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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: on campus / second year student

The interviewer picked me up from the waiting area and we headed off into one of the admissions offices so the whole situation was very informal. Questions:

  1. Walkthrough of resume. (He interrupted me to ask me about some specific details of certain international experiences and what I’d learnt from them).
  2. Why MBA? Why now? This was the standard long term/short term goals question.
  3. Why Tuck? I spoke about some experiences I’d had speaking to Tuck students and alumni. He happened to know my student contact so we spent sometime chatting about that.
  4. What was your greatest accomplishment?
  5. Example of a great leader, and what do you think made him great?
  6. After your first year how would your team mates at Tuck describe you?
  7. Finally he asked about a detail from the extra-curricular section of my resume.

We ended on a light note chatting about what his MBA experience had been like, about Tuck and Dartmouth in general.

Overall tips – know your resume, know why you want to go to Tuck specifically. also be very clear about why you want to leave your city X and move to Hanover.