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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Action / Second-Year Student / on-campus / Accepted!

I was an EA Tuck accepted Tuck applicant and did my interview about two weeks before the application was due. I would definitely recommend everyone to sign up for the on-campus interview if you can. Visiting the school you get the opportunity to see the campus and also explain a little bit more about why you think you’d be a good fit. Also, since Tuck is a unique place it is important that you feel a connection to a place that is pretty isolated but team oriented.

The interview itself was very laidb ack with a second year student. She had not seen my resume until I handed it to her so it was really a “blind” interview. She asked very general questions:

  • Walk me through your resume
  • Tell me about an experience where you led a team
  • Tell me about a difficult experience that you faced
  • Why Tuck and why now?

Those were really the only direct questions and the conversation flowed from there. It was a very good interview in that it gave you a sense of how Tuck approaches things: casually and with a focus on teamwork. She talked quite a bit about her own experiences at Tuck which was interesting but made me nervous that I was not contributing to my own case but since I was accepted I suppose it all worked out in the end.