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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second year student / On campus

The interview was held on campus, by a second year student and lasted about 45 minutes.
The interviewer created a very friendly atmosphere and started by talking about her background and experiences. She basically listened and made a few remarks about life at Tuck.

1. Tell me about you (I added “why MBA” and “why now” at the end of my answer)
2. Why Tuck?
3. Tell me about your teamwork experience.
4. Tell me about a difficult situation you have been through and how you handled it.
5. What legacy would you like to leave to the community at Tuck?
6. Questions for her
Overall, it was a pleasant day, except I was unable to visit a class since the students were taking their mid-terms. The staff was very friendly and I was able to talk to many students during the Q&A session and later at the cafeteria.