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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Nov. Round / Applicant-initiated / 2 yr student / On-campus

To have my interview done before the deadline, I scheduled the interview on the last day and submitted the application right after the interview in the lounge.

The interview was very generic, 30 mins, same as what was published on clearadmit. It was a blind interview by a second year student, who had already got a offer from Merill Lynch. The interview itself was very laid back. He had not seen my resume until I handed it to him. The interviewer was excited to tell me that all members of his band got into the same firm, and they will rock together… I noticed he’s quite engaged in his band practice, as he grabbed his guitar right after our interview to join the practice. Seems these guys were really having a great time at Tuck.

Here are the Questions asked:

  • Walk me thru your resume, let’s start from undergraduate.
  • Why MBA? Why Now? Why Tuck?
  • Tell us about a experience of team work?
  • Any failure stories so far? (I answered very badly)
  • any international experience?
  • What do you think you can bring to Tuck?
  • Any additional info that you’d like admissions-committee to know. ( I just said no. that was stupid!)
  • any questions you have regarding Tuck?

Since this was my first interview during the MBA quest, I did not so weel. I didn’t prepare well and failed to build a strategy regarding the ways to answer each question. And my essays was also completed in a rush, so I think I might have failed.