?
-What will you bring to the community at Tuck?
-Tell me about a conflict you have had in the workplace.
-What would you do if you had a member of your learning team who wasn’t pulling their weight?
-Is there anything that you wish I would have asked you?
-What questions do you have for me?

Overall, the interview experience was very positive. Although I wasn’t 100 percent ready for the “learning team” question, my interviewer gave me time to think about my response and made it very easy and natural.