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U. Chicago Booth Interview Report: Round 1/ Second-year student / On-Campus

Image for U. Chicago Booth Interview Report: Round 1/ Second-year student / On-Campus

The following U. Chicago Booth interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

When interviewing on campus at Booth, you sit in a waiting area where other 2nd year students come and talk to you about their interview experience while you wait to basically give you tips and make you feel comfortable before going in. Talking to others that went through the process I was going through really did make me feel at ease and made me go into the interview with more confidence.

The interview tone was both engaging and conversational, although I did feel like the questions asked were more focused on negative aspects such as:

-Tell me about a weakness
-Tell me about a time you failed at work
-Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult co-worker
-Tell me about a time where you had to mitigate an issue between co-workers

I also got the standard questions: Why MBA? Why Now? and Why Booth? I do feel like the “Why Booth?” is an important question because they seem to want to weed out the H/S/W applicants that see Booth as a backup school. Really get to know Booth including specific courses AND professors. I then got asked about my hobbies and what company I would like to work for after my MBA.

Even though the tone was conversational, the negative focused questions left a bad taste in my mouth and made me feel as if the interview did not go well. Oddly enough, I ended up getting admitted with a large scholarship despite this feeling like my worst interview.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at U. Chicago Booth? Click here to get the Clear Admit U. Chicago Booth Interview Guide.

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