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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second Year Student

My interview experience with Tuck second year student:

He was very friendly and on the way to his office, we started talking about my working experience and the projects I have worked on. After we sat down, we continued this topic and I gave him a bunch of funny stories and interesting experience about my projects. Considering his real estate background, I explained my experience pretty well as I used few tech terms and he nodded with smile. After we finished with those fun information exchange, he asked the following questions:

  1. go over your resume and talk about team experience you have
  2. did you have experience dealing with a touch/uncooperative team member?
  3. How did you motivate people?
  4. What outdoor activities do you enjoy?
  5. how I am going to deal with the current startup if into the MBA?
  6. Q & A

I feel like Tuck emphasized a lot of team work but did not ask any leadership stories. So I told a team work story of my outdoor activity. Basically, I gave out four team work stories, cannot imagine I had that many in my mind. I think the interviewer did a good job relaxing me because I felt pretty good going over those stories.

Other experience at Tuck:

  1. Took the business communication (writing) class, which is an interesting class. Lots of interactions and students even invited us to express our ideas for group discussion.
  2. Talked with first year students during lunch and they like the place very much and the faculties and the classes. Seems the only issue is how to balance the lives of family members. Not many places to go and far from other cities. Especially the location in the mountains which makes it difficulty to drive in the foggy winter season.
  3. tour of the campus was ok and what impressed was the dorm like places where it is easy to organize parties!