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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2

My interviewer was a male second year student (formerly in the military) who was very friendly and did try to sell the school. We talked a lot about my work experience – and I did highlight the fact that I had worked with colleagues abroad, etc. We also talked a little about my China experience – he found the fact that I was in Beijing during the SARS epidemic quite interesting. (He lived in different countries in Asia so is more or less familiar with the place). We also talked a little bit about my hobbies.

He asked me the standard why mba/tuck/now, and finished with questions on what i thought my strengths and weaknesses were.

Overall I think I did very well. I kept an upbeat tone and after describing some “challenges” at work (like starting a Quality initiative) – he sounded impressed (said “wow” and that must have been hard, etc). I asked about his experiences at and opinions on Tuck – and he was very responsive and had a lot to say.

I had a very good feeling after the interview and he sounded like he enjoyed our conversation. So now I am just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!