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Tuck MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Off-Campus / Alum

I am an international applicant, based in India. I applied for Tuck Round 2. I received my interview invite on 14th January. Interview was scheduled for 21st January with an Alum. We met at a coffee shop and the conversation lasted for an hour. It was conversational with regular questions – a mix of behavioral and professional/personal, no surprises.

Questions were:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What are your goals – Why is it not possible to achieve it without an MBA
  • Why MBA, Why Tuck
  • What will you bring to Tuck/ What did you like about Tuck
  • What did you do to know more about Tuck (This was not asked directly, but as a followup)
  • How would your colleagues describe you.
  • Tell me about a situation where you had a difficult boss.
  • Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a difficult peer.
  • When you’ll join Tuck, you’ll be put into groups. What will be your approach if your team is not able to accomplish a task on time.
  • How will you handle differences in your study group, for ex: Language
  • What if MBA doesn’t work out.
  • What do you do in your free time.

We spent more time on Why Tuck and he wanted to know how Tuck fits my goals/requirements. I would suggest to be very clear about your goals and how you fit in school as well as how the school fits you. It gets a bit tricky if you have a specific career path in mind basically because Tuck is a General management program. We spent the last 10-15 min discussing his experience at Tuck and other questions I had for him. Overall the tone was friendly and he was quite interested in sharing his experiences.